
Evidence Evaluation Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"We are going to be deliberate and thorough in our evaluation of evidence and information that may come before us."
"In the modern era, a trial by judge and jury, where a range of carefully gathered evidence can be considered and debated before a verdict of guilt or innocence is passed down, is deemed to be the most reliable form of justice."
"Look at the contrary evidence and that will breed, I think, a very important and virtuous humility."
"What's the big deal if they really think you did it and you're saying well here's some more evidence why don't you get it then let's do it let's get it exactly."
"No murder weapon was found... everything Mr. Murdoch has said has been lies."
"What do we mean by evidence? What kinds of evidence would count and what combination of evidences would be suggestive?"
"There is no actual evidence that Johnny Depp committed physical abuse."
"It's not about whether you're pro-vaccine or vaccine skeptical, it's about the quality of the evidence and the quality of the sense making."
"Motivated reasoning: we don't look out at the world and say where's the weight of the evidence."
"Evidence should explain the available facts entirely and should not lead to multiple different conclusions."
"You're going to have to evaluate the evidence and prioritize... what are you going to be testing."
"The courts have rejected all of the evidence that was presented... it's just mind-boggling."
"It's easy to end up in a spiraling path where we only seek and give credence to that evidence which supports our preconceptions."
"Maybe the proof, supposed proof didn't help."
"It's not enough to claim that the evidence is consistent with a hypothesis. It has to be discreetly tied to the specifics of the hypothesis."
"I'm just not convinced that the evidence supports that yet."
"What do we mean by truth? It's something that has to be subjected to some type of evidence."
"Reasonable doubt may arise from a careful and impartial consideration of all the evidence."
"Be attentive to the testimony and evidence presented."
"In weighing the evidence, give every piece of evidence and testimony the way you think it is due, hold us to our burden."
"This shouldn't result in a conviction... I feel like most of the [ __ ] is weak."
"There are sufficient similarities in the witness testimonies which make them difficult to dismiss or debunk."
"This is what you call really solid evidence, not just claims."
"You really have to dig into it to find out you know is this actually the case you have this this comment here for escalan as well which I think follows a similar type of story."
"There's going to be reasonable evidence and a reasonable jury could decide for either party at the end of this case."
"It's not a battle of which evidence is correct, it's actually a battle of two different paradigms."
"Is it more prejudicial to the defendant than probative?"
"Every time the establishment presents evidence, it feels like we're just being conned. It's certainly plausible Russia has motive..."
"Every piece of evidence provided thus far is inconsistent with the defendant's guilt, consistent with their innocence."
"I was told that... she did not write the note but that there were some similarities which exist in all of our handwriting."
"I was told that... she could not be absolutely eliminated but it was highly improbable that she wrote the note."
"Both of the parties and the public expect that you will carefully and impartially consider all the evidence in the case."
"None of the information we have discussed is indisputable evidence of her involvement in this crime."
"Preponderance of the evidence means, in fact, more complete true than not true."
"The evidence for the Judeo-Christian God does not hold water."
"Sometimes all you have is what you call circumstantial evidence, but if you've got enough circumstantial evidence it does tend to point to something."
"To claim that something is historical requires a critical evaluation of all the sources and information."
"We have more legit evidence that aliens than we do violate on what he's saying because that's what I meant when I say this is not how government works."
"So let's summarize the information so you can draw your own conclusions as to whether he's natty or not."
"Don't try to get up and walk out of the courtroom before you start it do your jobs listen to the evidence and the evidence is complete go back into the Jury Room and weigh the evidence."
"Just telling you guys where I'm at with the evidence. I'm okay being wrong."
"The evidence demands rigorous scrutiny and open-minded investigation."
"If there was any remaining doubt about Raul's guilt, this was put to rest when detectives finally got back all of the evidence."
"After several attempts, nobody has been able to successfully demonstrate evidence of a hoax, fraud, or manipulation."
"If tomorrow it came out that Andrew Tate didn't do anything bad and every piece of evidence that was thrown against him was false I'm going to have to say the man is innocent okay and you should walk free."
"Skepticism is to not accept claims until there is sufficient evidence. What counts as sufficient evidence tends to vary."
"You would need clear-cut evidence to say it's a matter of faith to deny the possibility."
"I see no evidence of rough treatment from the officer to Miss Hargrave. I see none."
"The scales are tipped just a little bit again it's not Beyond A Reasonable Doubt just greater rate of the evidence."
"For a case that has no murder weapon no DNA fingerprints at the scene clean phone location data and a few reasons to somewhat doubt witness credibility my opinion weighs heavily on the side of the fence that he did."
"Intellectually honest thing is to reject all of those and say I do not believe any of these until one of them meets good standards of evidence."
"I don't know if there's a God or not I just haven't seen compelling evidence."
"We have some consistency as to the reports. Now that there is that consistency gives a certain likelihood that it does exist."
"I'm here to tell you guys today because of an honest review over the evidence, it seems to show that God does exist."
"That's right, I would argue that it's only that Jesus rose and gray that actually can account for all the facts that we have very good confidence, not certainty, but very good confidence are actually true and real."
"This was a tragic accident is what the evidence will show."
"Atheism does not require faith. It's just being unconvinced of the evidence."
"Sometimes when I'm looking at somebody telling me something it's not so much the evidence they show me it's the evidence that I don't see that really makes me wonder."
"The jury themselves had already decided there was not enough evidence against Bucky to prove he was guilty."
"In the end, the jury unanimously found Anna not guilty of premeditated murder due to lack of evidence."
"The government says all these measures have actually saved lives, but it remains completely unproven."
"The lack of evidence in this house such as uh items stolen uh a struggle occurring the absence of forced entry uh no ransacking going on in the house whatsoever a person came there for one thing that was to kill the two Sherrys."
"Methodology, circumstances, and physical damage would have outweighed Reasonable Doubt for me."
"I had a lot of skepticism. It didn't really add up to me. I was shocked. Didn't really feel like there was enough evidence for us to say, 'Okay, this is true or not true.'"
"In science, eyewitness testimony is the lowest form of evidence there is."
"If you have a theory that you're exploring you can't just look at the evidence or the opinion the ideas that support that theory you've also got to try to refute that theory by looking at the evidence that does refute it."
"We did this on the advice the court gave us, weighed the evidence. We were fair. It wasn't a matter of sympathy, it wasn't a matter of favoritism, it was a matter of evidence."
"Don't be swayed by outlier claims. The vast totality of evidence is what matters in reaching a conclusion."
"Critical thinkers... can distinguish between fact and opinion, base judgments upon different kinds of evidence, see a whole bunch of multiple options, and debate those options."
"You are the judge of the facts, the credibility of the witnesses, and the weight of the evidence."
"It is the duty of the jury to listen to and weigh the evidence presented."
"We look at the totality of evidence, but then you need a system to rank it."
"Is there actually any evidence to support this theory and what other ideas are out there that could explain this ancient myth? Let's find out."
"The case was dismissed because the evidence is now insufficient to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt."
"The purpose of this module is to prepare you so that you are feeling more confident in being able to evaluate your evidence."
"The brain assesses a piece of new evidence in light of the knowledge that it already stores because on average that is in fact the correct approach."
"I've come to that conclusion because I've taken a look at the evidence myself."
"The evidence presented was so conflicting that it created reasonable doubt."
"I'm an atheist because I did a reasoned evaluation of the evidence and found it wanting."
"Use your reason and evaluate the claims, evaluate the evidence."
"Look at the evidence independently and objectively, removing these biases that we all have."