
Artistic Advice Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"You have to put together something that's a scene. If it's a winter scene, make it feel cold. If it's a beautiful sunny day, make it clear as day."
"Color is overrated and underrated a lot of people think that's all you need to know with art...but it'll help you stop making huge errors that could otherwise ruin a scene."
"Focus on the picture, stop wondering if you're designing the right way and design, and the design will tell you what it needs."
"You want to find that squishiness and really push those proportions."
"Volume, not perfection. Get on with your next work."
"Build up all your other skills, work on your anatomy, work on your form."
"95% of any good painting is an efficient it's a good good look like what you are looking that's that's that's basically what it is a good synthesis that's very important."
"I think you can be critical of a person without soliciting personal hate and personal attacks."
"You got to make something, yeah, you got to make something that's yours."
"The propaganda of the food and pharmaceutical industries is starting to collapse."
"Gotta sign it even the bad ones you should sign you should love them just because he probably still learned something."
"Contrast is key in creating engaging designs."
"It's very sexy to have a full range of value. Don't be shy."
"It's important not to overly rely on [custom brushes] when you start to draw painting... instead using custom brushes to mask your shortcomings."
"Avoiding symmetry in your canvas will help you create more interesting compositions in the future."
"To all the young creators that are trying to create, oftentimes, it's more effective if there's a thread that connects things or some sort of cohesive thought."
"Show, don't tell, is always such a fundamental rule of filmmaking."
"The important thing is to finish the drawing that you start."
"You just gotta work towards that, it's really that simple, stay positive guys, keep drawing, draw every day."
"Most paintings are viewed from a distance. If it doesn't look good from a distance, then you know what's going to make."
"Just be yourself, and really try and bring that artistic side to your playing. I think that's the most important thing."
"You know, what's gonna look cool, is the fact you've got all like these dark colors up here, when you do the red, that's going to stick out like neon."
"Stylistically, don't really need to worry about it too much, just make sure you're consistent with the basics."
"So I wish people would just learn how to get a bit more of a sculptural feel of their work."
"Squinting can replace four years of art school." - Mattias
"Focus that color, pull all that lightness into this area here brightening this area right here and brightening this area here."
"Don't overwhelm your yellow, be mellow with the yellow."
"You already have an audience. Give them something that comes from you."
"Try to draw every day...who has time for that, am I right?"
"Draw what you love to draw, you know, put yourself out there." - Chrissie Zullo
"Start making things you like... be excited about what you're creating." - T. J. Geisen
"Less is more. Sometimes you can overwork a drawing with detail."
"The best art advice I've ever received is that you don't have to be afraid to steal someone's idea."
"Not every color that you spray on with an airbrush is gonna look cool."
"White is cocaine, save it for the specular highlight in your eyes."
"The more branches you have, the fuller this tree is going to look."
"Use whatever camera tells your story and it works for you." - Casey Neistat
"Just make sure that you've got enough on there that is speaking to you and making your painterly eye nice and happy."
"Find the version that only you could do and then that'll be the version at the end of the day gets you what you're looking for."
"All you need to do is tell simple yet effective good stories, that's it."
"Natural bases are a lot easier. Now if you're going to base your miniatures in a natural setting, do it right."
"Draw inside and draw behind, that is your fifth hidden gem."
"If you're going to steal from the best, then you should take the best that they have to offer."
"If you're making a brushstroke and nothing's happening, get a little more paint."
"Less is more with composition; pick out certain parts of the landscape that are attractive to you."
"Capturing the moment is more important than how you're shooting it."
"Sometimes you're going to have these bold ideas and it's going to be late in the process, and you're going to worry about ruining your painting. My advice is go for it, take the chance."
"There's a lot of great options out there. Don't be satisfied with doing the same thing everyone else is doing. Go find your own sound, go find your own direction."
"You got to keep it real consistent with small strokes."
"The only way to beat art blocks is to break through them. Just draw, just fight through it."
"It's important to pay close attention to the colors you're seeing in your reference; transitions between light and shadow often have a bit of a warm tone to them."
"Keep the big shapes and add smaller shapes to the edges."
"Creativity and originality is the biggest tip, the most important thing because it's what makes you stand out."
"Don't animate scared, delete things if you need to, animate confident in how you're animating, and don't second-guess your animation."
"When it comes to giving advice on Anatomy, figure studies are absolutely always the number one thing that I recommend."
"It's fine to say okay, the nose is an eye apart."
"One of the qualities of a good painter is stopping at the right moment or just before the right moment so that things don't go too far in the direction of description."
"If you have a really good picture, everything else you should get rid of. You should try to do as little as possible."
"If you have too much stuff going on in your track it's gonna sound cluttered."
"Draw what you see, don't draw out of your head."
"Don't be afraid of getting some of those shadows in there because you are gonna need the shadows in the contrast for everything to look natural."
"If you take on these simple things, your overall paintings as a whole will become much more dynamic and much more exciting."
"Draw things as they are, not as you think they are."
"If you can solve these problems now before you get into color, it helps a ton."
"Every video is a canvas, and you should use and emphasize every single section of that frame."
"The more you try to paint things with more color, the easier it is to understand color."
"Don't lose the thing that makes you different from other actors."
"Get your art supplies at a real art store... experiment until you find the stuff that works for you."
"Don't be scared of your shadows and highlights—they can make or break a piece."
"Always use the biggest brush that you can, but don't be afraid to use two brushes at once."
"I think you could use a slight hint of titanium white."
"You shouldn't be too precious about any individual idea or panel."
"Try a lot of different things as a young artist. Get out and draw from life, experiment, and don't be afraid to get your hands dirty."
"Do what only you can do best. Make good art. Make it on the bad days. Make it on the good days too."
"I'd recommend drawing your characters in more dynamic poses with reasons for those poses as well as interactions between the characters."
"I'd love to see some of that hitting the trees just to make the painting a bit more cohesive."
"I'd really love to have a clear focal point here."
"Work on your craft over gear always."
"Let that be a lesson to you, just take a break after 20 minutes and come back and you have fresher eyes."
"Textures usually make things look more interesting."
"Don't chase the light and keep it as simple as possible, keep your shape strong."
"The important thing when doing the outline is to try and fit the entire dinosaur on the page."
"If you ever feel like your painting from one piece to the other seems to be a bit disconnected, just start incorporating similar colors from one object to the next, and that's going to bring them all together."
"I recommend just building up your artwork in layers."
"It's always better to have a reference image than just go off memory."
"My advice is to always seek ways to be uncomfortable by trying new materials or tackling new and challenging subject matter."
"Having even a minimalistic border on the edges of the paper will do a lot to make the drawing look more finished, intentional, and planned."
"Remember, watercolor can dry up to 50 percent lighter."
"The reason why I'm making this video isn't to tear down Red Shift or Karma, it's to help artists build up a competitive workflow."
"I recommend spending more time looking at your reference... your eyes should bounce back and forth like a pinball between your artwork and your reference."
"It's always a good idea to get your darkest dark and your lightest light."
"When you come to the painting, it'll look so much better."
"I have tips for a variety of inks and I'm hoping it's helpful to you."
"The further you get into the painting, the fewer changes you're going to make."
"Listen, don't be afraid to put some color in for like shadows."
"There's really nothing like just leaving that space white to begin with; you'll just always get the best look if you leave the negative space there."
"Don't be ashamed to erase; you must erase, and that's okay."