
Esteem Quotes

There are 283 quotes

"I hold your commitment to fighting for the future generations of this planet in the highest esteem."
"Do something that causes respect for yourself."
"They want you to know that there is nobody above you, like they put you on a pedestal."
"Being desired is not the same thing as being held in high esteem."
"You gotta get yourself with someone who's gonna make you feel respected and beautiful and wanted."
"This person views you as their queen or king."
"Develop a sense of deep regard for yourself."
"I'm aware that it is highly regarded in my field."
"Self-esteem is the greatest trait of a human being."
"Your mannerisms, your high quality, everything about you says high quality."
"You are the most extraordinary person I know."
"He's in that conversation with Spielberg, I think."
"This person thinks very highly of you, sees you as regal and responsible."
"Mary, the mother of Jesus, is held in the highest regard in esteem."
"They view you as the Empress, the High Priestess, the queen of Pentacles."
"You have to respect yourself to get respect from others."
"This person holds you to a very high esteem."
"This person truly does admire you."
"She's not worthless, she's priceless."
"People see you as a high status type of person."
"This is somebody who really sees you as a prize."
"You're definitely on a pedestal, a lot of admiration, a lot of being in awe of you."
"If you don't say he's in your top five, your top five says that he's in their top five."
"You're someone who's highly regarded, highly respected."
"This person sees you as incredibly wise, incredibly wise."
"They greatly admire and respect you."
"you are more precious in my estimation an account of your wisdom that all the turbulent and crowd Pharisees who abuse the freedom granted them."
"Your person has long since forgiven you and still holds you in very high esteem."
"...confirmed the Sultan in the high opinion he had formed of him."
"You hold yourself to a high standard, and there's this feeling of people thinking really highly of you."
"They have so much respect for you here, my darling, like so, so much respect."
"They absolutely think the world of you."
"You're very smart, and your friends generally think of you as really smart."
"People are thinking highly of you."
"You already are something. Allah says about all of us, 'Verily we have ennobled the Sons and Daughters of Adam.'"
"People speak of you in a really high regard."
"That prince is highly esteemed who conveys this impression of himself, and he who is highly esteemed is not easily conspired against."
"You're gonna be their goddess, they're gonna worship you, they're gonna think very highly of you."
"No one is going to value you more than you value yourself."
"Good people, moral people, ethical people, easy to work with people, reliable people, tend to have very high self-esteem."
"This person really thinks highly of you."
"Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food."
"Self-trust is one of those things that we don't talk about really often. We talk more about self-confidence and self-esteem, but the root of both of those things...is self-trust."
"As soon as men had begun mutually to value one another and the idea of esteem was formed in their minds, each one claimed to have a right to it."
"Remember, show compassion, show esteem, have fun out there."
"Respect means to demonstrate high regard for an individual."
"Respect is essential in our relationship with God."
"Adding value to others makes them value you more."
"The Psalms of Solomon were highly regarded by the early Christians."
"My respect for this car is boundless."
"The Lord esteemeth All Flesh, and one that is righteous is favored of God."
"Peace when you have peace, you have esteem, dignity, solidity, confidence, faith, God, and the devil's in trouble."
"Esteem is a sincere conviction of the hearer's souls."
"You're described as someone who's well-needed and well-respected."
"Gold signifies value for what is esteemed and safeguarded."
"When we say 'I hold that person in the highest esteem,' we mean I like him, I value him."
"You're like up on a pedestal, really, you are."
"Nobody looks down on you anymore."
"They want to make you feel like a million bucks."
"This person may have always held you in high esteem, high regard, and maybe they just never told you that."
"The Thunderous Roar that erupts from their Sarkorian supporters upon their arrival speaks volumes of their esteemed reputation."
"David had more success than all the servants of Saul, so that his name was highly esteemed."
"This person thinks the world of you. You are like a teacher to them."
"Esteem others better than yourselves."
"Integrity, you have integrity through doing these esteemable acts."
"By Allah, they are few in number, the good ones, but they are great and esteemed before Allah."
"The greatest security that I will enjoy is the esteem of these people."
"I feel like a lot of girls just don't get what they deserve because of self-esteem problems."
"You are a prize, you are supposed to be treasured like pearls."
"...Sarah is rated pretty high in my opinion."
"They're gonna see you as an angel and think the world of you."
"We respect the man for his knowledge."
"You're better than anyone I've ever met."
"People will respect you only if you respect yourself."
"Every man has his peculiar ambition; mine is to be esteemed of by my fellow man and to be worthy of that esteem."
"It really is not important what other people's opinions are of me unless my opinion of that person is high in and of itself."
"Self-esteem comes from competence and feeling worthy."
"Howard University is renowned for its esteemed faculty, vibrant campus culture, and robust academic programs."
"Global self-esteem is an overall evaluation of the self as a person of worth."
"They are now viewed, and quite rightly so, with similar esteem and considered equal to other American Airmen fighting the world's biggest conflict to date."
"Marriage is a relationship of mutual esteem; esteem the other above yourself."
"You deserve to have high self-esteem."
"You are royalty to me, I'll tell you that."
"You're above average in my heart."
"And so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man."
"I'm well respected, and I respect everybody else."
"Samuel was held in great esteem as the prophet of God."
"You should love yourself above everything else."
"We have a lot of love and respect and admiration for each other."
"The truth of it is, it is the most esteemed combat badge in the world."
"I really love you and I think very highly of you."
"Our approval of ourselves matters more than another's."
"You are a woman above all women, Elizabeth Bennett."
"Truth be told, she is always the most valuable."
"Choose a good reputation over great riches; for being held in high esteem is better than having silver or gold."
"You need to start treating yourself as if you are worth something."
"I care about your good opinion of me."
"If you want self-esteem, you got to do esteemable things."
"I will always hold her in high regard."
"It means you get the respect, that's what it means."
"That shows self-awareness, it shows self-esteem to be able to admit that, and empathy to state that to someone else."
"I think so highly of you, I really do."
"Self-worth, self-esteem, respect, love for yourself but it also includes the desire for reputation and respect from others."
"It's self-esteem, it's not your-esteem."
"I haven't yet found him to lose with greater knowledge; occasionally, I come across a quiet little nook of character which excites esteem."
"You gotta love yourself because people value what is valuable."
"Self-esteem is incredibly important."
"Motherhood is an extremely high calling."
"She respected, she esteemed, she was grateful to him; she felt a real interest in his welfare."
"You are their soul mate, you are the empress."
"I always think, you know, like somebody you hold in such high esteem, but you don't know much about them."
"Oh man of high esteem, do not be afraid; peace be with you, take courage and be courageous."
"But they thought the world of each other."
"You're like a precious gem to the most high."
"Every man is said to have this peculiar ambition. I have no other so great as that of being truly esteemed of my fellow men."
"I have more self-respect, my self-esteem has gone up."
"They hold you at a very high value; you're the total package to them."
"Pan-Africanism is serious business because it helps to give us a worldview of what we can do in order to give Africa and Africans a sense of direction and a sense of esteem."
"The answer to self-doubt and loss of esteem is belief."
"Cats are a form of royalty to me."
"I still consider you my greatest friend."
"A Woman's Worth is found when she is cherished."
"Those who honor me I will honor, and those who despise me shall be lightly esteemed."
"My respect for you is beyond what I could possibly put into words."
"You are one of the greatest people I know."
"You're a queen, you're a treasure."
"They have tremendous respect for each other."
"You're the best, you know. You really are the best. The best of all bests."
"We're supposed to think more highly of our brothers and sisters than we think of ourselves."
"You have a high self-esteem and high value."
"The only way you will ever get respect in this world is if you have respect for yourself."
"Love yourself as much as others do."
"In my eyes, you are precious, beloved."
"Now you are being treated like the royal person you are."
"Mr. Darcy deserves you. I could not have parted with you, my Lizzie, to anyone less worthy."
"Our Mr. Darcy is a hundred times that gentleman's consequence, I am sure."
"You're what we hold most valuable."
"They see you as a gem, they see you as potential."
"He's revered, meaning respected highly."
"If you don't respect yourself, who is going to respect you?"
"To fear God is to esteem, respect, honor, venerate, revere, be in awe of, and adore Him above anything or anyone else."
"It is a very fine line which you have to understand between pride and self-esteem."
"You have to respect yourself for anyone else to respect you."
"Confidence is very closely associated with a deep sense of self-worth."
"You're sure to be a man of the first magnitude to me."
"That person has value even if I can't value myself."
"When they rescued the wise men from annihilation, the wise men held them in high esteem."
"You are someone highly favored by the Divine."
"We do have an enormous amount of respect for one another."
"If you would study to show yourself approved, you will find out that your mind is more beautiful than the individuals that you look up to."
"You are very much in tune with your own self-worth, self-love, and self-esteem."
"What does it mean to esteem something? It means to revere it, to treasure it, to put it at the highest place you can place it."
"I think super highly of you, I respect the hell out of you."
"Recognition and gratitude for the good things and gifts received is greatly loved and esteemed both in heaven and on earth."
"Oh Daniel, man of high esteem, understand the words that I'm about to tell you, and stand upright, for I have now been sent to you."
"You're like one of the best people I've ever met in my life."
"Once you're a teacher, you're seen as just this very high-level person because of the level to which they value education."
"You deserve to be treated like a star."
"People will not respect you until you respect yourself."
"They have a lot of respect for you."
"You are the jewel in His Majesty's crown."
"They hold you on a very high pedestal."
"Esteeming them all in their hearts as better than themselves."
"The definition of honor is high respect, absolute esteem."
"I will honor those who honor me, and for those who dishonor me, I will lightly esteem them."
"You live with a good woman, and she's demonstrating that she's on your program; that's automatically going to raise your esteem because people see growth in you."
"I have incredible worth. I have incredible value."
"Every man is said to have his peculiar ambition. I have no other so great as that of being truly esteemed by my fellow men."
"Those who honor me I will honor, and those who despise me will be lightly esteemed."
"You are royalty in the kingdom of God, and you are held in the highest regard."
"Janelle is now solidly locked in the Big Brother pantheon."
"Treat other people as though they were better than you."
"That right there is called respect."
"You respect me because I respect myself."
"We must esteem other people better than ourselves and we must look out for their interests."
"It's held in high regard by a lot of Nashville session players."
"You're a living National Treasure."
"You'll feel great once a great one considers you great."
"A woman of high value is somebody that holds herself in respect."
"You're a legend, I just want to make sure you know that."
"You're loved, respected, admired."
"I've watched hours of your content before joining a live. The channel gives black men great esteem."
"They just think that you're so incredible."
"Anyone would be lucky to have you."
"Your worth is like beyond measure."
"They have a high value for freedom."
"There's a level of respect when someone can respect themselves."
"They feel like you're highly esteemed here."
"You're a woman of worth and value, you're priceless."
"They have a very high opinion of you."
"Before you respect others, you have to respect yourself."
"You're everything to this individual; they think very highly of you."
"Let every man esteem his brother as himself."
"Someone sees you as there's nobody better than you in their eyes."
"Respect is speaking highly of someone, praising them, putting them in high regard."
"It's going to improve just our whole esteem of our community, I know it is."
"Always know your worth and it defies quantifiability."
"They're spoken about with a high level of esteem, with a lot of respect."
"They're going to treat you with the respect that you deserve."
"Try your best. I think high of you."