
Breadth Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Erotic intelligence is much broader than a limited repertoire of sexual techniques."
"The breadth of data science actually extends far beyond simply predictive modeling and machine learning."
"We shouldn't narrow it down to just two people, we should go for the right manager."
"Please enjoy a wide-ranging thoroughly enjoyable conversation."
"We believe the breadth and depth of this content offering is going to be phenomenal consumer value."
"Just because a lot isn't deep doesn't mean it can't be wide."
"I've never seen anything like the breadth of questions today."
"The conversation is wide-ranging and fascinating, and ends on an optimistic note."
"It did seem, as expected, that this breadth of neutralization did translate into breadth of protection."
"It's important that you have a degree of breath in what you do because you need to create products that your consumers your customers love."
"I think our outperformance in the first half, and it was significant outperformance, suggested that maybe underneath the market is broadening out and that's a very healthy sign."
"What does it actually mean then to be a well-read person? The first definition of this you probably recognize: it's to be extensively read, deeply read in one particular topic."
"We are quite literally going through everything."
"History isn't dull nor is it just about politics and the military and social issues it's about the whole reach and realm of the American of the human experience which has to include art and music and philosophy and invention and science and medicine and finance and ideas."
"The field of art is much bigger than we give it credit for."
"The musical and conceptual scope of this album is breathtaking."
"His love is as wide as the world."
"General surgery is the broadest of surgical fields, covering the surgical management of diseases from head to toe."
"Life isn't that narrow and it never was."
"The problem is not the size of your faith, it's the breadth of your faith."
"The skill to master is how do you achieve this breadth without sacrificing depth."
"But it's just astounding what Newton accomplished in calculus and physics and astronomy and optics, you know, and in fields that we don't even take seriously anymore—alchemy which led to chemistry, chronology of the bible."
"The scope of this book is admirable in so many different ways."
"Know the smallest things and the biggest things, the shallowest things and the deepest things."
"I'm a mile wide and an inch deep. I have a lot of interests, but I'm not super deep in any of them. But I know a lot."
"God's law is broad, deep, and high."
"The lower knowledge encompasses everything that we study and know."
"You should be broad in a lot of things but be exceptional in one."
"We have a very wide aperture in terms of verticals."
"There's so much we could talk about here."
"We talked about love, we talked about hate, we talked about politics, we talked about religion, go teeth, don't teeth."
"The charter is so much broader. You have two sides: the analyst side and the asset management side."
"...as long as it is, it really covers a lot of ground."
"The Christian faith is far greater than what's written in the Bible."
"In every endeavor from politics to literature, the legacy is complicated but undeniably expansive."
"You know quite a bit about a lot."
"God gave Solomon wisdom, an exceedingly great understanding, and largeness of heart like the sand on the seashore."
"Make the most of exploring breadth as well as depth."
"A life of self-education that is not just related to military matters but takes in philosophy, the arts, literature, and history."
"Your personality is bigger and goes beyond your gender identity."
"Mindfulness is a little bit broader than meditation."
"Don't specialize in one thing, be broad."
"No books were required, yet many topics were covered, including love, work, community, family, aging, forgiveness, and finally, death."
"I consider sound a much wider topic as less music."
"Thy Commandments are exceeding Broad."
"The strictures of analytic philosophy that you're used to, the ways that they format stuff, that is philosophy, but way broader than that."
"I have seen an end of all perfection: but thy commandment is exceeding broad."
"It's a demonstration of the wideness of God's mercy rather than a narrow, limited scope of it."
"The Kingdom of Heaven has a broader meaning than we typically give it."
"One thing about English is that it's a very broad subject."
"Prayer isn't just limited to your urgent matters."
"Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest and a very broad branch of engineering."
"I want to discuss with you today a topic that's about as large as any topic that I could possibly pick."
"In the beginning, you're going to want to learn a breadth of knowledge versus a depth of knowledge."
"It's very broad. Civil engineers can work anywhere and with anything."
"The whole program and policy of the Holy Spirit in giving the Word of God is to give a great expanse of truth and cover a great deal of territory."
"This is the widest and the most stacked field that we have ever seen."
"Knowledge in its most comprehensive sense is that you acquire something about everything."
"Mathematics is too broad now for one person to know all of it."
"The truth for this time is broad in its outlines, far-reaching, embracing many doctrines."
"The breadth of what can be considered a search problem if you formulate it the right way is really wide."
"Make sure you revise every topic; there is a big range of topics to advise so make sure you revise all of it."
"The Torah is wider than the ocean."
"For the math section on the digital SAT, it will cover a broader array of topics."
"The finite element program is so broad; we're not going to be able to explore all the topics in this course alone."
"Give us love in all areas, we love that."
"It's so broad, so that's why I think just having an overview of some of these key issues and thinking as you go into your final hours of revision."
"It is something that is so wide that you have to experience it yourself."
"The study of economics covers a huge range of how the world works."
"Mathematics as a subject is incredibly broad and yet incredibly deep."
"Look at how broad Allah's Mercy is."
"The most important lesson that I learned... was that you had to go earlier than you would like, harder than you would like, and broader than you would like."
"Your empathy should not be limited to your immediate relatives."
"I don't want to get to the end of my life and just have lived the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it."
"What this means is that this is a broad market sell-off, it's broad, it's not concentrated to any one company or one theme of investment."
"The wider the network is, the more different feature maps that we can learn."
"It just blows my mind that such a short Novella was able to cover so many things."
"You need to be this modern polymath, you need to have this breadth, this broken comb kind of ability."