
Conscious Living Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Understanding the true power that we have and control over our life by making conscious decisions backed by action and thought."
"This is gonna be like the best made object I've ever held in my life."
"It’s up to each of us to make our own decisions as to what to eat and how to live, but we should make these choices consciously, educating ourselves about the predictable consequences of our actions."
"Being woke is not tied to how much you hate the system. Being woke is making all the right decisions in your life, raising your kids right."
"Eating and living in a conscious, healthy, compassionate way is not restrictive."
"The floors here will always be uneven because I want people to walk consciously, they shouldn't walk like there are some robots."
"For any human being, this is important: in every aspect of life, but particularly for a soldier, it is super important, because it's a question of life and death, that you are conscious and you function intelligently."
"This is the business of this generation to create conscious human beings."
"Create a conscious planet so that we will live something that we are proud of for the next generation."
"Make sure they have by and large positive conscious experiences."
"Having routines really heavily affect their life but they are always, always, always consciously thinking about these routines."
"To live the life you desire, guard your vibration with conscious awareness."
"The really important kind of freedom involves attention, awareness, and discipline."
"It is necessary to know the truth and to live in the consciousness of it."
"We are here to consciously create the lives we want to live."
"We just have to do the best we can not to kill."
"We can weave our future reality by revisiting that in a much more conscious way."
"Take every action consciously. Practice towards that. That is what mindfulness is."
"A person should have his roots deep in a great moving current, a moving stream of conscious direction which will keep him on course."
"They are very conscious and aware of who they are."
"It's about really being consciously aware of your choices and approaching them from a position of integrity."
"It's all about choosing our own frequency, intending to our own frequency, making sure that we're continuously choosing love in every situation, even when it's challenging."
"Walking in the spirit is to be fully conscious of your spiritual nature."
"Follow your highest excitement, be conscious."
"You are choosing your timelines and physical life experiences every day now more and more and more."
"You make more conscious choices for your well-being."
"We need to create joyful and conscious human beings."
"Being in a relationship is essentially an intentional conscious choice every single day."
"The academy of conscious creation is doing this creation, all aspects of life, consciously."
"I want to live more conscious, more intelligent. I want us all to have a better human experience."
"...make sure you go home and do this and look at this and go, 'Okay, where's my environment at specifically through the frame of money? What gets to clean out and clear? And then how do I get to consciously call in the environments that support me and that nourish me?'"
"This is something that you guys are going to very consciously manifest in your life."
"Live as a conscious human being. Choose how you'd like to live, what emotions do I want to experience. Begin to pursue them intentionally."
"Living consciously, choosing our actions based on what is right and good."
"Are you shaping your future consciously?"
"If we live more consciously present, it will elevate people's lives."
"There's always value in it because it's good nutritious food and all of that but it makes it feel more purposeful if we're making a concerted effort not to just go to the grocery store and buy things."
"Be a conscious consumer, is it a piece that you really need?"
"The more present that we are, the more mindful we are, the more we make conscious choices in the present moment, not based on habitual thinking."
"To be able to handle this, to shift between these two planes, is what I would call consciousness and conscious living."
"You must be conscious of being healthy if you are to know what health is."
"I'm really always interested in what goes into my body and what I put on my skin."
"Healing work doesn't mean oh I need to change and fix something that's broken and be a different person; it means I am choosing to participate in a conscious lifestyle and a healing lifestyle of maturing and personal growth."
"I challenge you to live a full and conscious life."
"Clarity is built over time just by going about life consciously."
"We've been on a path to stop the race for more stuff and instead embrace more living."
"Think carefully about your environment then, pay just as much attention to what you put into your brain as you would your stomach."
"He will simply be an awakened being."
"We will continuously repeat cycles if our core values aren't recognized and you don't make the conscious decision to live in accordance with them."
"It's really going to take a very conscious reconsideration of our work lives and our home lives."
"Live your life through love, you just keep bringing yourself to that, and that's the art of conscious living."
"Let's allow this moment to bliss, allow this room to be reality, let's make this room our world."
"I challenge you to live a full and a conscious life."
"Choosing more consciousness, which is more awareness and less judgment, will be one of the keys to having total money ease."
"I don't need to keep buying so much junk... I just started consuming more consciously."
"We have a choice, conscious of directing through our higher self and lower self, and how do we do that? By living consciously."
"Live a conscious, intelligent life, live a life committed to higher values."
"I'm intentional with how I make sure I include the BIPOC community in my daily thoughts and intentional purchases and shares."
"It's not just taking your 20 minutes of a meditative practice but how you engage in all of your interactions with the world can be mindful."
"This is a time where we can work out how we can integrate these into our conscious lives to accept the duality of our being."
"If you are in your conscious, choose at all times choosing high and wise and broadminded."
"To live morally is to live consciously and to live in a way that makes you, in your own particular unique way, happy."
"Honor your own energy and your own needs without being on autopilot or without overriding them either."