
Matrix Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"What is the Matrix? Control. The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world built to keep us under control."
"I think I just had my first ever glitch in The Matrix."
"I just experienced a glitch in The Matrix and I'm convinced we're living in a simulation and that this is not real."
"It captures the feel of Matrix and delivers a sharp massively multiplayer game."
"We're literally on this grid like a node, part of the holographic matrix."
"The intersection of a row with a column is called a data value."
"Deja vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something."
"How do you define real? It exists now only as part of a neural-interactive simulation that we call the Matrix."
"Morpheus is a program, but he's not limited to the matrix, though he is a program."
"This won't be the Matrix of your childhood."
"We're just living in like a shittier Matrix now."
"Not everything in the Matrix was bad."
"The Stacey Matrix helps understand a product's complexity based on the uncertainty of requirements and technology."
"The idea of the Matrix not being found but earned is perfect. Sam's journey and sacrifices led him to earn it, tying everything together."
"Welcome back to the matrix where I just look up [__] on the wiki."
"I think Trinity can fly and she can also remake the Matrix the way she wants, like it's kind of like a 'we are the one' thing."
"Becoming rich is how you escape the matrix."
"The effect of the matrix is just to scale them. They're the eigenvectors of the matrix."
"The effect of the matrix on the eigenvector is just to scale it."
"Are we really going to pretend the action in the first matrix wasn't excessive?"
"That's what I've always wanted to do, just escape the matrix."
"You got the Matrix but you get to make money without going to Atlanta, fibro. That's literally leaving the Matrix, isn't it?"
"Wait a minute, are we in the matrix?"
"This dress is giving Matrix, baby. Look at the sleeves!"
"There always exists U and V such that A can be decomposed as U * Sigma * V transpose."
"Singular value decomposition works for all general n by n matrices."
"Put the goggles on you're inside of the matrix and you could do what you can imagine"
"This is literally a matrix... that's why this is a linear ode... because it looks like x dot equals ax with this being the a matrix."
"Every matrix a has a singular value decomposition. Always, always, always."
"...a functional connectivity matrix."
"Smith perfectly fits that entire description and does be like he is the reason that Neo is the one to then defeat Smith."
"In essence, surrendering is really breaking out of The Matrix because when you choose to take the red pill for yourself, you choose to surrender in spite of everything that is forcing you to look in the other direction."
"You're a glitch in the Matrix, bro."
"You're experiencing glitches in the matrix."
"We're going to walk through the basics first, but then we'll go off the deep end and take the red pill."
"It's like a matrix grid or something, wow."
"We have transformed our three by three matrix into its diagonalized representative."
"Unicron instead begins mind controlling Death’s Head, but this gives Rodimus a chance to enter the astral plane and open the Matrix inside of Unicron’s mind, which can hopefully destroy him once and for all!"
"If we're living in a matrix, there can be anything under the sun."
"There is so much more to discover about matrix."
"We're all living in a massive shared computer simulation called the Matrix."
"The communication they have between you and him look like that initial conversation between Neo and Morpheus."
"The first Matrix I designed was quite naturally perfect, it was a work of art, flawless, sublime."
"Which pill you take, the red or the blue, that's all."
"The more common form of organizational structure from a project delivery viewpoint is some form of a matrix relationship."
"We need to construct a term frequency inverse document frequency matrix."
"Any matrix can be thought of as a matrix transformation."
"Matrix finding low rank structure in the world is eerily useful and quite surprising in its utility."
"Even if you're in the matrix, these things around you are still perfectly real."
"We're going to preserve most of the knowledge because the new Matrix is only going to differ from the original matrix by some low rank change."
"This was just a glitch in the matrix that disappeared once it slipped out."
"The system as a whole is more of a matrix or a network structure."
"We're living in a matrix, which I believe to a degree that that's a possible thing."
"Pain is actually described as a matrix; we've described a pain pathway here, in reality, it's more of a matrix."
"I think when he sees the world, he sees it as matrix code."
"Matrices do not have inverses when their determinant is zero, so this matrix does not have an inverse."
"The first version of the Matrix was thus activated."
"The chosen one was actually the name of the inevitable 1% margin of error in the architect's perfect mathematical system."
"Everything that has a beginning has an end, neo."
"The number of columns in the first matrix must be equal to the number of rows in the second matrix, then multiplication can be applied."
"The determinant of the matrix that I have on the left has to be zero in order for this to work."
"The MIMO channel matrix is an R cross T matrix where R is the number of receive antennas and T is the number of transmit antennas."
"It's actually known as a Vandermonde matrix."
"The inverse of a matrix... will multiply with A to give us the identity."
"A matrix structure combines the functional and divisional structures to create a dual chain of command and gain the benefits of both."
"The eigenvalue would do the same thing the entire giant matrix would do, but it would only do it to its own eigenvector."
"Now that we know how to make a matrix, we need to know how to access parts of it."
"Each row of a matrix is simply a vector of numbers."
"We always, as here we did, give the row index first and the column index second."
"The following matrix will show the shortest distances between every pair of vertices."
"If a is a square matrix, you can just invert a and solve for X."
"The Matrix exponential is defined for any square matrix."
"If you can imagine M by N matrix space, then the derivative would be a tangent in that big high dimensional space."
"The gradient of a matrix is a matrix."
"The image is the span of the columns of the matrix."
"The image of a matrix is something very simple; it's the entire XY plane."
"You're breaking out of the Matrix."
"It works out very elegantly in Matrix form."
"When you've got these directions, then your matrix is really simple; effectively, it's a diagonal matrix in these good directions."
"The trace of a matrix is the sum of the diagonal entries or the sum of the eigenvalues."
"An M by N matrix is simply a rectangular array of numbers arranged to form M rows and N columns."
"The exponential of a matrix is a linear combination of I, A, A squared, up to A to the n minus one."
"It looks like something from the Matrix."
"You must choose the red pill or the blue pill."
"I'm here, talking to you, about a new Matrix sequel."
"We will also focus our attention on the solution of matrix equations of the form AX is equal to B."
"If neurons are truly creating every sensation that we have, well, if you could stimulate neurons directly, you can put people inside the matrix."
"Then, phi transposed M phi is in fact a diagonal matrix."
"The essence of it is... you want a matrix M which somehow approximately is some kind of approximate inverse of the matrix and yet is fast to multiply."