
Investment Safety Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Mobile home parks... have the lowest default rates out of all commercial loan types."
"Why were customer deposits ever used for collateral?"
"People want to feel safe and protected that their investments are going to be backed by the US government."
"You want to play it safe. This is exactly what it is: it's Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, Solana. That's the ones I would go to."
"Bitcoin beyond all shadow of a doubt, safest place to park your money."
"Invest in a hardware wallet like the ledger backup pack or BC vault."
"Moon River is probably my safest investment of all of them because it's just going up, it's going into the top 50."
"Gold is poised to probably be the safest asset out there."
"The safest place to store your investments is on a cold storage hardware wallet device."
"This is a good company to be diversified into."
"That is a 555... that is called a safe floor with the chance of some upside."
"VO has shares in the top 500 largest companies in the US, investors can expect a lot of safety from market volatility."
"Dividend stocks are generally much much safer than growth stocks."
"Bitcoin certainly is a safer play than some of these other ones."
"Safety not meaning that they're going to be paid back in dollars that are going to appreciate they're fine if they depreciate safety meaning that they're going to get 100 cents on the dollar."
"Larry Fink thinks the banking system is melting down. Bitcoin has emerged as a potential safe haven for investors trying to protect their savings."
"Gold will be your safe haven if it looks like we're going to segue from a recession to a financial crisis."
"Take security seriously: from two-factor authentication to cold storage wallets."
"I've made sure to pick out stocks that are sort of immune to this whole fear of them not being able to pay out their dividend."
"In my opinion, that means tattoo chef has way less risk for potential downside."
"Ape just feels like a relatively safe Long play if that makes any sense to you guys"
"Cash is king right now, and even if you lose money on a real basis, cash will lose you nothing on a nominal basis."
"Bitcoin is the least risk and that's why it makes the most sense."
"Security is everything. If we cannot keep the coin safe then it doesn't matter how much interest you've earned or how many loans you've taken."
"Your money grows on a compound interest basis and it cannot go down over time, this is guaranteed."
"SEC's investor education campaign, social media's role in scams, and the need for trustworthy sources in investment."
"The risk of loss in gold is so minimum versus what still is going to happen to people that own a lot of stocks and bonds."
"Preservation of capital. What's the first rule of investing? Don't lose money."
"If asset markets aren't ready to kick off a new Bull Run, we need to be protective, we need to preserve our capital."
"Find things that don't go down in a global crisis and you're winning big." - Strategy for financial stability
"If you have real high value items, look for that Underwriter's Lab rating."
"Bitcoin is a hedge against deflation and counterparty risk."
"Make sure that the crypto relinquishes their coins so basically they relinquish the contract they denounced the contract so that they can't just rug pull on you."
"It's overall just kind of a safer option to be able to just throw some money into an investment and be able to collect dividends over a long period of time consistently."
"Historically speaking, treasuries are the safest place to put it."
"If you don't feel safe, don't invest in the area."
"The safest pick out of all of these is Consumer Staples because consumers will always need a staple."
"Institutional money will go into Bitcoin and Ethereum because those are the safer choices."
"There's some safety in there to invest in coin because it has the regulations backing it up."
"You need to keep your coins off the exchanges."
"Best thing you can do: put your wealth in stable coins that are well audited."
"Ethereum has the best opportunity out there with the least downside risk and the most history behind it."
"Triple A rated is super safe. I mean think about it, there's only two companies in the world that are Triple A rated: Johnson and Johnson, and Microsoft."
"The most persuasive test of high quality safety in a company is an uninterrupted record of dividend payments going back over many years."
"He's always protected the downside of his investors; he never once put his investors in jeopardy throughout his entire history."
"Cash by itself has never hurt an investor."
"Having some safety built in with defensive type dividend stocks is always a nice feature in any portfolio."
"If you are looking for the safest investment possible, I would recommend this ETF."
"Dividends are a buffer in difficult times."
"Dividends accelerate your payback on an investment; it's kind of like dividends provide a safety net to your investing."
"To reduce risk, we can do diversification."