
State Quotes

There are 474 quotes

"If the founders had wanted a Christian Nation, they would have said so."
"The great Islamic state requires Muslims to first be in an Islamic state of mind."
"I'm so optimistic about the future of our state."
"The truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the state."
"The corporate form, the economic instrument of corporations, has eaten the state that created it."
"People have given up on religion, and they make the state their God. That is what I see being very pervasive amongst the young people."
"Fallout 76 is in a much better state than it was at launch."
"The state cannot give you any kind of rights."
"The state will be a voluntary association that will organize labor."
"It's not a state, it's not free, and it's not associated."
"It's theft on a wholesale scale state theft."
"A big important ruling for limiting the abusive power of the state."
"The end goal of Marxism isn't a Marxist dictator; it's the withering away of the state."
"Government and the concept of the state will eventually be outgrown entirely."
"Wouldn't it be great if the state acknowledged the lordship of Jesus."
"How good is this hey west coast of Tasmania they call the Wild West for many reasons there's some just insane for driving and usually the west coast is just full-on with waves and wind and all sorts of stuff but we've had an amazing time."
"The church is not meant to be the master nor the servant of the state but its conscience, its guide, and its critic."
"Tenth edition does seem to be in a lot better state than it was previously."
"The separation of church and state has been very bracing for the religious vitality of our nation."
"Usually what we want to do when we pass in properties is make that into a state."
"It's a very dangerous and dark place for American democracy."
"This is the merging of state and business enterprises."
"Texas will be taking its own unprecedented actions this month to better secure our state as well as our nation."
"The state of Overwatch is definitely in one of the better states."
"We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep."
"Myanmar has fallen into a state of Civil War."
"We need to generate good and genuine conversations about the state of our culture."
"We live in the most friendly law enforcement-friendly state in the United States of America."
"There will never be a really free and enlightened state until the state comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power."
"North Carolina, the birthplace of country blues and Cherokee Indians, is now a fairly conservative and prosperous state."
"It's a really pretty state with a lot of tradition."
"...to understand that we have to go further back into Roman history to see how the relationship between the gods and the Roman state had traditionally worked."
"In 380 CE, Nicene Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire."
"Constantine starting the process to make the religion the state religion."
"Idaho is underrated and in our opinion the most underrated state in the US."
"Everything coming out of ABIA state is suggestive of a good government who is giving good governance to the people."
"We actually step into that Natural State."
"The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God."
"All projects towards reform in many ways embody this aspect of a fundamental crisis of the system, a threat to the very existence of the state."
"I do not think that the church should interfere in matters of State; the nation is back behind him and we must not lose him."
"UK is in a very [__] place, basically."
"If there's no God above the state, then the state becomes God."
"The poor saw the state as a predator to be avoided at all cost; the rich saw it as a petty annoyance to be ignored at all cost."
"The state is required to satisfy you beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed a crime."
"There's only room in a tyranny for one big shot and that is the tyrant, and so he's serving himself, breaking down local power, unifying the state into a single thing, which is good in all kinds of ways, but it's also good for the tyrant."
"If the purpose of the state is to maximize individual autonomy, then anywhere where you see individual autonomy being compromised is a place for potential expansion of the state."
"The original foundation of the state is to reduce the impact of any other authority or power structure on the autonomy of the individual."
"The liberal state relied upon pre-liberal values of caring about the common good."
"Abundance is everyone's natural state."
"Heaven is a state of consciousness."
"It's all very elegant to imagine that yes, we should have an ever smaller state, but if you drown the state in the bathtub, then everyone else is going to drown as well."
"The state of our union, ladies and gentlemen, is [ __ ]. And so is the wrestling business."
"The culture is at a healthy point."
"Colorado has been my favorite state so far in America."
"Politically, it's one of the most interesting states in the country."
"The prepare varies depending on the resource because we think about, hey, look, there's this move, but there's this idea of resources that have a state and those that are stateless."
"The interior was completely trashed."
"You can't get rid of capitalism without getting rid of the state and you can't get rid of the state without getting rid of patriarchy."
"You finally see a squad of [__] real rappers come out from the state, not the city, and just [__] take over."
"She's in an emotionally flooded state right now."
"The state is primarily a partnership, a common venture of free and equal citizens for achieving a shared project."
"I think this Senate crime investigation will prove one of the finest things that's ever happened in our great state."
"What is it gonna take for the state to finally acknowledge its role in this period of violence?"
"Happiness isn't pursued, it's an everpresent state waiting to be realized."
"Nozick gives that question a very firm answer: No. The state may not do anything except act as a night watch, and it may not tax for any purpose other than supporting the police."
"He is not so naïve to believe that all will befriend all and understands that the evils of the state are not the result of accumulated wealth and property, but 'arise from quite another source – the wickedness of human nature.'"
"You better pray the church influences our state. We don't want a state church, but we desperately need a state influenced by the worldview of the church."
"There are elements of different forms of capitalism okay, so I don't think we can define it there. What we actually have is many varieties of State capitalism."
"I'm not really in Peak Performance right now."
"The state exists to preserve freedom."
"The only way was to approach the state of a ghost as closely as possible." - Suya
"I was in and out of Consciousness at this point."
"Capitalism needs the state for a great deal of important functions."
"The principal goal of States is survival. Survival has to be the highest goal because if you don't survive, you can't pursue any of the other goals."
"This state has no right to national existence anyway."
"They need more than just filing with the state."
"I truly entered a state of absurdest Zen."
"You're still technically intoxicated."
"Was he conscious? No, not at all."
"Oregon, the ninth largest state in America."
"It's horrible, Premier League's in a weird place."
"The state's very raison debt in the first place is to protect, sustain, and maintain the sanctity of human life."
"And the state has had one Miss America."
"The main premise of his book, a relatively short text comprising 26 chapters, is that the well-being of the state is a priority."
"The modern State can no more be Islamic than Islam can come to possess a modern state."
"Plunder of trade with the state then made economic life on the state's margins more viable and lucrative than it could otherwise have been."
"The frontier even in the old world was sufficiently capacious to beckon those who wished to keep the state at arm's length."
"The state is routinely... it's all violence. Don't kid yourself."
"The state is essentially a universalistic entity that promotes universal access to conditions of universality."
"Abandoned classes turn to intellectuals and the logic of the state as the way forward, the realpolitik of Reason."
"The only escape from such turmoil Hobbes thinks is to make the Church subject to the state."
"There's no other state that looks like this. You can't fake it anywhere."
"Maine boasts that they are one of the happiest states in the U.S. and they have the lowest suicide rate in the U.S."
"Changing the prompt based on the application state."
"I don't think it's a bad thing. I think this is genuinely the right way to think about how you have some change in state represented in a change on the page."
"I've been in like a really really good state of happiness lately."
"The state is something that rather than opening up potential, rather than opening up possibility, tries to foreclose it, tries to limit possibility."
"The modern bureaucratic state is really a German idea, the Germans idealized it. When bureaucracy came to Britain, it almost immediately became an object of mockery."
"Liberty is critical for pursuing happiness, but achieving one's own happiness is something you must earn, and the state cannot ensure it."
"Expelled from their state, not as punishment but as a consequence."
"The essence of the process moves from state to trait."
"He says, 'Consent is the wellspring of legitimacy. You can't get unanimous consent for any state, so no state is legitimate,' at least he's consistent, right? You can't get legitimacy for any state so no state is legitimate. All states are illegitimate, finished, end of story."
"You simply must be in a surrendered state of mind."
"Hobbes gives us the definitive language of the modern state."
"Relationships are not dead, they're either alive or not."
"Virginia, one of four states officially called a commonwealth."
"We work hand in hand with the state. I've had guys turn us in for hunting at night because I mean, a..."
"I'm hovering pretty good right now."
"Officially my new favorite state in India."
"There is no match for the haunted places scattered across the state."
"So many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your state in our histories."
"In a state where zero equals infinity, there is primordial consciousness."
"There is something for everyone in this state."
"Concentration is a wonderful state of consciousness."
"I felt like that Holly was in such a good spot."
"The invention of property means you need the state to protect your property, but you don’t trust the state not to rob you blind."
"I'm hot, I'm drunk, I'm tired, I'm wasted, I have to pack because my flight leaves at seven."
"Oregon emphasizes sustainable living and green initiatives."
"...because we're so used to thinking about markets good State bad and because we spent 40 years running down and denigrating the ability of the state to do anything."
"The upside is that it's still in excellent condition."
"If you're in a breakdown state, the first thing that goes is lean mass."
"We're claiming this state for Jesus!"
"We still want the state, we need the state, we gotta challenge State apparatus, we pay taxes, but we can walk and chew gum at the same time."
"States only exist because they can do violence. The only reason why most of us feel fairly safe is because of police."
"The state is the only actor which is big enough to constrain the power of billionaires and corporations."
"Only one good government is possible for a state."
"The larger the state, the less the liberty."
"It translates perfectly. Religion is a personal thing. The state cannot interfere with that process."
"If the state gives the rights, it can take them away."
"We must absolutely set out to smash the lie of the new and novel concept of the separation of religion from the state."
"The security of women is a vital factor in the overall security of the state."
"The essence of a state is to make sure that the table is sufficiently stable so that people who want to dance can dance without the table breaking."
"Tennessee, the volunteer state, is a great place to live."
"...only two states left get paid to do what the rest of the USA does for free."
"The state makes it its business to cater to capital even if it's a social democratic state because... a precondition to serving anyone else's interests is to first serve capital's interests."
"The logic of how the state caters to the interests of capitalists is actually quite similar to how workers must think about the interests of their employers."
"The state's autonomy from capital will increase as labor mobilization recedes."
All we need to do is move into that state and occupy it, and we do that with our imagination."
"The entire burden rests with the state in this case. They must prove Beyond A Reasonable Doubt each and every element of the crimes charged."
"He just wants to represent this state as best as he can."
"She overall rejects the concept of the state and believes that the only true path to freedom and justice is to abolish the social systems that control means of production and then redistribute that power."
"Consciously moving into the desired state through imagination is key."
"The moment you don't trust the state, people turn to other forms of money."
"The liberal state is quite happy allowing people to be full participants in the state and pursue whatever their religion is."
"The design of the liberal state allows each person as much freedom in pursuing their comprehensive conception of the good as is consistent with allowing everybody else the same degree of freedom."
"Man is by nature a political animal, and he who by nature and not by mere accident is without a state, is either a bad man or above humanity."
"The morality that exists within a modern state is minimalist, calculated upon utilitarian logic."
"There is no purpose higher than the state."
"This is the beautiful state where everything looks so simple that it's amazing like it just feels the dream."
"The Anti-fragile State is the only state, guys, that a reconciliation can actually happen."
"State inherently political, paradox of keeping the state political while limiting its power."
"Living in that state, that's the truth."
"Isn't the primary vehicle of violence against Black people coming from the state I.E police?"
"People love supporting their state."
"The First World War put the beginnings, hammered in the nails in the coffin of the old vision that the state is that institution which has the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force."
"This current count thing is what we call a piece of state, and this idea of state is another big concept that we're going to be learning about more when we get into React."
"Think of it as a map that stores the state for your job."
"Marriage is not the invention of the state."
"Through meditation, I am creating a dead state of mind. It is the mind that is involved in what is called meditation."
"I'm feeling good, I'm feeling excited, I'm feeling hungry."
"This case is about the state's continued sovereignty."
"Separation of church and state is to keep the state out of the church."
"I couldn't be happier right now, you know."
"Human rights don't exist where the individual lives for the state."
"The regulation adopted by the early colonists of permitting only members of the church to vote or to hold office in the civil government led to most pernicious results." - Ellen White
"The union of the church with the state, be the degree never so slight, while it may appear to bring the world nearer to the church, does in reality but bring the church nearer to the world." - Ellen White
"Success is essentially a state. It's a byproduct of our behavior."
"Prefer recursion because you don't actually have to keep track of state as much."
"It's the sad state of the internet. Thanks as always for watching, we'll see you next week here on the sit down."
"True meditation is emptiness, the thoughtless state, the desireless state."
"The state was half-witted and timid as a lone woman with her silver spoons."
"The Bourgeois state's main key function is to advance and see that capitalist capital accumulation prospers. But there's a second function that the state has: to keep the capitalist from devouring the capitalist system itself."
"By changing the value of the state, the interface updates automatically."
"That's a coin there, it's in a terrible state."
"The Eternal State is non-transitional."
"The tribe is the unit of the state, not the individual."
"Gratefulness is the state that breaks through the cloud."
"...I just cannot get over the disgusting state of the cabin at the back of the aircraft. It's just ridiculous."
"i'm just such a hot mess i don't know if i'm coming or going right now"
"The state has certainly taken an upper hand today... it's over."
"The ideas of what characterized Horus emerged as a consequence of a lengthy, evolutionary process to Define what constituted the central Redeemer of the state roughly speaking."
"The state then instead of becoming a genuine defense or let's even say an adaptation to our vulnerability starts to become an exploiter of our vulnerability."
"The market was not put to sleep, prices could rise, wages could rise, interest rates were tremendously. And here, the feedback mechanism of the market showed the limits of the state."
"Connecticut takes up a land area of just 4,842 square miles, making it the third smallest state in the entire country."
"Church and state should be separate. This is a very deep-rooted idea in the history of Latin Christendom."
"Florida is the best state in the U.S."
"I think we have the most beautiful state in the Union."
"Use state will return an array with two items in it for us."
"Happiness is a state of well-being and contentment."
"For Tagore, nation does not simply mean or does not simply refer to a sense of community and to a sense of fellow free but it also refers to the organized power structure of a state."
"Nation is not just any union of people but rather it is specifically a political and economic union. In other words, it is a state."
"In its pure state, the mind is peaceful without happiness or suffering."
"The universe has reached in to touch our state."
"You were either in a state of peace or you were in a state of war."
"The modern state and its sovereign will represented in the law was not only an integral part of this worldview but also was one of its chief architects."
"The modern state cannot be construed on ethical grounds nor can it ontologically operate as a moral entity."
"Idaho... I fell in love with Idaho, the state of Idaho."
"It's not fair to write California off. There's a lot of people in the state that are really good people and really wholesome folks."
"The real issue will be, has the state got a good enough reason to limit that freedom of speech?"
"Mobility is leverage against the state."