
Human Origin Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"There's only one race... We all came from a black female."
"Modern humans originated in Africa and spread out from there."
"Survival of our species... we are the aliens though, we just think there's somebody else but we were the ones who came from somewhere else because somebody else had to survive."
"The atoms of our body are traceable to the crucibles in the centers of stars that then later exploded, scattering that enrichment into pristine gas clouds, that then form star systems with planets, one of which was the sun with Earth."
"To be able to understand why we are here, the long and gradual extraordinary process that brought us into existence, what an amazing privilege that is."
"If we found microfossils in an interstellar meteorite, that would... change our view of religion, our view of what our purpose is, the origin of life, the origin of humanity."
"Expansion is key. As we reach out into the cosmos, we carry with us the essence of our oceanic origins, spreading the tranquility of the seas across the stars."
"The evidence is compelling; could every single human being trace their family tree back to an original man and woman?"
"It's women who have birthed every human being on this earth."
"For an intelligent God to take the dust and make a human, that's logical. For the dust to make itself into a human, that's not logical."
"We are the original people of the universe inside."
"Anything is possible... awakened our imagination and in turn led to speculation about our true origin."
"Perhaps the greatest question facing the human race is to discover where we came from and to find out what is our ultimate fate."
"Many researchers today are beginning to piece together a theory that we ourselves may be the product of alien intervention."
"If you had any doubts about who the annunaki were the planet you're on is named after one of them and enki is the one who said let us make man in our image."
"Human exceptionism maintains that Adam and Eve are the first human beings and they were miraculous creations and everything that therefore springs forth is excluded from the process of evolution so humanity is excluded from the process."
"We're made of stardust, that's where we came from."
"The human race was artificially created and with it the vegetative ecosystem capable of sustaining us."
"So, do aliens exist? They're all sitting right here. We're the aliens."
"Do you believe in evolution? We came from a macromolecule. You ought to be proud of it."
"His psyche should be because we are the origin of all coming evil."
"Genesis 2 describes a distinct and separate creation of two humans."
"According to chapter 7 verse 24, it's where Adam and Eve were sent to."
"Humanity discovered Earth 65 million years ago – rewriting history or revealing a cosmic origin story?"
"Everything in your body was baked in a star. We're studying our own origins."
"If it's true, then you, me, and everyone you know is an alien, a genetic immigrant from another world."
"Maybe that's what we've always been doing. What if aliens created life on Earth, basically planting the seeds of a human slave population?"
"There's god, god created mankind on the land."
"It's nice to know we all basically come from the same place and, in some sense, are connected."
"The biggest question in the history of the world is where do we come from."
"We've begun to learn the story of our origins star stuff."
"Every one of us is here because two people had intercourse together."
"Olduvai Gorge contains the earliest evidence of our own ancestors."
"Suddenly 200,000 years ago, out of this group called Homo sapiens sapiens, we have mitochondrial Eve and Y chromosome Adam."
"There were no spirit children of Heavenly Father on the earth before Adam and Eve were created."
"The greatest global superpower of all time is Africa because it gave rise to the greatest global product, us, human beings."
"Humanity comes out of the continent of Africa, that Africa's history in terms of humanity is extremely old."
"The answers to this question, where did we come from, I feel is more valuable than sovereignty, more valuable than wealth and power."
"We have very clear descriptions of them creating us in their image and after their likeness."
"Lyra is called the home of human consciousness for a reason."
"People have always asked the questions: Who are we? Where are we going? Where did we come from? What's our origin? What's our end?"
"There are some fundamental differences in our understanding of the origin of humanity."
"All humans descended from one woman who lived in what is now known as Botswana some 200,000 years ago."
"This newest study is proof that we may very well have evolved from just a small handful of ancient humans thousands of years ago."
"In the beginning, God created man in his own image; in the image of God, he created him; male and female he created them."
"Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul."
"The largest family tree ever created... showed that we do in fact come out of Africa, not out of the Middle East."
"I have always thought the origin of man is or was Africa, so we have our small heaven here."
"Human dispersions Out of Africa populated the entire world."
"The fundamental question that humanity probably started with: where did we all come from?"
"The imaginative idea that is at the center of Protector is to reconsider the possible origin of the human race from other worlds."
"We're talking about how all humans trace their origins back to a single common ancestor that lived in Africa."
"This is the place where from dirt was taken... in order to create Adam."
"We must also remember that Africans were the first to populate the earth in every stage of human development."
"The human being is originally light, and he traversed from light through fire to clay."
"The oldest human is black, the further you go back, it is black."