
Workshop Quotes

There are 431 quotes

"This is going to be one of the biggest and the best Manifest Destiny workshops I've ever done."
"In the bowels of an unassuming building in Munich lies one of the most advanced workshops ever created."
"The workshop is a magical place where customization fantasies can finally break free for the whole world to see."
"And you're going to be walking away from that workshop really feeling a lot more confident and prepared to tackle whatever endeavor it is you're choosing to tackle."
"They make excellent additions to your shop apron."
"Everybody's shop is unique and it's a very individual thing."
"Let's get up off our knees and stand tall. Let's activate and get into this workshop so you can walk away with the benefits."
"We've been dreaming about it for years, so we're finally building a real shop for Grind Hard."
"It's hard to put into words... how wonderful it is to have your woodshop organized."
"This came up and we figured with Valentine's Day right around the corner what better time for a self-lover workshop."
"The power of the float lock vise makes operations easy. Why don't more people use these?"
"Peter's room does have a full workshop with a whole bunch of drawers and cubby spaces that have objects inside them like wires and nuts and bolts and stuff like that."
"Wow, what a great reminder to wear eye protection while in the shop!"
"You can busy yourself away in the dusty old workshop and let your creativity flow."
"Let's move over to the other side, see what we got for sparkles for now."
"There's something so nice about the tidy workshop, the clean workshop, the organized workshop."
"For those that are willing to do the work it's a very profound weekend of realizations."
"Just take care of yourself today; it's gonna be a long haul, we've got a four-hour workshop."
"That's a big part of the workshop, just to be in that environment for those three days and be immersed in that world of autobiographical storytelling."
"It has been an absolute pleasure guiding you through this workshop."
"Working from plans can be very enjoyable and end up making your time spent in the workshop much more efficient."
"I'm actually converting my garage into a shop, and this is part of that process."
"I think as a workshop this is a perfect size building and it also kind of fits into the budget because when you go wider than 40 feet things start to get exponentially more expensive."
"I laid it out so that I could have through Bay because I work on a lot of big trucks trailers that kind of thing."
"A decent set of calipers is vital for use in the workshop."
"A lathe is one of the most versatile machines one can have access to in a workshop."
"I organize my workshops with the intention of giving you something that can make your life better for the rest of your life."
"Bringing baby home Workshop, in just 10 hours 80 percent of couples avoid that drop in relationship happiness."
"...this is one of if not the most used clamp in my shop..."
"You can never have enough power in a workshop."
"The look of his workshop, he can't be so short of trade he has to provide it himself."
"Not all tools in a workshop have to be extremely expensive, actually some of the handiest tools that I own are the cheapest tools to purchase."
"You know, this could be one of the handiest tools that you keep in your home shop or take to the drag strip."
"These things are awesome to have in the shop."
"Welcome to Eric's Hobby Workshop."
"Clear your workshop, throw a piece of plywood down on a couple of saw horses."
"I've put together an entire workshop designed to teach you how to start earning $1,000 a month in passive income in just 30 minutes a day of work."
"Grinding these types of tool bits is one of the main reasons why I want a good pedestal grinder here in the shop."
"I've been doing more and more of these kind of destination workshops... real mix of students, absolute beginners to people who've been painting longer than I have."
"Welcome to the oldest, most reliable workshop in the United States."
"It's built for a workshop environment, it's built to be able to be Hands-On and got a good coating on the outside of it for that."
"Wear clothing that isn't going to be hanging, isn't going to get caught up in your machinery. Every machine is at a different height, different angles, so just make sure you're being extremely safe in your shop. That is number one."
"Saving taxes is fun... it is so fun to save money you know it's easier to save money than make money... So please get to the tax and legal 360 Workshop."
"I had somewhere between 20 and 50 people sign up for one of those live workshops which earned me normally around like one to two thousand dollars."
"And because I don't have an official dust collector in the shop, this dust collection bag that hooks up to the chip ejection port just does a fantastic job."
"This brings me to one of the absolute best decisions I made when I built this shop and that was installing this sink."
"...this thing has been one of the best builds or most productive things that I've added to the shop just because of the usefulness of it."
"The more light you have in your shop the more you will enjoy it and the better work you will do."
"I would love to see people run through the workshop and give feedback on things that still weren't clear."
"Please open an issue, please open a PR because we want to make that Workshop as clear as possible for anyone starting here."
"We want to make sure that we have as much Clarity in the workshop directly that everything works by default."
"I've just got back from a fantastic lakes workshop... we had a fantastic time and we got some amazing weather."
"Basically, this whole white privilege workshop is actually should be happening right in your own home."
"One of the most important tools that you can have in a shop is a drill press because drilling holes is something that you always have to do."
"I did a whole editing workshop that is for free. Check that out. It has a lot of tips on stacking timelines which especially for documentaries is super valuable and can save you a lot of time and headaches."
"I am by no means an expert on these things, but I am using these units to heat my very large 104 by 60 non-insulated shop."
"A good prompt for a workshop is the directions are clear but the answer is kind of confusing to me, ambiguous."
"We're gonna head back to the garage."
"Patients recruited for ACT workshops may otherwise not seek help."
"Oh, I'm a turkey, let's head to the workshop. Thanks, neighbor."
"One video, it might be something like an hour long or you could even do just a 30-minute workshop."
"The aftermath so after the meeting, what do we do? We had a great workshop, we had a great meeting but now how do we go from idea into action? How do we stay aligned in between meetings?"
"Welcome back to the shop, my name is Rat Rod Bob and I build stuff."
"Hey guys, welcome back to Rat Rod Bob School, a rat rod alley and little shop where dreams come true."
"Welcome to the pain Workshop this is where all the projects are being done."
"This is why I love being in a workshop cuz you got teammates that just help you out."
"If you haven't yet, I highly encourage you to watch the workshop linked in my bio."
"I just finished my first ever online workshop."
"If you have a variable income or if you think you might in any form join us us RSVP it's free you get the 25 page workbook you get the Q a with me it's all happening."
"Welcome to the 2018 genome engineering workshop hosted by the Jung lab. Our real goal is basically to teach you as much as we can in the next day and a half and answer as many questions as you can."
"These are very good for things like workshops. I don't want to be going around my six or eight students constantly sharpening up pencils."
"'Just hide.' This was the best workshop-- hide."
"It's really fun Workshop I enjoy it tremendously because I'm designing the block as I go this is a long-term project and that's why I created so many videos."
"'Every night as I lay awake, terrified of the lifeless machine that lived with us, I could see the lights of my father's workshop burning in the darkness of our backyard.'"
"Combining both these Styles so that by the end of this Workshop you'll learn how to make beautiful cord Melodies drops that literally give you the chills and even a hype drop that will get the whole crowd jumping."
"The first time that we brought in teachers to teach workshop with regular kids."
"This is my favorite tool in the entire shop."
"Carnage now has its own workshop thanks to our new sponsors Hyrum Forbes and Ryobi."
"It supports us greatly in continuing to do what we do in the shed."
"Smart plugs are incredibly powerful in a workshop environment."
"I decided to make a dexter style kill room, I mean paint booth in the middle of my shop, just by stapling some sheets of plastic to the ceiling."
"Everyone in our audience would say if my spouse was willing, it definitely I would go to the couple's workshop."
"Ah, welcome back to the workshop of broken dreams. Stick around and I'll show you how we made it."
"So until the next time, please take care of yourselves and I hope to see you again very soon here in the drone bot workshop. Goodbye for now."
"It sounds pretty blooming good in the workshop."
"You'll see the magnet right underneath my forge in the front right under the doors in the opening of my forge right there you can see my magnet."
"Finally had some free time and some tools in the shop for me to pull this off."
"Maybe you use that as a workshop space so you can do some basic work out here."
"you don't need a nice professional shop to do any of this I mean look at my work area right now"
"I started writing really late in life. I started in a kind of kitchen table workshop led by a writer named Tom Spann Bower."
"A bench vise, this is the first thing you should buy."
"Get yourself a shot back for cleaning stuff up, for dust control, you know if it happens to everyone once in a lifetime."
"Join the thousands of us who have taken our knowledge work to another level in the linking your thinking Workshop."
"I jumped at it because I've got a specific job for a heater like this in my workshop. Over winter, it gets really cold trying to do any sort of repairs and your fingers are freezing."
"Enough talk, let's get down to the workshop."
"Thank you so much for coming here and joining me in my workshop."
"Let me confirm that this is a complete educational workshop."
"...just having this back at the workshop is put a huge smile on my face."
"Be sure to read your manual, do your homework, and just use good common sense so you'll be safe in your shop."
"So why wait, click the link in the description, join our free workshop and start enhancing your ear training skills and musical intuition today."
"The productivity that I'll be able to accomplish in the shop will be outstanding."
"Hope this has been helpful, and I'll catch you next time on Model Workshop."
"...brilliant little bit of kit for the workshop."
"Well there you have it folks the beaver Ultrasonic Cleaner a must-have for any workshop and a great tool to have for any household."
"Thought I'd do another workshop video."
"Honestly, being able to have a huge crane like this in the workshop is going to be a game changer for me. Loading things in and out of the van, lifting things around here, it's going to be brilliant."
"The tools I'm gonna recommend to you are some of the best armor's tools available for your shop."
"If this is of interest to you, I encourage you to watch the museum literature. There will be some workshops coming up in several weeks on using techniques like this."
"Both of these dividing heads are actually new to my shop."
"I am extremely excited to share this completely free Workshop hosted by Yours Truly because we all love free stuff."
"Join our free deep dive Workshop on how to budget an unpredictable income."
"We actually did a cowboy hat making class as well."
"Welcome back to another video coming at you live from the still clean shop."
"It's an interactive engaging workshop, you don't just sit there and watch, I make you do stuff."
"I used an AI tool to help me during a workshop engagement and found it useful."
"A Shop-Vac and your dust collection is really the only thing in the shop you want to suck, everything else needs to be good tools, these suck in a good way."
"And one thing that probably should have been obvious to me before I got the dust separator that I've noticed is the dust collection on my tools have improved quite significantly."
"Just another tool, I wish I had bought a long time ago."
"The table saw is really the heart of any Workshop."
"Thanks again for hanging out with me in the shop."
"The 9-inch grinder has made life a lot easier."
"But do stay safe, do wear your safety glasses, and we'll see you for the next one."
"Making it as scalable as possible is really the point of this workshop."
"Here it is, our new and improved assembly table."
"I'm very thankful for our shop, the tools, the equipment, and everything that we have been blessed with, including our family and friends."
"Thanks so much for hanging out with me in the shop today."
"We've been actually working on some really cool stuff here in the shop."
"It's shop furniture, and it's still going to look great."
"I am absolutely loving having these tools, but I also cannot wait to have my own workshop."
"I am a very passionate advocate for the use of laser cutter engravers in the home workshop."
"When you're just in your shop trying to make stuff, it's about what gets you to the finished project the fastest."
"This is the new workshop guys, this is what I've been dreaming about for what feels like years."
"It would be a very brief workshop where we are going to discuss about very basic issues of systematic literature reviews."
"The intermediate level CNC's typically can hold a half sheet, so they're either four by four or four foot by eight foot."
"This shop is heated with a radiant floor system, which as far as I'm concerned, is the best way to heat a space."
"Every single work surface and tool base in the shop is set to 34 inches."
"Thank you so much for watching, I hope you found it useful for planning out your own workspace or upgrading your own workshop."
"Thank you so much, have a good one, and thanks for following along in this Donet Maui workshop."
"For years I have wanted a lathe in my workshop, and up until now, I thought I haven't had the space, no place to put it."
"Welcome to today's workshop. We have an interesting panel of speakers that are going to help us with an emerging tool."
"This is a great entry level laser that I think anybody would love to be able to have in their workshop."
"This is a great addition to any shop."
"I guess adding a computer to my workshop is an admission that I'm starting to lean towards the idea that the internet and email isn't just a passing fad."
"It's been three months since I've got this 100 watt Thunder laser here in my shop."
"This is an awesome freaking air hammer accessory."
"I'm going to show you a cool trick that you can do in your shop."
"We've received quite a bit of interest in my free to be workshop."
"This is the best thing I ever built in the workshop; it is absolutely amazing."
"It has been so much fun, and it is just absolutely opened up my workshop."
"We're going to fill this thing full of stuff that's useful here in the shop."
"We are back in the workshop, and I've got a random update with so much to tell you."
"I wanted the workshop to feel nice and light and bright, and this is a perfect white to help achieve that."
"Let me take you by the arm and welcome you to the workshop."
"Take care of yourself, and I hope to see you soon again here in the workshop."
"Having directional light that you can control is super beneficial for leveling out the surfaces."
"That tool is super nice to have; it's fast, accurate."
"Long-form workshops are definitely our favorite to do and often participants' favorites because of how we get to connect and learn so much in such a short time."
"I've got a nice car lift here which will be fun to work on cars and trucks."
"I love an organized shop; I love having things kind of in their place and knowing where they are."
"I've looked for a shop like this for years; I've wanted to have a shop like this for my entire life."
"There's a greater responsibility for you as the facilitator to manage the energy and the attention within a workshop."
"Thank you all again for your time, and I hope you enjoyed this workshop."
"I'm able to have a system that's easy for me to use in the shop that's really versatile."
"What I want to do is help answer your questions about workshop layout and design by taking a look at what I did and describing why I did the things I did."
"I'm pretty happy with the way the lighting is in the shop; I spent a lot of time designing exactly where I want the lights."
"So that's the basic tour of my new workshop; I hope it gives you some ideas on things you can do for your own shop."
"Congratulations for making it through the first week of the advanced water workshop."
"If you want more sales for your business, I strongly encourage you to check out our Profitable Pages and Profiles Workshop."
"He decides to give her a quick tour of the workshop since it's her first time actually seeing it."
"So do I recommend these to heat your workshop up? Absolutely."
"We're building better bridges today, so welcome to the workshop."
"I consider a nail gun to be one of the basic power tools you want to have in your workshop because it makes things so much easier."
"I've been really struggling to find a nice workshop space to work on my bikes."
"I highly recommend doing a private workshop with StoryBrand, they come in to help you clarify your message through storytelling with their seven-part framework."
"It's a basement shop; it's very functional, it's evolved over years and it is a very efficient shop for me."
"Spring is finally here, and it's actually warm enough now that we can actually start the rebuild process of the workshop itself."
"I will see you again very soon here in the DroneBot Workshop."
"It's a great workshop and it's a great pleasure to be here."
"I'm Ernest, and today we're going to look at how I have this UPS truck turned into a mobile workshop for mobile mechanics."
"Overall, pretty cool project, want me get something out there kind of show you guys what I'm doing in the shop."
"I'm super happy to be back at the shop making videos for you guys."
"Welcome to Rat Rod Bob's little shop where dreams come true."
"This solar setup is going to be perfect for lights and running tools in my workshop."
"We got to workshop it together and... it was really special, I've never been able to do something that level of collaboration."
"I'm Dom, and welcome to my workshop."
"I'm building something that I've wanted in the shop for a long time."
"One of the best things I ever did was put a chain fall on a beam trolley in my metal shop."
"This thing is incredible and it has absolutely changed the way that I work in my metal shop."
"We're cutting up a happy little tree right in the middle of our shop."
"We have two benches, well we have a hip high bench over here on the one side, a sink, and got to have a radio in here, so absolutely critical."
"This is my workshop, this is where I do my thing, and it's all about making and learning."
"An air compressor... it's one of the most versatile tools I have in my shop."
"I would define kid-friendly as something that a little one can get in the shop and either assist with or if they're old enough, something that they could follow the video and do it with someone just kind of overseeing or guiding."
"This workbench is super easy to build, it's adjustable height, it's got tons of storage, it's got a vise, and nothing sticks to it—not glue, not epoxy, nothing."
"Thank you very much for coming to my workshop."
"Drill press table offers several advantages; number one, you've got this much larger work surface."
"It really deserves a place in your woodworking shop."
"We just need to extract the fumes and the smoke and the odors and get them out of the shop completely."
"Oh hey, my friends, it's me, Handyman Hal. Welcome to the workshop. I hope you're doing absolutely awesome today."
"All of your apron sewing workshop designs and modifications are so clever."