
Competitive Nature Quotes

There are 183 quotes

"Creating games in and of itself is really, really competitive."
"Every game is a playoff game in college football."
"Competition brings out the best in products and the worst in people."
"It's a challenge which I always enjoy the challenge."
"Best performer is Santana Lopez the reason her and Rachel hated each other is because they were each other's biggest competition."
"Guys, look what you've become. Are you really ready to risk disgrace, suffering, betrayal all because of some stupid game?"
"Every once in a while they needed to be separated being competitive brothers but they were wonderful to all especially their little sister."
"It ain't many of y'all that can it's you it's Remy it's Nikki but it ain't all of y'all."
"You're talking about a guy that has so much resilience, that has so much willpower and strength to succeed, that's what makes him dangerous."
"Bro, winning offends people. Doing great [__] offends people."
"Whining isn't competing. The failure to take a hard look at our own shortcomings and doing something about them, not China, is the main threat to our global leadership."
"It's a dog-eat-dog world, and at the end of the day, you just need to be supportive of everyone."
"He showed himself to be an aggressive competitor with the ability to focus like a laser beam on achieving his goals."
"I'm so tired of losing. I've been losing the last two years."
"I think it's more of a selfish reason where I just really don't like losing and seeing other people win."
"Doublelift expects that every year and he should."
"Keith Nail's affable nature and street smarts made him a worthy competitor."
"No problem child, why'd they call you that? 'Cause I'm a problem for people in the ring."
"The Premier League is the Premier League, anyone can beat anyone."
"I learned at a young age being around Kobe that he loves to play mind games."
"A triple-double record was absolutely one that we never thought we didn't think it would be able to be duplicated in a league that was so competitive and with so much intensity it didn't seem possible."
"They want other teams to be able to put a trade together and that's what they afraid that that's going to keep happening you know what I'm saying compete for the for the."
"Even the best player in the world is only the best until someone surpasses them."
"Football is a battle every week, irrespective of who you're playing."
"Parenting is almost like a competitive sport these days, parents cannot do right for doing wrong, somebody is always going to be judging you."
"We're in a competition for freedom in the world."
"He's competitive but he's passionate at the same time."
"We were born to compete, for life, for belts, for anything. All our lives are competitions for anything, for something, for somebody."
"He goes out there and he's playing five different games within just the one game."
"The guy's a killer... he wants to score as much as he possibly can."
"It's what you sign up for when you go ahead and enter these tournaments, some drama going into losers finals."
"I'm not even worried about it, I just bully people on this one."
"This is business, kid. This Lorne is ridiculous."
"YouTube is always somebody who wants your space so you better give a [__] about what you're talking about for sure."
"Football is a results business. There's no reason we're a bigger club than Leicester. It's just a fact."
"That dude is such a competitor. He's the ultimate leader, man."
"For you to not speak to me and for you to say that you don't respect this win says that you think I'm cheating to beat you instead of just whipping your ass."
"Aries seems to always be going at top speed, so it's worth taking a moment to recognize that no matter how good you are or how competitive you become, you can't do it all."
"Nobody likes to think that somebody that they're close with is better than them. You just don't want to. You can't handle it."
"Investing is a blood sport, but the best thing to do is focus on very few assets and become very disciplined."
"I honestly feel like I can just... He is that difficult to stop."
"I still get asked to this day how do you feel about Tommy hitting 10 mil before you?"
"Max Verstappen is a dick in a very competitive way. Like Jordan, Kobe, Tiger Woods. Those guys are dicks, but that's why they win."
"Men are conquerors, we're highly competitive."
"It is absolutely dog eat dog. There is no love lost."
"Leonardo DiCaprio missed out on the role of Patrick Bateman in American Psycho."
"It's no surprise that a competition where the primary objective is to disable or kill your opponent... can be considered the bloodiest sport in history."
"It just gets competitive... people just want to go faster and faster."
"I just know that I have to continue to win if I want to keep my place here."
"Natasha, you were the bravest of us all, weren't you? Loyal, stubborn. You always had to win, didn't you?"
"I hate that we lose sometimes I hate that my side loses and their side wins but like them's the fucking ropes I love that."
"Video games were fundamentally created to be competitive."
"Rap is one of the last places on earth... based around motherfuckers trying to outdo each other."
"I don't know anyone that just always has the perfect run."
"All he cares about is winning in more than anything else in the world, literally more than family, more than religion, more money, more fame."
"Fantastic fight... both had their moments, both had different strategies, and both had very successful rounds." - Commentary on the competitive and engaging nature of the fight.
"He has this Obsession and you know he wants to win every game there is never a game where it's like you know he wants to win every game."
"My intuition and what got me in and out of stuff is my superpower."
"He probably wanted to win more than he cared about those things."
"As men we need to be animal because it's animals out there who don't have any rules."
"It's weird to almost piggyback off your question even more when I went back in '17 and played on that team when I tell you the players, the media, the fans, everyone still talked about that We Believe team."
"He's definitely a guy that was built for the finals, built to win."
"Children everything is a fight and everything is a competition."
"My whole life has been about 500. Some wins, some losses, some knockouts. You know, all that combined to make me probably the greatest competitor that's ever been at 500 in the history of the movie."
"There's always someone new coming up, there's always someone stronger, faster, better. Nobody's champion forever."
"He seems to toss any competitiveness that he has aside."
"There is only the drive to climb to the top and stay at the top."
"Hip-hop is like boxing, you know, it has to be competitive to a certain degree because of the nature of it."
"Rappa relishes in a good fight, especially a fight with high stakes such as a fight to the death."
"If we all start off on equal footing, there's still competition and there will still be winners and losers."
"Everybody wants to win over getting the right answer. It's a f***ing disease, everybody has."
"He's not an easy man to beat. That's why he's the champion of the world."
"My job is to kick your ass and if I'm kicking your ass and you can't take it, like, I'm not gonna ease up because my that's my job."
"He's mean on the inside - there's a nastiness to his game."
"It's in the moment of the thing that I'm at my happiest... it's why I think I'm at my happiest in the fight because it's my home."
"Almost doesn't count in the world of combat sports."
"It's not a competition, I've earned my spot."
"Confidence does not come from you actually truly beating someone else and being better that's that's fake confidence I'll tell you that."
"Charizard's power rivals that of legendary and Elite Four Pokemon."
"That's the best bit, you know full well that the only reason that we're not both top ranking rated PvP gods is not because we don't have the skills because we definitely do but because we're too nice."
"He's got confidence. When you're young and you think nobody can beat you, you're dangerous until someone proves you wrong."
"Because Mike would look through him, you know? Mike is not, he's like, Mike'd say stuff like, 'Yo, you see who's on me? Paxton? Throw me. You might hit the jumper, but I'ma whip your ass. Exactly, I've seen you do it. I've seen.'"
"A warrior who would push every boundary and dig into every reserve to prevail."
"Survival of the fittest. That's the game, bro."
"I just think you know, the Big Bang is real competitive. Listen, I'll say it, God's the audio listener."
"Every time you see him move, you just think any second it's like he's carrying a hand grenade that's gonna go off at any second."
"Orange is going to win I have orange hair we all know I never lost anything ever so orange is going to win."
"He made people fight because if you didn't fight with him, he'd steamroll you."
"You guys shouldn't want to be friends with someone that makes everything a competition."
"The Bears are going to be vicious at this point."
"I ain't doing this [__] again... cause I'm mad you know me but I'm competitive I'm mad."
"I love how you're always pushing yourself from a competitive way..."
"It's a art, it's a dance, it's a game. Game is fun, game is not."
"As a society we're obsessed with being the best... the goal is to stand the top championship mountain and look down at all the losers who failed to do what you did."
"Even if you have better stats than me, better extracurriculars, better essays, better anything, there's no guarantee that you will get in."
"There's always going to be somebody who wants to compete and make a name for themselves."
"Their Drive: Michael Jordan was a famously competitive individual who was never outworked, who never lost a contest of who wants it more."
"I want to beat him because Bubby I know how competitive he is and when you when you sense that competitive drive it it makes you want to be extra competitive."
"He was gonna try to destroy you, and that's what separated him from everyone."
"He loves the competition. He loves that everybody's focused on him to try to stop him."
"He's a winner player, he likes to win." - Commentator
"He's a winner, whether you like him or not, because in his head he's one of those guys like, 'I always win.'"
"I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed."
"Winning isn't everything, winning is the only thing."
"Why y'all just can't go to a marginal player? Because I'm not nothing about me marginal."
"Maybe to be the ultimate greatest that we're talking about those guys are talking about maybe you have to be that [ __ ] where you're like this is for me I don't give a [ __ ] about anything else."
"Something about white dudes fighting is just always gonna be the best."
"You know, who can outdo each other and then like, you just keep going until you cross the line that you can't cross anymore."
"I didn't feel like I won, but I definitely didn't feel like Carla won, and I definitely didn't feel like I lost, you know what I'm saying?"
"I would rather be nice and lose than to be conniving and win."
"Trash talking is always going to have a place in the history of the sport."
"Life is all about one up and you know that's all it is."
"It's not normal that you are involved in so many finals." - Klopp
"Just a overall hard worker, a competitor, a fighter."
"It's not stopping us from destroying some of them in turn."
"Bloody football squid game up in there and it's all about being selfish egotistical Grady [ __ ] teamwork [ __ ] friendship."
"Girls like them, what is the problem when you know damn well you can't get it all? The one person can't get it all. There's so many people who choose to view rap as basically like a winner takes all type thing."
"That's the beauty of this sport, you just never know."
"We're like hungry hounds and we're uh, we're the dudes with the meat."
"Greed will do anything to be the dominant story of this run."
"Academy football's brutal right and it almost has to be brutal. The ones that you see making it at 16 17 18 even to play at under 18's level have beaten probably thousands and thousands of kids to get to that stage."
"He wants to win absolutely everything and that's just the way it is."
"The bottom line is we're wired to out-compete our rivals."
"There's a competitive drive that we have to somehow figure out how to channel it a different way when we leave the game."
"Investing is a Bloodsport but it's a Next Level Bloodsport, it's ruthless out there, you're up against millions of scammers."
"Competing satisfies that competitive side of me."
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that I gotta keep doing this to y'all. It's not me, it's the game."
"I try to win all the games. Don't invite me to your bridal shower, don't invite me to your baby shower, I'll knock over your grandma to win a potted plant."
"I'm just a very competitive player... but I try my best not to take the game too serious."
"Probably an overachiever, someone that competed, someone that tried to do what was best for his team."
"You know everybody uh is also more competitive I think you know it's not just about who is strong and not strong you know the guys are more they prepared it more professionally now yeah it's it everybody take the sport more serious yeah."
"Playoff football is always going to be like that."
"I love arm wrestling; most people can't handle me."
"Shaq didn't like you, he would make it his personal vendetta to destroy you."
"Certain coaches just bring out the very primal competitor in people."
"That's right, that's where you gotta make your life. You want to be good at this game, you want to win Super Bowls."
"That's the beauty of this game and that is why I do this job because it's just there's nothing quite like making someone upset."
"Jiren is extremely confident, and some would say he's overconfident, but the difference is that he actually proves it."
"There's something deep in human psychology that drives them to compete."
"But the reality is guys you're still going to get upset you no one ever wants to lose right no one ever takes enjoyment in losing."
"All that matters to them is winning and they don't care about the road to get there." - Commentator
"You can't be nice guys... For 90 minutes, you need to be that."
"I think the players that I've talked to most, most of the players I've talked to who did face Kobe and LeBron, they pick Kobe. And they do it because they say just his Attack Mode, his Mamba Mentality, Killer Instinct."
"This game isn't all about winning, mmm, or just about 80% of it."
"You're either a winner or you're not, that's the trait of a winner."
"Americans are focused and obsessed with winning."
"In order to be out here in the city, you got to have a competitive nature, luckily I had that background."
"It's not about what is the ultimate best although there's always a winner, right?"
"I'm always very, very aggressive. I play to win, and that's it."
"Cowboys are competitors, they don't take a day off, there's no injured reserve."
"Kirk thrives, Kirk would make an enemy out of a piece of grass, that's who he is."
"A competition. There's a competition at the end of the day."
"This dog eat dog spirit that people have to develop in this business... it's so far from the truth."
"She's a feisty player, a grinder."
"We're so competitive, we're so focused on achievement for our kids, we want them to be the best, that we don't give them the tools to blow off steam to cool off effectively."
"Every season if you don't win, it's a failed season. That's the nature of the business."
"When you have guys that are alphas with this much testosterone and competitiveness, and you put anything on the table and say there's a trophy, go get it, it does tend to bring this out in you."
"Either you have it or you don't, some players lack it, some players are honing it, and some players are made of it."
"I've never seen somebody that competitive, I've never seen somebody that driven, I've never seen somebody that athletic who's also that skilled."
"As soon as you get on the racetrack, your instinct and second nature takes over."
"I'm a competitor, it's in my blood. I am here to win."
"This is a rough, tough sport by anybody's standard, and the men who ride and do well are tough, hard men."
"Winning is very important to me; it's one of the things I like to do best."
"I've never seen him back away from a fight."
"Competition marked by ruthless practice is called dog eat dog."
"We're always going to have nerves as competitors, if you don't, something's wrong."
"Sport fills me with so much joy, but it can also be so cruel."