
Exposition Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"Good exposition and proper conveyance of information are so important in stories, especially fantasy stories."
"Good exposition is disguised by making it dramatic."
"The greater the conflict, the less visible the exposition."
"If you can somehow build a sense of intrigue around the information before you give it out to the audience like you're most of the way there to making that exposition fun."
"The characters are giving each other expository dialogue all the time."
"It's a cool concept and that's why I like that, right because you get exposition, you get explanation."
"Attack with exposition. A great method to give the audience important information without slowing down the story is to use information as a weapon rather than telling the audience the facts about the world."
"Expose, explain, articulate alternatives... that's how you can fight back." - Dr. Lindsay
"Gustave Eiffel broke even on his investment before the exposition even closed."
"Expo 67 the international Twin island Wonderland is ready for its gala opening ceremonies. Host Canada is among 62 nations who have built 100 pavilions on the 1000 acre site of entertainment and education."
"Game of Thrones consistently used dialogue to teach the audience about the world we're occupying."
"That's great dialogue and that's great because that little bit of exposition there is really all you need."
"This whole approach of kind of drip feeding information rather than dumping it on you is so critical."
"Your audience can't properly appreciate overcoming a problem with magic unless they understand how that magic works."
"World's fairs showcased the latest advancements in technology, culture, and the arts."
"Exposition doesn't have to be tedious."
"It's a brilliant story that suddenly imparts key details about Tom's lore and his specific character history."
"A prologue introduces your audience to the setting, genre, and future plot points of your story."
"They convey necessary info that must be known prior to the main story."
"The Exposition explosion where... one of the characters will explain what the Divergence of the world is... I appreciate it because it's better than trying to figure it out yourself."
"Exposition dumps are always kind of a dicey thing in fiction, right? It's easy to make that kind of like shitty writing."
"because there wasn't characters like screaming about what they believe or what they feel or what they want or random [ __ ] it the characters actually were able to come through rather than you know overe explaining every"
"Preaching is the word of God because it is the exposition and interpretation of the Bible, the written word of God."
"Everything you need to know about Judge Dredd is presented in the first eight-minute car chase, becoming fleshed out as the film goes."
"The audience doesn't need constant exposition because our understanding of the people and their motivations is at the forefront."
"The final battle is so underwhelming and what completely ruins it? Why another info dump?"
"The characters always sit. They pad scenes for 10 minutes exposition dump and add twists that add no value."
"The beginning of the movie explained the world a bit more."
"That's a perfect example of it done really well, doing a lot of exposition in an interesting way."
"In just 10 minutes, this scene told the audience everything they needed to know about the film."
"We've lost both the exposition of the truth of the gospel to the mind that transforms the believer and the two dramas of the gospel."
"Biblical preaching starts with a text of scripture, stays with a text of scripture, and never departs from the scripture."
"All preaching and no exposition is shallow; it is superficial."
"Nothing in jjk exists for no reason. There's not a single text bubble of filler in this entire Saga. Nearly everything is enticing Exposition or a purposeful clue."
"He opts for seamlessly integrating Exposition into the narrative in a way that feels natural."
"My intention is to show the public what's going on here and show the you know the trial that everyone's been watching."
"The big reveal at the end, a whopping six minutes of exposition, was necessary to understand Alessa's character and what was happening."
"I just really like the respect to the audience even though there's always an impulse in many anime and stories to over-explain the thought process."
"Sometimes I think when you're an evangelist, and that's my gift as well, you know, I need to swing more toward the discipline of Bible exposition."
"Welcome everyone to the exposition dump Extravaganza."
"The film opens with a sequence that allows you to get some backstory and then launches you."
"With all that exposition out of the way, I'd say it's high time we've begun our TR through the mountains of death battle's Lush and Rich history."
"I'm just saying, one scene has a lot more show, and the other has a lot more tell."
"It's crazy that this is the second movie in a trilogy because there is so much exposition filler in this film that is probably a 30 minute story on its own."
"Maintain audience interest by being stylish and unique with exposition."
"Exposition should always follow the core narrative idea: attack with exposition and show don't tell."
"Exposition should be given at the right time and in the right way."
"The First Act is essentially your introductory act."
"Save exposition until it's crucial to reveal."
"I love how they're able to get so much information out, um Exposition while moving the story forward."
"There's so much exposition as far as them explaining in the beginning how this world is set up and how it works."
"While there wasn't too much action it just proves that we really don't need all that much as long as there's really good exposition."
"This feels like it's the exposition dump that we needed but shown to us in a way that just hints at all the little bits of information that you could pull out if you know what to look for."
"This is the sort of movie that relies on forced exposition to communicate what the actors are entirely unable to convey."
"characters talking about stuff we the audience don't know or care about"
"Preach the word, read God's word, preach God's word, exposit God's word, explain God's word, illustrate God's word, and do it all for the glory of God."
"The history of the world. That's a convenient excuse for some exposition."
"The Epistle of Paul to the Romans is Paul's magnum opus it is his major work of exposition of his gospel."
"This whole segment here was all info dump, but it didn't feel info dumpy because all of this information was being introduced in conversations that were full of personality and personal relationship dynamic revelations."
"Chibnall often struggles with hand-fisted exposition, usually telling rather than showing, but Fragments is the perfect example of him actually just showing for once and it benefits greatly."
"An exposition is the introduction in the context of the story."
"I think it's a brilliantly argued exposition as to why he reached the position that ultimately he does."
"In this exposition, I'm looking to upend the prevailing media narrative through establishing a clear record of truth."
"He is a brilliant expositor of mathematical ideas."
"It's intrigue in a whole different way through just exposition being stated."
"It's not just around Jebel Ali but it's the whole city that is building up to Expo 2020."
"David Jeremiah is one of America's best living expositors of the word of God today."
"The largest building in the world at the time of the fair."
"It was a remarkable undertaking for a community of this size."
"In 1893, Chicago hosted the Columbia Exposition and they built their White City of marble."
"The sage of its birth is the story of Expo '74."
"Visual storytelling, if it's done well, either covers entirely for exposition, or it preps you for the exposition."
"The biggest challenge was figuring out how to not spend the whole movie explaining the rules and figure out how to put it out there in a way that made sense on some intuitive level for the audience."
"More than 27 million people attended the exposition during its six-month run."
"All theology must be nothing less than an exposition of the gospel."
"...raising our standard with a beautiful exposition of the interplay between quantum mechanics, relativity, and gravity..."
"I love this casual way of exploring exposition without shoving it in our faces."
"I don't think you need to have seen anything before this. I think they do a really good job setting everything up."
"One Piece really feels different in how much exposition is being avoided."
"It is fair to say that he is a universal mathematician and is one of the finest expositors of various branches of mathematics."
"The Time Traveler, for so it will be convenient to speak of him, was expounding a recondite matter to us."
"The theme of the World Exposition is progress and world harmony."
"Now act 1 is where you can find basically the main setup of the story."
"Weaving in exposition in a way that isn't like a blunt force hit to the head."
"The tower to be built for the 1889 Exposition Universelle must clearly have a distinctive character and should be an original masterpiece."
"The World's Fair is the result of all the work that they did there."
"Exposition without expiation is exploitation."
"Expository writing is the kind of writing that explains."
"A great chapter... purely exposition, a lot of dialogue explaining thoroughly what's happening."
"It was an exposition, absolutely, but exposition that is so important to the story."
"It's set against the backdrop of the world's fair, so I'm definitely really intrigued by this."
"The exposition of the whole Bible for the profit of your people is a hundred times more significant than any ideas you might come up with."
"I enjoy chapters like these because it's not just fighting; we get exposition elsewhere so we can theorize and make our minds go crazy."