
Synesthesia Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Every time I hear sounds, I see colors and numbers."
"One in 100,000 people are born with synesthesia, and I am one of them."
"It's like using every sense at once, isn't it? To see sounds and hear shapes are the combination."
"A way to taste color, see a sound, listen to a smell."
"Synesthesia is where the brain mixes up the usual senses and allows people to do exactly what Edward Kenway suggested: hear colors, see sounds."
"There was a new avenue to finding the Synesthete suddenly opened up to the curry connoisseur."
"Mirror-touch synesthesia... you're vibing with their bodies and emotions."
"I started to experience synesthesia."
"Synesthesia alters a person's perception of reality."
"Some people can smell colors, a condition known as synesthesia."
"...as many as one in 20 people can have some form of synesthesia."
"There are people who, unlike most of us, hear colors and see sounds."
"I could hear colors, I could see sounds, I could feel the emanation of love expanding everywhere."
"Last thing, last thing, um, what if we could see music? What would it look like?"
"Synesthesia is a special ability where people can taste music or hear colors."
"The coffee is giving synesthesia right now."
"I see music as colors in my brain during my creative process, ultimately striving to make my music like paintings."
"I see how round a kick drum is, I see how dark baseline is the, if something's really loud it's an instrument that's red for instance."
"I want my penis to hear colors and see noises."
"My friend from college has synesthesia and she paints her music, what she sees."
"...he described his synesthesia... he said to his piano teacher 'I love that blue piece.'"
"It detailed that the experiments and the interviews that he carried out revealed that the memory was based on synesthesia which turns sounds into vivid visual memory."
"That's the best feeling when you can actually smell colors."
"I see words with colors when I write."
"Synesthesia is a special ability when people can taste music or hear colors."
"Messiaen experienced the neurological condition called synesthesia, which causes the brain to involuntarily associate certain stimuli with unrelated sensory sensations."
"Messiaen's music is further complicated by his extreme reverence for colour; he was synesthetic and saw colors in his mind's eye whenever he heard music."
"Synesthesia is seven or eight times more common among artists, poets and novelists than in the general population."
"Synesthesia... provides a key to understanding several elusive aspects of the mind such as creativity and metaphorical thinking."
"Synesthesia is ten times more common among artists, poets, and novelists."
"Voices to me have colors, and I always recognize a voice by its color."
"I see numbers as colors and shapes."
"Synesthesia is about seven times more common among artists, poets, and novelists than in the rest of the population."
"All of us are synesthetes, that means that you sense one sensation with another sensation."
"Every chord sounded like a color to me."
"Synesthetes by and large consider their abilities as gifts rather than curses."
"People with time-space synesthesia see time."
"Each sound had a color, each note had a texture."
"She had lived her whole life thinking it was completely normal to taste words."
"Synesthesia... takes us all the way from just the mingling of the senses... all the way to metaphors."
"Synesthesia is eight times more common among artists, poets, novelists, and other creative people than in the general population."
"All sounds create colors and numbers in my eyes."
"I think the point of the book is accomplished; she finds a way to work with her synesthesia instead of against it."
"So inwardly we're all synesthetes, outwardly unaware of the perceptual couplings happening all the time."
"Welcome to synesthesia, the neurological phenomenon that couples two or more senses in four percent of the population."
"Imagine a world in which you see numbers and letters as colored, even though they're printed in black."
"Synesthesia is a trait like having blue eyes rather than a disorder because there's nothing wrong."
"Synesthesia provides a path to understanding subjective differences, how two people can see the same thing differently."
"Seeing the similar in the dissimilar, not surprisingly, synesthesia is more common in artists who excel at making metaphors."
"I function from a place of synesthesia where notes are colors and shapes."
"For synesthetes, the sound of the word is so vivid - clear, detailed, and powerful in their mind."
"Colors are like music to me. I can hear them singing."
"Synesthesia... where senses are connected to things that in usually in the neurotypical brain they aren't connected to."
"Red tastes like strawberry candy, blue feels like water running over your hands."
"Our brains are able to cross sensory where we can say hear music and see colors dance in the air; we're evolving, we're seeing and feeling differently."
"Synesthesia is an unusual and rare ability; people who have it can taste music or hear colors."
"Every note has a color, and every color has a shape."
"It's amazing like I love and just this synesthesia in the way that you can move between all different kinds of media and approaches is extremely artistically stimulating."
"I'm seeing everything in colors, that's how I see things when I hear music."
"The study of synesthesia is one way for us to discover more about how the brain helps us make sense of the world."
"Synesthesia is a harmless but fascinating condition which is often described by psychologists as the joining of the senses."