
Democracy Defense Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"I will not yield, I will not flinch, I will defend the right to vote, our democracy against all enemies, foreign and, yes, domestic."
"Democracy is something that needs defending and that oath that we take actually means something bigger than just some words on a paper."
"If you tamper with our democracy, we're gonna come down on you like a ton of bricks."
"An armed citizenry is the best last reserve we have to be able to preserve self-government."
"Freedom and democracy must be constantly guarded and protected both abroad and from within."
"I'm going to do everything I can to defend this democracy."
"Trump is a menace to the world, he is a menace to democracy who needs to be locked up yesterday." - Ben Micellis
"Hit them where it hurts, how to save democracy by beating Republicans at their own game."
"Her Majesty's government will play a leading role in defending democracy and freedom across the world."
"This was an open assault on a free and fair election."
"Democracy at risk is at risk. We also know this, okay, so then our power each and every one of us to preserve our democracy."
"Those who continue to support this dangerous gambit will forever be seen as complicit in an unprecedented attack against our democracy."
"The fight for Ukraine is the fight for democracy itself."
"We cannot allow anybody to overturn the legal votes of the citizens of Pennsylvania. This would be the ultimate destruction of our democracy."
"They are heroes for at least defending democracy."
"Valheim is incredible definitely go play it."
"Let us have the courage of the Ukrainian people standing bravely to defend their democracy."
"Do you see this crap? This is where this is going. If you allow that, you're undermining democracy."
"For a PC version, they decided to make the cover have this guy zoomed in real tight and got some DBZ eyes."
"We must be united in the fight to defend democracy and hold extremism accountable."
"Our democracy is a prerequisite for all the other issues you care about. Abortion bans violate the separation of church and state."
"We are fighting Fascism and authoritarianism right now. We lose everything if we lose our democracy."
"We will beat down this GOP stupidity... ensure our democracy."
"The entire case is bogus. This is an attempt of the deep state to overturn our constitutional democracy."
"The work is not over. This is an honor and a recognition that will only really, I hope, embolden all of us who were honored today to keep doing our duty to the Constitution and defending democracy wherever we are."
"He's trying to save Mexican democracy from the corrupt right-wing corporate oligarchs."
"A landslide victory for Biden will make it virtually impossible for Trump to deny the results and is our best means for defending democracy."
"You don't have to be altruistic. This is not about you helping Black folk, they're gonna take your democracy."
"I didn’t serve overseas in the Marine Corps just to come back home to watch politicians and career criminals attack our democracy."
"For standing up for democracy for protecting our Capital the people's home the symbol of American democracy I I think you're a true American hero."
"Democracy dies in darkness. We're not just selling weapons, we're preserving democracy."
"It is probably a repudiation of the chattering class that start thought that voters were too stupid to recognize that their democracy and their fundamental rights were being taken away."
"Thank you, President Biden, closing out last night's State of the Union address, vowing to save democracy."
"Our nation today is in the throes of a new era... that could destroy us, our Republic, our Constitution, and democracy forever if we do not take a stand today."
"He's a clear and present danger to our democracy. I just can't hold that. I cannot hold that in."
"I cannot hold that in... he's a clear and present danger to our democracy."
"There's a cultural jihad going on in the United States." - Warning about threats to democracy and sovereignty.
"This election is critical to our democracy. Unless we get this fascist out of the White House, we're not going to have a democracy."
"The big lie is part of the battle for democracy."
"The failure by the official opposition to support the country which is fighting the world's fight right now for democracy."
"There is no sitting this out... your elected representatives are either for our democracy or against it."
"It's quite literally what very well may have saved democracy."
"And if January 6 doesn't prove it and if today with Kevin McCarthy...can go down and pal around with the guy who tried to destroy American democracy and get his own vice president killed if that isn't a wake-up call what is."
"This is a country where people have faced bullets in the streets to stand up for democracy."
"You can build the coolest, most fancy liberal democracy in the universe, but unless you're willing to defend it against attacks, like, it doesn't mean anything because it can always be dismantled given enough time."
"Democracies cannot survive if you allow the anti-democratic to seize control of them."
"Our democracy can die in The Silence if the media doesn't stand up."
"That's a politics that is designed to squelch democracy, not to give it a chance."
"America's loss... my position is that the defense of democracy has to start from a realistic and unflinching assessment of where we are."
"Our democracy was threatened here on January 6th... the effort to overturn an election... has to come with the highest level of seriousness and attention."
"Targeting people politically could even constitute election interference from the very people who say protecting democracy and warning about the end of democracy."
"This is what racism looks like. We are what democracy looks like. And we're not going anywhere."
"We truly need to have a robust defense of our democracy, of our laws, of our process."
"We don't want to just watch our democracy burn; we want to do something about it."
"Putin's war in Ukraine is an attack not just on the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine but on the idea of democracy in Europe itself."