
Wildlife Appreciation Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Nothing makes me happier than seeing all the wildlife interact with the things we built out here at the farm."
"Striking a balance between appreciation for wildlife and ensuring the safety of humans is Paramount."
"I love raccoons, they're cute, they never caused my cats problems, and they're very intelligent."
"Snakehead fight hard, look incredible, and are delicious."
"National panda day. Go watch the pandas on explore.org. They're not just on national panda day. They're on all the time."
"Welcome, we got one more crow, and they might be annoying with their caws, but you know, we accept all animals."
"The Bengal tiger might be an extremely dangerous predator, but it is still an incredibly beautiful cat."
"The lilac breasted roller is probably the only bird in Kenya that makes people excited as much as when they see it as they would be to see a lion or a cheetah."
"Very nice snake which I'm always very happy to find."
"I'm glad we didn't end the video when I was gonna end it, it's always better to end on a turtle."
"Marmots have long been beloved mountain inhabitants."
"Animals are truly amazing and it's easy to forget how lucky we are to share this planet with our furry, scaly, feathery, and um insecty friends."
"Incredible to hear the owls hooting at night."
"A truly magnificent creature that we are lucky to share the planet with."
"This is an absolutely beautiful, stunning timber rattlesnake."
"I'm super impressed with the pelicans. They did a good job with the pelicans. Those look amazing."
"How wonderful it would be to have all this wildlife and habitat on your doorstep."
"A chance to see animals is always a cool thing."
"I really dig the coyote here in this area."
"These snakes are really special, man. Just look at it, look at the iridescence. I hope it's catching it because it is just, it's mind blowing."
"Love these wild brownies; this is what it's all about."
"Come on guys, take a look at him, whoa, who, what can you say about that? An absolute dream buck."
"I really like this River Giants exhibit."
"I do love seeing the iguanas, I know a lot of my neighbors don't really appreciate them, but it's pretty cool to see."
"Look at that fish, guys. Gorgeous."
"These missions are meant to highlight rarely seen and sometimes underappreciated moments in the wild."
"This to me is the true joy of keeping ants and other wild creatures, seeing how they all fit into a natural puzzle, beautiful, sometimes savage and scary, but always a gift."
"They're amazing animals and that's really ultimately what I want to bring, that enlightenment to people."
"Thank your local possum next time you see one, they eat an enormous amount of ticks."
"They're amazing animals and amazing creatures."
"I've loved these birds of prey as long as I can remember; they are absolutely stunning raptors with beautiful plumage."
"Hi Big Mama, that's a big beautiful tortoise, isn't it?"
"I've had a great time with Derek, the birds are phenomenal."
"I'm delighted to welcome you to our Wildlife Club."
"I like moose; there ought to be more of them."
"Those penguins are adorable, they're so cute."
"Look at how gorgeous that snake is, gosh, you guys are absolutely beautiful."
"Wow, I love meerkats, and I think they're such magnificent creatures."
"We really can be very thankful that we've had the elephant herds."
"This is my favorite animal, look at the dung beetle there."
"Now one leopard is special, two leopards is even better, but the two Royal Cubs is the best way to spend a cat day."
"It's as good as it gets really when it comes to a leopard."
"I love elephants, I never tire of elephants."
"It's always so amazing to see them out in these plains."
"They bring something so special that nothing else brings."
"We love the wildlife, we love the ocean life, and we like being where there's lots of wildlife under the water."
"Very cool to see them, happy to know that they're still around."
"It's one of the most amazing things to have cheetah around."
"I love elephants, it's one of my favorite things in the world."
"Any day you see elephants, it's a wonderful day."
"Elephants are good value any time of day."
"Almost everyone finds puffins adorable, really intriguing, fascinating."
"It's more fun to see these animals in as natural a habitat as possible."
"It's always nice to kind of stop and watch these guys; they are so underrated in many respects."
"It's up to all of us to get these animals appreciated by the mainstream, and you do that by being respectful to the animal, respectful to the people that you're teaching."