
Market Regulation Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The capital markets of the United States... it's not a right, it's a privilege to be in the US capital markets. You have to obey the rules."
"What we should be doing as a regulator is allowing these markets to work. Not standing in the way of the markets working, and people bringing those different valuation opinions there."
"The government should not choose winners and losers in the market."
"We need to make the market makers... a competitive field... let's control this and make it so that retail investors have access to a fairer, more transparent, more efficient, and less corrupt system than the one we have right now."
"The real question is, are regulators going to actually care to try to do something because oh yeah the level of grip that's happened in this market is extreme."
"What many people don't understand is that short sellers can play the role of watchdogs."
"So in summary really, Basel III compliance has already forced the COMEX to be physically backed."
"SEC regs will change cryptocurrency markets."
"If the CFTC is honestly regulating the market I would be thrilled if if ross benham makes some sort of comment that says chris you're an idiot you're wrong here's why here's how we've been regulating the market."
"Setting the market is where all antitrust decisions are made."
"The practical effect of the proposed rules is to help bring efficiency and fairness to this market through transparency, addressing conflicts, and creating accountability."
"Policies based on love, compassion, and regulating the market... massively reduce the problems."
"Under-regulating a market generally leads to a market failure."
"You can actually leave it to the free market yes regulate remember all free market depends on regulation."
"It's hard to say you need a correction when you don't really have markets."
"Binance discontinues futures and derivatives products in Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. It's bad for Binance, but it's good for the overall ecosystem."
"Starting today, there will be stiff penalties against sellers who hoard large quantities of protective face masks and hand sanitizers."
"The citizens would be protected against the state by the existence of a free private market and against one another by the preservation of competition."
"The state would police the system, establish conditions favorable to competition, and prevent monopoly."
"The ruling in the case provides an opportunity for the nascent market to receive a level of clarity pending legislation from Congress."
"The church has likewise refused to accept in the practice of capitalism individualism and the absolute Primacy of the law of the marketplace over human labor."
"Maybe that happened but I would rather just it being highly regulated to the point that everyone knows it's illegal to take away the buy button."
"Funny how they scream regulation at the sight of regular people doing what they've been doing for decades."
"We need to dramatically expand affordable housing and regulate or ban permanent capital from entering the housing market."
"Government, the Federal Reserve, and everybody else to intervene in markets that they should not be in, period, at all."
"The only reason to halt a stock is if there's explicit evidence of fraud... or if there's a significant material economic event that has not been disclosed."
"One of the biggest predictions that I would say is a lot more of a guarantee than others on the list is that we are going to experience some level of regulatory blowback on this market this year."
"Establishing an unregulated market is bound to attract deceptive merchants who would like to take advantage of it."
"Short sellers don't hate America. They're not anti-capitalists. They're exposing frauds."
"I have my doubts that they'll allow the market to work because we have such an excess in this country."
"The closest thing that you can have to a free market is maintained by regulation."
"How is it legal to sell more paper Gold contracts when the gold does not exist to back it up?"
"The CCP may shut down the stock market. They have the theoretical basis to support that."
"We're not a climate policy agency we're a market regulator and it's about full and fair and truthful disclosure about public companies."
"My view is this: that markets cannot be allowed to decide everything. If they did, children would still be going up chimneys."
"Regulation will become a competitive differentiation in the market."
"I'm focusing on commercial property because commercial tenants are free from a lot of the regulation that is now affecting the residential tenancy markets."
"The lawsuit brought by Rumble against Google is designed to ensure free and fair competition."
"You can't have a market without government setting the terms, the rules, the policies, the laws, and regulations that determine what that market is going to be."
"Price ceiling limits the maximum price of a good or service."
"A price floor is a legal minimum on the price of a good or service."
"There should be more rules, more transparency in the market."