
Assumption Quotes

There are 768 quotes

"By the way, awesome work Liam, because you were so unassuming."
"Your assumption, to be effective, cannot be a single isolated act; it must be a maintained attitude of the wish fulfilled."
"You are correct, there is an implicit assumption of classical logic when I make statements such as the law of the excluded middle."
"Mind reading is when you assume you know what the other person is thinking or feeling... assuming contributes to so much guilt."
"I don't care what you think. If a dude's posting crazy Antifa stuff and then goes and shoots people up, my only assumption is this is his driving motivation."
"We're gonna start to investigate reality from scratch without assuming anything."
"There's no denying that there's going to be alcohol in his system."
"Disgusting sounds like something that the person would do."
"We made the wrong assumption about the order of events all because of those justice hammers. So you know what? I think it was Celeste."
"I'm just saying, obviously this woman is vaccinated."
"That entire story is a great example of somebody if assuming it's true it is extreme recklessness in its worst form."
"I know what you're getting. He wants a gun. Oh no, no, I know exactly. Nope, y'all just remind me what I want."
"I like to assume people are doing the best they can with what they have I know that's not always the case but I try to assume that"
"They didn't say it but it basically fabricated."
"The Xbox being left behind makes a robbery much less likely."
"Assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled alters the future in harmony with the assumption."
"People who see something bigger assume it to be more valuable, more powerful, something that they want more."
"Everybody always assumes they're gonna reach that point."
"Everything's happening at once and that when you begin to assume the feeling of a wish that you would like to have fulfilled, you assume that it's already fulfilled."
"Never ascribe to malice what you might ascribe to stupidity."
"Certain things you just have to assume. You have to assume that objective truth exists."
"Never ascribe to maliciousness what can be easily explained by incompetence."
"It's an abduction... that's what it sounds like." - George
"For all we know, they may well have turned him into bodybuilder Jon Jones."
"I'm just going to assume the vaccine worked."
"It's reasonable to assume that Tundra is stronger than he's ever been."
"If she killed him, she must have had a good reason."
"They just said she wasn't required to, even though... it implies that she is just a liar."
"Brains and animals are fundamentally different than the brains in humans. I wouldn't say that's necessarily true."
"He loved you so much that he was willing to die, but don't presume."
"God never called us into the realm of assumption. Many people have called themselves what they are not called into."
"Well, well, well, you just thought you could do anything you wanted, didn't you? You just thought you were so smart."
"At least we assume that's how Reese's was invented."
"At that moment in time, bear in mind her dad has been very seriously injured, so their assumption was, you know, this was a girl who was the sole survivor possibly of a robbery gone really horribly wrong."
"You assume everything's hot until you learn the other way. You don't assume everything's cold and then touch it to realize it's hot."
"I saw that story, just a picture of a guy drunk, 90% chance drunk."
"Oh, he's dead, he's dead, and if he's alive, he's a paraplegic."
"I thought that I was winging it with my gradient must product of gradients is minus one I was like I don't think that's gcse knowledge don't know how else to do it I'm going with it"
"Begging the question is actually the fallacy of basing your argument on the assumption that the thing your argument is based on is true ironically."
"The power's back on, I guess you guess it is back on."
"The police immediately dismissed the idea that Rachel had simply run away on her own."
"The more mysterious something is, the more we take for granted that we understand it."
"The basic point is, hey, when somebody is wrong, don't assume they're working for the enemy."
"The NFL still insists 'Justice for Althea.' Maybe this was the guy, similar fact pattern. Yikes."
"Did someone actually think that expired meant empty?"
"The Democrats were just sort of talking like Trump has already been convicted."
"Dennis is actually assuming that things that humans have believed were true for thousands of years are true."
"Don't you dare attack somebody based off of the pretense of what somebody else said."
"There's something about the law of assumption. Your beliefs create your reality."
"We do not think that the people running up the steps all were shelf stockers at Staples."
"The mistake that we make is substituting what we think should work or what might work on us or it might work on people we know with what might work on other people."
"Doesn't strike me as some giant leap in logic for her to assume that it may have been made in bad faith."
"Our amazing program A is clearly playing the role of this powerful thing here."
"You know what they say about assumptions; they make an ass out of you and me."
"Assumption is the mother of all mistakes."
"I approach every individual in conversation with the assumption that they're good."
"The assumption was he'd never get out."
"I ignored it and kept moving, thinking that they were just tourists."
"Assumptions determine your experience, watch your assumption with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life."
"I decided to ignore it and figured she had just wandered off and one of the attendants at the old people's home would pick her up."
"I saw the man sleeping in the bed, well, I thought he was sleeping."
"What you see when you look at something depends not so much on what is there as on the assumption you make when you look."
"The assumption of the wish fulfilled is the high tide which lifts you easily off the bar of the senses where you have so long lain stranded."
"Your assumption places you psychologically where you are not physically."
"The assumption of the wish fulfilled is a ship that carries you over the unknown seas to the fulfillment of your dreams."
"The promise is definite that if you are shameless in your impudence in assuming that you already have that which your senses deny, it shall be given unto you. Your desire shall be attained."
"The ones that do the most assume the most."
"How do you know I'm wearing a hat?"
"You had a right to assume it was 90°, but it wasn't."
"Howard incorrectly assumes that Jimmy had something to do with Kim quitting her job."
"Isn't that Nami? I'm going to assume it was."
"You don't have to have an argument with somebody if you assume they're a nazi. So I guess if you call everybody a nazi you don't have to have an argument. It is goofy."
"It's easy to assume that the star system is some sort of ranking within the Hunter Association, something that judges a particular Hunter's overall aptitude in their position."
"They just assumed it was gonna happen."
"Wow shot fired, okay, he must have uh drawn a weapon for the officers to do that, if they fired on him they must have felt that he drew a weapon."
"I mean yeah, I'm sure, right? If he's not in jail, we probably know."
"Boy howdy, y'all, if there was one thing I assumed to be universally agreed upon, it was love for what I had previously assumed to be everyone's favorite half giant, Hagrid."
"It's easy to assume that Tatar is this unbeatable Force unlike anything we've ever seen in disc golf."
"I'm just gonna assume again guys whenever someone says that they have an attribute on Tick Tock I always just assume the exact opposite."
"As a child, I assumed that pie appeared on everyone's table as it did year-round on mine."
"The fundamental difference is you're assuming someone's lazy or like someone is lazy okay and that's a reason to fire them but the other one is assuming someone's lazy because they're gay which is a distinct difference."
"I'm going to say that you probably do."
"...if you're a trump supporter like most people watch bestiality videos or do [__] homemade meth or whatever in your own home with curtains drawn and don't let anybody know about it because you should be ashamed of yourself."
"Most times, if you don't know what happened to somebody, you wouldn't put yourself out there to say that you didn't do something to that person."
"Assuming the best, not accusing and blaming."
"I think everyone just assumes, like, 'Oh, famous families, everyone must, like, oh,' and it's like, well, no."
"I mean, I don't know about you, but I kind of proceed on the assumption that people aren't really watching it."
"You just know this dude is messed up in the head for sure."
"And who are you to tell me, yeah, and a lot of people just kind of assume that if you have a different opinion, it's because you're ignorant, yes, or you're arrogant or it's because you're stupid."
"It's not like we turn it on like a race, he automatically had to assume, like, was he in the limo?"
"Investigators quickly made a key assumption: Maria Yan likely knew her killer."
"God's a fair God. God's a fair God, right? Austin can't look like that and be a good kisser too, there's no way."
"You have to assume the past hypothesis, and then you check it."
"Assume that everywhere you go people like you, assume that people view you in a confident way and an attractive way, assume that everybody sees you as a mentor, as somebody who's very smart, as somebody who's very intelligent."
"It's when you can start basing presumptions off of the other person."
"The Staton assumed humans wouldn't be a danger due to their inferior technology."
"If all assumptions are true, then you are probably living in a simulation."
"I assume you're not trying to portray yourself as some sort of evil robot, absolutely no."
"We live in a world where it's so easy to point fingers and to judge other people and make assumptions about their lives."
"This person does come across as someone who's probably really wealthy."
"I was unsure if he called the police and notified them but knowing my dad and seeing as no officers came I'm assuming he figured he had it under control."
"One thing to note was that all these routes had one thing in common: the assumption that all destinations would be under the direct or proxy control of Nazi Germany."
"When you are young, they assume you know nothing."
"I thought my mom is this grandiose Rich figure and so I thought she'd pay for college."
"You just assume they did it because you can't reverse engineer everything that they've done, you just kind of have to assume some level of competence."
"Rash judgment occurs when we assume the fault of another without evidence."
"There's obviously a reason she's in her 30s and still single."
"Don't assume just because you put some fancy part on there it cost you 80 bucks that it's going to enhance the performance."
"Persist in that assumption continue to assume that role until that which you have assumed is reflected in your world."
"Assume the consciousness of what you want to express."
"Assume good you know and it's usually mistakes before evil."
"Don't assume that all students have the same background on the subject matter."
"The worst thing you can do as a Trader is assume the Market's going to do something that it's already not doing."
"You know, it was a higher level Division 3. I'm assuming this is like below the minor leagues. They could be talking about college though."
"Surely he's dead right? I mean, that's a big ass fall."
"My first instinct too was believing Steve likes OP, just from reading the title."
"You can make what you want what you are by an assumption."
"People assumed Doria had just wanted to come by herself but that isn't the case."
"She believes G1 threw men onto her because Jiuk is a wealthy heir."
"The British assumed that the South would be an easy target."
"Assumption is the mother of all screw-ups."
"Knowing them, they stole it 'cause...they need all the money they can get."
"...we do women a disservice when we presume that all women are lower risk or protected during their menopausal years..."
"I just thought it was because he was drunk, sure."
"There's a difference between an assumption and an unction. Assumption is a creative mental forecast that excludes facts or heaven's endorsement. But an unction is a revelation from God, a chosen path."
"You're paying out 700,000 pounds to someone's never heard of and you assume that it's not a problem."
"My wife two years younger than me. Two and a half years younger than me. I didn't know it though. I ain't know it because I ain't asking her age because I just assumed she was my age."
"You know, you see so many influencers that have them, and I just assumed that everybody had them."
"I always assume that people have good intentions."
"People could assume you have a lot of money because you look expensive or bougie."
"People view you as someone who has a lot of luxury in your home."
"There could be because they're complaining about this. Like, we don't know what actually leads to that complaint, but that's what we think is the case."
"It's surprising how you immediately assumed that the house completely belonged to Tom. I guess a useless daughter-in-law like me can't buy a house."
"Miguel was thinking that someone must have stolen his bike."
"I'm going to assume a certain amount of knowledge."
"Underneath the giving of money and time was an assumption that the givers knew what was best for the recipients."
"Nobody believes, but it's enough that everyone presupposes that another one believes."
"You kind of seem like you have a lot of stuff together like you've got your life in order you know people might also assume you have a really great career and they might assume too that you hang out with like top tier people."
"Don't assume if there's a gap, that it's mellow ground."
"The fact that like you accidentally like blame everyone in the future for something that somebody else did to you and like you just assume that every person is that horrible."
"We people who are firmly committed to the Bible assume that when you're reading a verse you're just reading what the author wrote."
"The book is based on the premise that you've got a normal healthy woman and not a chick that belongs to the streets."
"Someone described the person who happened to be with Clutch at the time. I assumed you weren't talking about the weather, Temple."
"Just assumes that its readership will be outraged, yeah."
"But Allison is now taking this situation, probably remembering that past conversation, and completely misconstruing it, thinking that he passed on with his dying wish that Aegon should be the heir."
"Read the book before making assumptions."
"...ignoring the indirect path geologists find evidence for and assuming the straight linear panga split."
"As with a lot of John Carpenter movies, you are left there making your own assumptions."
"The odds are like you right now, I assume you're a faithful husband 100%."
"The Bible actually never commands us to love ourselves. That's not what that is actually about. The Bible actually assumes that we're going to love ourselves."
"I would like to say I don't see a documentation of that anywhere in get RC's paperwork but uh maybe they just assume you're smart enough to figure it out."
"We're doing too much, not too little, because we make assumptions, not assessments."
"I kind of assume everybody has some kind of mental illness unless they prove otherwise. That is the perfect operating philosophy for me. Everyone has some form of mental illness unless you prove."
"People assume that you're gonna have the same opinion as them."
"This assumption would rearrange the entire structure of your world and mirror the Fulfillment of that assumption."
"Assume that everyone else is doing the best they can."
"Boy, that has to be dad, doesn't it?"
"I'll take conviction over assumption any day."
"If you test the assumption that you can't lose your salvation, you will consistently find that salvation is for the believing one."
"What people think you miss out on is only what they think you miss out on."
"If you live in America assume you got it, it's just that common."
"You know they say about when you assume, you make an ass out of you and me."
"Always assume that people just are trying to be your friend and they're trying to get to know you."
"This should be easy, right? It's GM, I think."
"Just because she can control metal she must be the daughter of my client that's racist."
"Never assume that loud is strong and that silence is weakness."
"It's sort of natural to assume that at some point, the complexity is going to become so ridiculous that none of this will be different from the actual reality."
"Despite all of this, it still is logical to assume that, well, maybe there is something to this idea."
"That's bold, but on the other hand, it's like assuming that's what you would want."
"You could safely assume anyone who's making millions of dollars is getting laid."
"Implied authority is assumed by the insurer."
"Apparent authority is assumed by the customer, also known as perceived authority."
"What are we assuming about the big basis of unity?"
"You're speaking English now, huh? A little. You're Sue, yeah, you just assumed."
"Authorities believe Chic assumed the grenade wouldn't detonate as long as he didn't throw it."
"Let's work through those possibilities. Let's start with the assumption that you're right."
"I realized that sometimes we actually have an assumption underneath."
"You look like someone who does or used to use bar soap on your face."
"You have to assume some form of rent growth because statistically rents do go up over time."
"That lady definitely probably told them we made this video here."
"Avoid the assumption that mohair when paired with a base yarn has to be a solid color."
"I just assume people are nice. I just assume that they're cool."
"Don't act on assumption, that's a dangerous game."
"You might originally think Shanks, he probably originally thinks Shanks, right?"
"The expectation is every generation is just going to hate their parents and rebel against them and criticize them and self-destruct. Just assumed."
"Obviously this is her second sweater that she gets this year for Christmas."
"Sometimes you can make mistakes in assuming things that turn out not to be the case later."
"Many people out there assume that the wealthy who want to show off will always go and buy a Supercar, a Lamborghini, a Ferrari, something like that."
"So I'm going to assume based on the rest of them that the center one's probably all right too, so I'm going to proceed like this is a usable block."
"I think he'd be safe to say he's more physical than cerebral. Is that, that's just a wild guess, you'd say so? Yeah, I think that'd be safe to say."
"My dad was pretty well off himself, so at the very least we knew she wasn't a gold digger."
"She believed that they were at the grandmother's."
"Don't make assumptions you might live to regret it."
"You have to learn to never assume, because when you assume, that makes what? It makes a bad word out of you and me."
"The attack always confirmed my assumption that they were violent and or evil, and that was all that I needed to know."
"Why assume that someone didn't go to university?"
"Assume that the person you're communicating with has good intentions."
"I just hope she does her taxes. Yeah, she do her... I mean she got accountants, I believe."
"Assume the dignity that is God, and walk in that assumption."
"Unless you assume 'I am happy,' you will remain unhappy."