
Founding Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Dunkin Donuts was founded in 1950 in Quincy, Massachusetts, by William Rosenberg."
"Founded by a group of college friends, Crunchyroll was set up to give access to every anime fan across the globe to the most East Asian video content possible."
"The apex games was founded by the man the myth the legend himself mr cuban blisk"
"America was founded on a lot of blood... but it doesn't make us perfect."
"The constellation of greatness in the founding years of the United States is almost divine."
"Here we go, wild adventures was founded by Feldspar, Goss, and Slate and Hornfels to explore the solar system."
"1619 should be considered America's true founding."
"I played a significant role in the creation of OpenAI."
"Our founders risked it all to declare independence."
"The Freemasons played a very prominent role in the founding of America."
"They go to the Mayflower they went across then said let's make up."
"He was the leading member of the four Founders who created the great Hogwarts Castle."
"The first and most important Titan is known as the founding Titan."
"One of his fondest legacies may be Regent University."
"America was founded to be a light to the Nations, but the light is dying; therefore, you must all the more be the light."
"Kiev was founded as a capital by Vikings coming down from the north."
"Nashville's history dates all the way back to 1779."
"Monica joined several of her allies to found the Ultimates."
"Iowa 80 was founded in 1964... it was like we realized it and then said okay now we have to claim it."
"I founded it. Actually, I founded it."
"Washington is the indispensable man in the creation of the United States of America."
"Our project argues that August of 1619 is our true founding, not 1776."
"Sheffield FC was founded all the way back in 1857."
"Brazil was one of the 51 founding members of the United Nations."
"America was founded by criminals."
"Chuck E Cheese's: founded on May 17, 1977, in San Jose, California."
"It was founded by a computer programmer and now has over 12 million users."
"The Devout Cult of sarr that founded the city initially called the Bastion of saren Ray expressly chose this site for its remote location because at the time they had been exiled for their extremist ideals by the sultanate of Assyrian."
"London was founded by a group of politicians and churchmen who wanted a Church of England alternative to UCL, which was famously labeled the godless institution of Gower Street."
"That means you were the one who founded this village."
"It was because of him that New Amsterdam got chartered as a Dutch city in 1653."
"I do see the founding of the state of Israel as a sort of Miracle."
"Pat saw a need in the world of academics because he himself experienced academics at the highest level and wanted to create a university."
"Francis had something in him of what makes the founder of a religion."
"You know what, you can sing. You be the lead singer, and I'll be the keyboard player. Basically, that's how the Zombies were founded."
"He founded Arcadia, Incorporated the city in 1903, was the first mayor."
"He also founded the city of Stockholm, the current capital of Sweden."
"This country was founded on an idea rather than on DNA or genetics."
"I'm honored again to speak to the founder of the TV studios."
"James Madison is often referred to as the founder of the United States Constitution."
"It would only be a slight exaggeration to say that Alexander Hamilton invented the United States of America."
"The United States of America was founded because people love me and sought to create a nation where they could have freedom to worship me."
"Our founders believed in a principle that they knew must guide our nation first in our declaration: they promised life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"He's one of the founding fathers of this organization, obviously he wants to get that belt around his waist."
"He's considered the father of psychology because he's the first one to make psychology a science."
"The Enlightenment had a huge impact on the founding of our country."
"When you really talk about the founding of Wausau, it is above all else about the river."
"America was founded by some people who were intellectuals and revolutionaries at the same time, who said we need to create a country based on some principles."
"We almost have the founding members of The Avengers."
"According to mythology, this ancient city was founded by twin brothers named Romulus and Remus."
"He helped found the Avengers and has defeated everything from giants to demons to other gods."
"It is a testament to the extraordinary gifts of creativity, prudence, and high-mindedness possessed by the founders of our nation."
"The greatness of America is that these imperfect geniuses at our founding founded a nation different than any before in human history."
"America's founding drew on the dual traditions of Athens and Jerusalem: reason and faith."
"The city was founded according to God's providence."
"He was an American statesman, political philosopher, and one of the United States' Founding Fathers."
"It's kind of the vision that our founding fathers had for America."
"America was a work in progress... 1776 is not the end, it's the beginning."
"We are the first nation to be founded for the sake of an idea - the idea that each of us deserves the chance to shape our own destiny."
"Columba founded the Church of Iona, which becomes very important."
"Our Founders very deliberately choosing the 'We the People' as those first three words, they were speaking to us."
"It's a testament to the extraordinary gifts, creativity, prudence, and high-mindedness possessed by the founders of our nation."
"The second Polish Republic was birthed with Marshall Joseph Pilsudski at the helm."
"The founding of the United Nations itself is a testament to human progress."
"With their signatures, sculpted the greatest nation."
"It's by valuing the principles that I think the founding fathers were right."
"Nobody owns the United States. That's actually kind of part of the whole founding documentation."
"It's an amazing story, man, about how and one of the most amazing things about the founding of this country."
"The name of the city was Tenochtitlan, and it was founded in 1325 on an island."
"The United States is a unique country; the founding of our nation was a miracle in history."
"Although its original intent was only to revise the Articles, many attendees, like Madison and Alexander Hamilton, wanted to create a new government."
"Joe Bonanno, he was one of the founding fathers of the Cosa Nostra."
"Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought upon this continent a new nation."
"The Dominion of Canada was officially born on July 1st, 1867."
"Twins Romulus and Remus, the founders of ancient Rome."
"It's fascinating when a bunch of guys leave one country, come to another place, and form a country and come up with the Bill of Rights and all that, that's just amazing."
"The very fact of this day does not prove that America is perfect, but it does validate the ideas of our founding, that this country born of change, this country born of revolution, this country of we, the people, this country can get better."
"We have given birth to the greatest nation ever known."
"Our founding fathers started a great nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."
"The American founding envisioned a political order in harmony with the design of the laws of nature and of nature's God."
"I'm part of the team and have been one of the founders from the beginning."
"The house of Twinings was founded in 1706 by Thomas Twining."
"Luton Town was born was founded all the way back in 1885."
"Cartagena is a very old city... it's the oldest Spanish-speaking city in all the Americas, founded by the Spanish in 1533."
"Disney was originally founded as a company on October 16th, 1923, by the brothers Walt and Roy Disney."
"Our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation."