
Voter Rights Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"History has never been kind to those who've sided with voter suppression over voters' rights."
"Why isn't it free? Because it's America. In a country where voter fraud is not a problem, the necessity of a voter ID is an unnecessary, classist, and racist policy."
"Voter intimidation is absolutely unacceptable."
"The voters deserve the truth and that no one is above the law."
"In a time of voter suppression at home and authoritarians abroad Joe Biden will be a champion for free and fair elections."
"I don't know... I think people should be able to vote for who they want to vote for."
"None of this is true. It is not true that Georgia was being victimized by voter suppression."
"They want to erase your vote like it never existed, they want to erase your voice and they want to erase your future, but they will fail because in America the people rule again."
"HR1 is not about righting wrongs, it's about power. It's about trying to grab power."
"We don't have a democracy when the politicians pick the voters rather than the voters picking the politicians."
"This election is about great voter fraud, fraud that has never been seen like this before."
"Trump's legal team battling similar claims in several states has argued the challenges are an anti-democratic attempt to prevent voters from deciding the next occupant of the White House."
"There's nothing irresponsible about demanding something for your vote, that's all."
"Voter suppression is any effort by the government or other individuals to prevent or discourage eligible voters from registering to vote or voting itself."
"Every legal ballot to count, no illegal ballot to count. Because every illegal ballot that counts dilutes the value of every legal ballot that was cast."
"None of that matters if you don't have a vote because they'll just take it away."
"It's like they're trying to break down all the normative systems and legal protections for people to vote."
"We have to reform our democracy and make sure voter suppression is headed off at the pass."
"I'm for a system where everybody actually does have one vote and there's no voter suppression."
"Voter suppression and intimidation is a threat to democracy."
"We're not falling for the whole trick bag of voting for nothing. We want something for our vote."
"Obstacles to voter rights were finally abolished."
"The optics of this right now look terrible. Stacey Abrams, the country's most famous voting rights activist, is skipping a speech by the president on voting rights in her home state."
"Our voices should be heard and heard fairly at the polls just like all other Americans."
"Absent a massive voter education and voter mobilization effort, there could be a lot more voters disenfranchised in 2022."
"We intend to ensure that every lawful voter has their vote counted accurately."
"We want every legal vote to be counted and every illegal vote to be discarded."
"There's an unfolding assault taking place in America today, an attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote and fair and free elections. An assault on democracy, an assault on liberty, an assault on who we are as Americans."
"The American people who are set to vote in less than four months deserve to have their voice heard."
"It is shocking that not a single Republican would vote to even hear a bill that does things like make voter registration easier."
"All props goes to Stacey Abrams and Fair Fight for a lot of work that they've been doing."
"Voter suppression is about making you not vote, not just inconveniencing you."
"No one knows what those ballots were because even when our observers were there and the press were there, they were kept back so far like 40 to 100 feet away."
"We must ensure that this is an election that is free and fair, an election in which voters are not intimidated."
"The surface area of both lungs is equal to about the same size as a tennis court. Wow!"
"What Donald Trump is saying to tens of millions of Americans is that... you have a choice... risk your health or even your life by walking into a voting booth or you can't vote. How outrageous, how disgraceful is that."
"Felony disenfranchisement is something that we must challenge."
"Every citizen... should be guaranteed that their vote matters."
"Every voter, regardless of party, should be able to have confidence that their vote has been properly counted."
"I'm embarrassed for the voters, I'm embarrassed for Arizona, and I'm ashamed that anybody would file a civil action with these sorts of allegations."
"We are entitled to have the accurate count of legal voters determine the result of the presidential race. We are entitled to have truth emerge."
"A victory for Democrats as Wisconsin's Supreme Court rules against purging voter rolls."
"So, no tangibles, no vote. And that's all it is anyway, y'all."
"GOP-controlled states are leading voter suppression campaigns nationwide."
"If you can prevent voters from being allowed to vote for the candidate of their choice which is their constitutional right then the system's over."
"Take Ron DeSantis's consistent assault on voting rights in Florida"
"He said that um Florida this case arises out of Florida's latest assault on the right to vote"
"Each voter should have the right to independently decide the magnitude and legitimacy of the allegations."
"Arizona if they have the chance... could go against the will of the voters."
"This ain't about protecting the rights of voters; it's about keeping Democrats in power."
"Top lawmakers in 17 States said yep that would be fine to overturn the will of the voter in these states throw out their votes like be like those yeah, that's terrifying."
"We've got to pass a Voting Rights Act that will attack voters and not have these insurrectionists that are taking over governments all over, doing things unnecessary that will result in nullifying people's vote."
"Ron DeSantis tried to take away your vote. Regardless of your political affiliation, he tried to silence you."
"I was pretty devastated that I wouldn't be able to cast my vote for Bernie Sanders now I get to."
"The people should choose their leaders, not the other way around. And when you don't have gerrymandering, and you've got fundamental rights on the ballot, and a Democratic party that is focused on solving problems and making people's lives better."
"If the right to vote is the cornerstone of our democracy, then how can we in good conscience allow for a situation in which the Republican Party can debate and pass voter suppression laws at the state level with only a simple majority vote?"
"I am very skeptical of voter id because it is a transparently bad faith way for republicans to disenfranchise people."
"We wanted to have you back on the show because this week Georgia passed this voter suppression bill which is pretty significant."
"Anybody that tells you that voter ID is to keep minorities out of the voting booth is lying."
"I simply refuse to be a tool for voter suppression and voter disenfranchisement of our citizens." - Republican election board official
"Despite the final tally and the inauguration and the situation we find ourselves in, I do have one very affirmative statement to make: Without voter suppression, Abrams would be the governor of Georgia."
"I feel entitled as an American to defend the person that I voted for President."
"We don't owe this woman, she owes us for our vote."
"Florida Republicans trying to undermine the voter enfranchising constitutional amendment passed there."
"They wanted to invalidate the votes of black people, they didn't see them as real Americans."
"Voters should choose their representatives, not the other way around." - Joe Biden
"Nicaragua has gone to great lengths to ensure the custody of the vote."
"It's very troubling because it basically dilutes the voice of the lawful voter."
"Voter suppression is real from making it harder to register and stay on the rolls, to moving and closing polling places to rejecting lawful ballots."
"The Republican Party has a real problem... they begin rather than to try and answer the requests of voters, they begin to choose their voters."
"The fact that we're still struggling with attempts to disfranchise voters shows exactly why we have to look at segregation as this multi-pronged attack on equality."
"We need to insist that there is a sweeping pro-voter legislative package."
"Ossoff for instance is doing a lot of work on solar manufacturing and solar paneling right, and then Warnock I think is doing a lot of work on voter rights."
"In America, we don't ignore the will of the voters."
"I believe voters should be able to choose their governments in free and democratic elections."