
Error Management Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"Sometimes, there's going to be a mistake, there's going to be something that somebody doesn't want, and it's important to see what you do about it."
"We were very good probabilistic thinkers that tried to learn as quickly as possible, meaning to make as many mistakes as possible."
"In a well-designed plant, a simple error shouldn't result in an accident."
"Unforced errors where you make those mistakes sometimes can make you more nervous and fumble on things you say in the future."
"Once he’s made a decision to do something, he makes sure to do it excellently, thoroughly, without mistakes."
"There's nothing wrong with making a mistake; we can learn and overcome and just make it again."
"Getting early things wrong, getting late things really right."
"Consistency is the key: clean pit stops and no mistakes."
"If you have an organization where people very quickly admit mistakes and they're not punished for making mistakes, that is a very good dynamic."
"You want to be able to implement your plan, obviously. But you want to be able to take on the consequences of error and learn from it, and then you win constantly."
"Better to take more time right now than chase some silly spelling errors later on."
"Lucky for you we here at the Command Zone are experts on making mistakes."
"This is the carry potential of Zarya bubble management—protect and cover up a lot of mistakes."
"The AI always makes mistakes. You've just gotta be ready for them."
"When error presents itself to consciousness, the first five seconds are golden."
"Ownership, analysis, correction. That's how we deal with mistakes."
"Despite your best efforts, your functions will very likely have some bugs."
"Blundering hopefully has become a little more rare, and you really need to manage the spots where you do blunder in order to fully explore your chances."
"Stuff happens, we make mistakes and we learn from them."
"This team is really tough to beat if they don't turn the ball over because they don't beat themselves."
"I'm really great at Code Veronica... I just never be because of my massive mistake."
"Making a mistake isn't the same as intentionally sabotaging a teammate."
"It has happened to me so many times that I'll make a tiny little mistake."
"The investments that we're making will allow Canada to bounce back strongly from this."
"We always knew that there would be mistakes made, good faith honest mistakes that we would need to clean up afterwards."
"It is really impossible to make a mistake that you can't easily correct."
"They knew there were these discrepancy errors right as far back as 2010."
"Managed to hold on without any sort of mistakes, and if he's able to do that with what is now five races to go, I think he's ready to be a world champion."
"The goal isn't to be right, the goal is to be wrong for the shortest amount of time possible."
"As long as airplanes are operated by humans, fatigue, distraction, and other human weaknesses can only be managed, never erased."
"Giving up is always worse than messing up. Everybody messes up."
"It is essentially up to Diana to make the mistake."
"Stunt performer injuries are most definitely not supposed to happen because of human error."
"If I have really high errors and all of my operations don't work out as I expect them to then that's not going to really work."
"Leave it up, put 'retracted' at the beginning of the title, with an explanation, an apology, and maybe a big header graphic saying 'Oops'."
"Some of these blunders are inevitable, especially in very complicated positions."
"Blazor is getting support for error boundaries, so you can better manage and isolate errors in your components."
"You are not responsible for the error, you are responsible for accepting the correction."
"An error only becomes a mistake when you refuse to correct it."
"Mistakes are made, but we can work through it."
"I prefer explosive error handling over exceptions."
"Once they lock in, they can't let it go. It's nice that this guy owned up to his mistake."
"We make our best to make reasonable responsible decisions, sometimes a cacophony of errors happens."
"The nice thing about being a woodworker is not making mistakes, it's making all your mistakes look intentional."
"Randomized algorithms can solve problems much faster with controllable error."
"Using error handling, you can provide informative messages to users about the encountered errors."
"Just culture promotes transparency and learning from errors, rather than punitive measures like medical malpractice."
"Runtime is not the place you want to have bugs."
"A lot of major championship golf is just eliminating silly mistakes."
"Layers are my friend because if I make a mistake on one layer, I don't lose everything underneath."
"It's a game of managing mistakes."
"If you're not making mistakes, the chances are you're not doing enough."
"It's the ability not to continue to make error that makes the difference between somebody who is semi-rich like me and somebody who will in the end become seriously rich."
"Human error can be monitored, double-checked, and corrected."
"We need to encourage people to be kinder to themselves when they do make these kinds of errors."
"Catching an exception is a language construct; handling an exception is how you meaningfully respond to that error."
"Control your errors, control what gets logged out, control what gets returned back to the users."
"When you make a mistake, move on."
"It is better to produce no results than incorrect results, and good error handling should be coded from the start."
"Error handling isn't all about errors."
"You should think of error handling as an architectural concern in your program."
"Leslie has made what could be a tedious and error-prone process simple and error-free."
"In medical diagnostics, false negatives are a lot worse, but it's okay to have a few false positives."
"The difference between professional and an amateur is a professional knows how to cover up his mistakes better."
"Return errors, don't panic. Only panic when an error can't be handled directly or the handling can't be delegated to the upstream caller."
"Robust exception handling has been in PL/SQL since the beginning."
"When you're winning, you're able to overcome the mistakes."
"This is saying if you use a threshold rule, then what you're doing is guaranteeing that the probability of error is never going to be less than this quantity of specified here."
"It's very important you do this in the eventuality of a mistake or an error."
"An effective briefing is a valuable tool for cabin crew and flight crew to help manage errors."
"People will always make errors, so every system needs to have defenses that will contain any ill effects of these unwanted actions."
"Mistakes will be made, but if a person is essentially right, the mistakes he or she makes are not as serious in the long run as the mistakes management will make if it undertakes to tell those in authority exactly how they must do their jobs."
"The main thing for Closure is you can write that multiple dozens of tasks parallelism without error."
"We always try to limit the scope of damage that any error could cause."
"It has a high degree of real-time capability with excellent error detection and fault confinement capabilities."
"When you are trying to resolve an issue where someone else made an error, put the focus on the error and not the person."
"You sneak up on it, you don't just do it all at once, if you do it all at once and you make a mistake, you're done."
"The worst thing you can do when you have a mistake is doubling down on that mistake."
"Operational errors are anticipated and accounted for; they occur when an operation has the potential to fail."
"Progress happens really, really fast when you don't make mistakes."
"We're going to show you some processes that will help you stamp out those careless errors and manage your time better."
"Warnings aren't bad. It's errors that really matter."
"The probability of making a mistake cannot be reduced to exactly zero, but it is possible to make it as close to zero as possible."
"Human errors cannot be eliminated, but they can be managed."
"It's the response to the error that counts."
"Error disable recovery does exactly what it says: it helps recover the error disable state."
"This is how we handle errors within JavaScript."
"The only way is to try to make something which is a little bit more understanding, where a small error will not bring the entire system down."
"Managing human errors is better than avoiding the same."
"Mistakes can happen; it's do they have mechanisms in place to correct it."
"You can actually have handlers for exceptions."
"If your boss is angry at you, don't quit; a quiet spirit can overcome even great mistakes."
"Mistakes arise when complexity exceeds our ability to spot it and fix it at the keyboard."
"We're achieving our steady-state error; it's exactly 0.05."
"We want to have them well defined and neatly organized in our domain layer so that as our application grows we know exactly what errors can occur and what they look like."
"It's not about never making a mistake in game, it's about doing so many things right that your few mistakes don't really matter."
"It's much better to have a compile time error blow up in your face as opposed to a runtime error."
"The P term is looking at the present, the I term is looking at the past, and the D term is looking to the future."
"Knowing is the difference between a grave error and an unforgivable crime."
"The nice thing about this - when you make a mistake, your mistake is limited to whatever little section you're working on."
"The stacked ensemble does well when the individual models are strong and make uncorrelated errors."
"We know we make mistakes, we know software has bugs, so we build testing into the process."
"From Elm's guides, it says 'no runtime errors in practice' - no 'undefined is not a function'."