
Pedagogy Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"There's a strong contrast between what makes good reference material and what makes good pedagogical materials."
"Viewing the child as capable, competent, curious—they're discoverers, explorers, active participants in their own learning."
"NEP 2020 focuses on fundamental changes in curriculum design, teaching methods, and assessment techniques for holistic development."
"Pedagogy is more important than technology while you are talking about the teaching learning process."
"Teachers are facilitators, guiding students in using technology effectively to deepen understanding."
"Teacher B sees hip-hop as a vehicle for and the object of learning, authentically represented in the classroom."
"The pedagogical experience here becomes an invitation to make visible the languages, dreams, values, and encounters that constitute the lives of those whose histories are often actively silenced."
"The importance of the teacher-student relationship is perhaps the most important thing."
"We need to learn how to teach kids and adults how to deal with emotions."
"Waldorf teaches the kid how to think, not what to think."
"This is the way pedagogy should be."
"That I think is a powerful pedagogical mission that needs to be embarked on."
"There's a kind of pedagogical approach or didactic approach that I see my role when I'm dealing with people who have Asperger's syndrome."
"We focus mostly on technique in education."
"Teach non-native children the English language in the way native children would learn."
"Canada's pedagogy focuses on theoretical and practical aspects, and the country is known globally for research infrastructure and facilities."
"She could lay claim then to the status of a pedagogue not a mere instructor because she taught others lessons suited to changing their lives."
"In an ideal world, we probably wouldn't try and teach people complex subjects by putting large numbers in a place and standing at the front and talking at them."
"...if you're teaching good information, it kind of doesn't matter if you have music to back it up or not."
"Education schools are absolutely rife with this, which then means that the people who then go into K-12 teaching have been taught this kind of pedagogical method."
"Teaching is not a matter of what topics we happen to like, it's about helping the learners achieve the learning that is appropriate for that course."
"I'm very curious to hear from calc 1 teachers: Is this something that you would introduce in your class alongside the original definition, even if just used as a teaching tool for understanding the power rule intuitively? Let me know in the comments."
"So for pedagogical reasons, I've looked at a lot of such basic algorithms this way, the ones that are so fundamental that normal sane people don't even try to optimize, and surprisingly I've managed to speed up quite a lot of them, and some by a very large margin."
"The issue isn't to say that education is wrong. Of course, it's a wonderful thing, but it all depends on the context and the manner in which the pedagogy is promoted."
"Every class should be structured in a way where you go over mathematics in class, you go home, you do homework that's very similar to the mathematics that you did in class, and then you have a review for a test."
"If it's beneficial for us professional philosophers to do that, it's going to be doubly beneficial for you as a student."
"We need relationships with the children in order to teach them effectively."
"Barbara Oakley has an absolutely tremendous role in nowadays pedagogical waves and movements."
"She had a university degree in pedagogy, which is basically like she had a degree in teaching or knowing how to teach."
"If we can learn about how people learn, we can better inform our teaching approaches."
"My philosophy of teaching is that there's three philosophies of teaching: monologue, dialogue, and trialogue."
"The most important part of the teaching was in fact this silent presence."
"The Writing Revolution is an evidence-based model that really helps students produce clear and coherent and unified approach to writing."
"The importance of knowing how students know, learn, and think is key to teachers being able to provide responsive teaching."
"Teaching and learning as a process of inquiry and of active learning."
"Pedagogy is a manner by which the teacher raises the student up to the desired level of knowledge."
"A good teacher is someone who explains math in a way you like and understand."
"Learning to read and teaching children how to read is complex."
"We think of effective instruction in reading as instruction that is explicit and systematic."
"It's not what you're teaching, it's how you're teaching it."
"I'm not here to please... I'm here to engage in a pedagogical process."
"We want to make sure it's learning-centered, active, interactive, and meaningful."
"All decisions about pedagogy and assessment flow from this curriculum intent."
"One of the best ways to teach number sense is a pedagogical strategy that's been really growing over recent years as a grassroots movement called number talks."
"Students need to work both conceptually and concretely at the same time to kind of reinforce both of those."
"This way builds student writing and reading comprehension because it builds in students the ability to understand the way words relate to one another to convey meaning."
"A knowledge rich curriculum and improved teacher pedagogical skill are likely to have a bigger impact on student achievement."
"What must come first is the curriculum, only then can we consider the activities and pedagogy that might best lend themselves to teaching the content and ensuring it is remembered in the long term."
"We teach teachers how to teach reading and writing."
"Now, I'm not going to say that one approach is right or wrong, but what I do hope that we will achieve today together is to explore some different ways of working with vocabulary lists in our classrooms."
"Moodle was actually made with the idea or the approach of collaborative social constructionist learning, but you can use it however you want to teach with Moodle."
"Learning theory becomes very important, less about developmental theory and more about how people learn."
"The right has engaged in a vast pedagogic... the struggle over common sense is absolutely central for the transformation of schools and the larger society."
"Pedagogy is always about power, because it can't be separated from how subjectivities are formed, desires are mobilized."
"School teaches you to learn and never teaches you to think."
"It's a pedagogy that empowers students intellectually, socially, emotionally, and politically by using cultural references to impart knowledge, skills, and attitudes."
"I teach how I teach properly under the guidelines, but I'm real and I'm fair."
"It's a tough topic because pedagogical content knowledge is one of those things; it's a really cool idea but actually a hard thing to see, a hard thing to capture, a hard thing to demonstrate."
"The essence of quality in teaching is that notion of pedagogy, that teaching should influence learning and learning should influence teaching."
"Pedagogical content knowledge shouldn't be a barrier to thinking about what it is we know and are able to do within a subject field; it should be a window into something valuable, able to be shared."
"PCK becomes important or special because it's about that teaching with the particular content."
"TPACK is communicating that the most effective teaching happens when teachers are able to combine their subject matter expertise, their knowledge about how to teach effectively, and their understanding of how to best make use of powerful technology tools."
"There are four main types of learners: visual, auditory, reading and writing, and kinesthetic."