
Skating Quotes

There are 422 quotes

"Commit with us to working and learning how to help shape a more inclusive skating community."
"Your skating is a journey, you've got to take your time learning."
"Music and skating go so hand-in-hand. You gotta have respect for both. They help each other."
"The number one game-changing feature is the new skating system."
"I just want that same opportunity for kids who love skating."
"A busy old day of lots of skating and smashing it."
"Wow, that has to feel good right there, first skater in, flawless run."
"Reflecting back on all the people that have helped me throughout my time in skating, it means a lot."
"Any last words for my YouTube viewers? Keep skating."
"Skating it's one thing but it looks beautiful bro, it looks beautiful more than I can explain."
"Nothing will compare to like me and Gabriel just natural skating, that's as pure as it gets."
"Even if you've never skated, the experience is incredible."
"I love skating pools that were meant for skating."
"The rolling over a surface generates a vibration that goes through your feet up into your body."
"Jason Lee's story as a sponsored skater begins right around 1987."
"She's been gone from the scene for a hot minute but she is a really talented skater."
"The thing that stuck with me most about skating... is the ability to just go back to something for the sake of loving it."
"Falling is so integrated into us... falling becomes normal and picking yourself up again is normal."
"The resilience that skaters have is uncommon in regular life."
"I think this is what skateboarding has given us... it comes from all of it, from the act of doing, from the belonging to it, all the little subtleties that you never really put your fingers on."
"There's something about skating that's special... there's something about that that's really, again, it bakes into us at a deep level that helps shape us."
"Skating's been an internal thing for me... it's like a meditation."
"Skating itself is just the funnest thing in the world. It's the most free thing that I know to do to this day."
"Zamboni: a machine essential for ice skating rinks, designed to keep the ice surface perfectly smooth."
"Skating is respected now. Skaters are respected."
"Skating Banks... they grip so well."
"I just love skating out there. It's fun, it's good."
"The best I can do is the true American approach: a half-ass hybrid of reading a couple articles and then seeing how some of the most noteworthy skaters Stack Up in terms of stance."
"In ten years I'll definitely still be skating. I mean as long as I'm skating still, I think I'd be really...hope I'm still healthy having a good time, that's what life's all about."
"...just the most exciting skating you'll ever see so that would make this the most exciting all right sick thank you."
"I brought you a giant, what are you and J skating? So what you need, J, which one?"
"Now, that's a creature power: skating on the ice. See you on the creature trail!"
"I just want to skate with my friends."
"I feel like when I kind of finally figured out my own personal issues and came through and...have a life with Kathy that's a healthy, committed relationship...my skating is taking a different form now where it's just for enjoyment."
"I'm not a fan of looking down at white shoes while skating."
"That's a big deal back then, dude. No music, just the sounds of skating."
"I never intended that when I started skating, there was no career to be made from it."
"And I need to get myself a pair of skates because at one time I could... I could shoot the duck, shoot the duck, shoot the duck."
"Three teams of top skaters battling it out to accomplish amazing stunts and challenges."
"What you guys are doing is super positive for skating. I think everyone needs an outlet, something to listen to, something to understand, and some sort of like entertainment."
"Skating is very therapeutic for me because I don't have to think about nothing else but what I'm doing."
"Let's just skate, guys. We came here to skate."
"Can you skate stoned? Oh, of course. All day long."
"Skating is art, it's a way of expression. Self expression."
"One of the coolest parts about living on the lake in the winter is every single lake has a skating path."
"That's so cool. Speaking of cool, look at her skates, they're so long!"
"Amazing, right? Still the best skates here."
"I just want to skate with more people, with more of different people. You're showing that you've always wanted to skate with but never have."
"It almost is more fun having the skaters film me because I don't have those expectations, you know?"
"Skating, filming, music - I mean, you know, true."
"Now you're golden you can skate everywhere skate down the street skate in the Park Skate that way skate that way skate that way skate that way skate over there."
"Skate to have fun and don't take it overly serious."
"I've spent a lot of time there skating and touring."
"I was actually good at skating because she said she's a surfer."
"Just keep skating in your life always you know."
"It's amazing to watch him skate, it's like pop can do like the gnarliest slide ledges possible, so you know, I think it's just fun to watch somebody with that kind of skill and especially from our era too."
"How do you stay motivated in skating?"
"I want to be like 80 and still skating."
"Barcelona, hands down for me, one of the best places to skate."
"People want to, you know, just get involved with skating and support it and do their thing, you know, the guy's going to college to open a skate shop one day, no, it's one of his dreams, that's right, yeah, eve."
"We're skating at fourth and what's his face."
"I'm a big advocate of prolonging the party. Skate smarter."
"Skating is a very beautiful thing."
"Maybe one of the best all-terrain skaters of all time."
"I'm amazed they're not just breaking into rinks so they could skate and have to try to play."
"Every skater should have a YouTube channel and utilize it the way they want. They don't have to vlog, but throw some skate clips up there."
"Skating is hard. Like when you are eager and hungry, it's good. But then when you kind of hit the threshold of like, well, my, like, will to live."
"So much of skating is style... anybody can learn the trick, but if you got that style, man, that's what's gonna carry you through."
"I think I could skate a little bit."
"Skating brought me around the world, man."
"We knew that we had done things differently, we had sort of flipped a lot of those orthodoxies that are inherent to skating on their heads, and that felt good."
"They make these like Trails through the woods that you can skate through, they are gorgeous."
"Adam finally finding the love for skating again thanks to Longa because Longa convinces him bro skating is supposed to be fun."
"Skating's what I do, so I'm lucky to leave a little bit."
"Trying to show skating the best way I could... make it dynamic... make it more fun to watch."
"All Brigade skaters will come to realize that skating is an integral part of their life."
"Traveling is the best. It's the best perk about skating."
"Skating is just those basic lessons that if you fall, you get back up. It's ingrained in you."
"I started skating with you and then that was just insane for me to skate with you guys and like Gant and PJ and watch them skate and that was [ __ ] up."
"All of the badasses were freestyle skaters."
"...highly skilled... smooth skater... quarterbacks the power play... draft grade wise, he's a first second round talent."
"I try not to overthink things when I'm skating."
"The more I dropped my heels, the more I was able to really pick up speed in some of those flatter sections."
"I used to love skating when I was a kid."
"The skating was actually a lot of fun, that was the most festive skating rink I have ever been to."
"I want to be an artistic skater; my goal is to do a slow dance on skates."
"You don't need to be an Olympic gold medalist to teach young people the beautiful fundamentals of skating."
"It's about the fundamentals of skating, it's just balance, it's where to be in the blade."
"That's really cool too, so the opposite of ice-skating, fire skate."
"Skating really helped me though with my mental, it's very therapeutic."
"The skating community is very, very cool, bro, you meet a lot of people in the skating community."
"I'm out there to have a good time and to dance my heart out on my skates."
"I used to trade on the Canadian national speed skating team and I was formerly a Canadian gold medalist."
"Always all smiles, she skates with her brothers all the time."
"It's so fun to roller skate, right?"
"I always hoped that there would be that much interest and support in skating."
"Skating, it just keeps you young."
"I'm still gonna be a skater for the rest of my life."
"I'll do it. I'm brilliant on four wheels!"
"This might be the most comfortable skate that I've had."
"I love skating, I'm gonna keep doing it."
"We really want you guys to learn to skate and have fun with it."
"Wow, look at George, he can skate beautifully!"
"You are the best skater I've ever met my whole life."
"I used to be a big-time trick skater, but I don't do it as much."
"That's what skating's all about, man."
"I honestly felt like I had hydraulics on my skates."
"I have come to discover I really enjoy skating and I would like to do it more."
"Ladies and gentlemen, wherever you are in the world, welcome to the ISU Skating Awards 2021."
"Hi everyone, and welcome to the 2021 ISU Skating Awards. I'm Tanith White along with Olympic gold medalist Charlie White, and we are once again thrilled to be your hosts for the second edition of this event."
"You can't get rid of us that easily; we're back and with another opportunity to celebrate the sport with our skating family live with all of you watching online with us."
"We already can't wait to see the world's best back at center ice."
"There'll be less talking, more skating, and we know you all like that."
"Skate on to the best of your abilities... make sure you are drinking more water, staying hydrated is so important."
"It's completely included in the price, and you get half an hour just to have fun and skate around."
"We're out here skating like goats, boy."
"Skating skills allow you to move more efficiently."
"Skaters are the greatest athletes I've ever been around."
"I can be a figure skater and a human too."
"I just always loved skating, and that started to shine through."
"I love talking about skating and how it can be so great for kids of any background."
"I think it would be awesome to see who can skate to what song."
"I was just skating because I loved it."
"Skating is the lifestyle; it's not like any other sport."
"Fear is what stopped me from getting to that next level in skating."
"I love these skates because you can literally skate over anything."
"I'm actually selling that feeling that we all have when we're on skates."
"I've always wanted to roller skate, rollerblade, whatever, because I have dreams about being able to like float."
"I always love to skate and I always feel good after days like today."
"I skate to create harmony and to connect."
"I started skating when I was around seven years old after being inspired by Tony Hawk's American Wasteland."
"Honestly, I'm thankful for every day that I get to skate. It really is a gift."
"Every summer we come in and skate here, but you always remember the smell from the rink and just brings back the memories."
"You're one of the better skaters in Minnesota, that says a lot."
"Picking up a pair of skates was probably the best decision I've made in a long time."
"This whole experience has been refreshing, and my skating journey doesn't stop here; it's truly just beginning."
"When I think back on my childhood, it seems really hazy, and the only things that really stand out are when I was skating."
"If you enjoyed my tape and maybe feel inspired to start skating, be sure to like the video."
"It was so clear from early on that she had a natural strength and a natural aptitude towards skating."
"Welcome to the World Skating League here in the new season."
"It's a great feeling to be able to skate in a big city like Tokyo."
"Thanks, Coach JC, now we can skate safely."
"Skating is like dancing with grace, calm, and a light touch."
"Skating ultimately is my identity, something that I spent my entire life doing."
"I think I was able to portray that joy of skating to everyone."
"I love nothing more than skating through the city and not doing tricks."
"It's incredible to be able to have this high level caliber of skating."
"I think everybody should skate... you just have to have fun and accomplish something that overcomes your own limitations."
"Every skater has their own unique style."
"Skating is like one of those childhood games that you never quit."
"Skating rinks make me feel nostalgic as well."
"She's so powerful in her skating and she just seemed very poised and focused."
"She looks like she's having fun out there."
"Falling is definitely one of the basics that should be known by anybody who starts off skating."
"I love skating; it's one of my favorite things ever."
"An ice skate has a blade, and roller skates have four wheels, two in the front and two in the back."
"I started skating, I started making new friends, I started getting to know more people, getting to know more things, and being way more confident."
"This is probably the biggest event in the skating calendar."
"It was really special, skating with my wife Frankie."
"We skate to music therefore shouldn't you learn a little bit more about music and what it does?"
"He has the greatest look on the ice, even more extended than Nathan or Yuzu."
"It's not all about winning, okay? It's about skating, and it's fantastic to watch."
"It reminds me of why I love skating."
"When you're on a session, you can usually tell who the best skater is."
"This is a skater I definitely enjoy watching."
"It feels like skating is coming alive again."
"We ask these skaters to make positive changes and she made positive changes in her own life."
"There's still good people, there's still lovely skaters."
"I'm super excited to be here actually to like dive into like skating a little more."
"He just appreciates skating, he does, he appreciates life."
"He was arguably one of the best skaters of his generation."
"I love to watch his passion for skating; he is the most fun to watch."
"How do you break through as a skater when you want to be one, two, three? You have to be original."
"Skate within your abilities, learn how to fall too."
"Remember that all skate in the skating rink? Yes, all skate, couples only."
"Falling is a part of skating, and it's going to happen over and over again."
"When you have a heel on your skate, you're already where you need to be; your weight's over the ball of your foot, you're ready to go."
"It's just me, the skater, and a moment. I love it."
"The most important thing to me is just going and being able to skate and follow through with my dream."
"I'm really excited to skate around and just enjoy the weather."
"I feel free when I'm skating; I'm really happy because I love to skate."
"The friendliness of the people there and the fun, the exercise of doing the skating."
"Roller skating has already met all these requirements for 42 years."
"I love the process of skating, I love everything about it."
"There is gonna be a significant influence of South Korean skaters on the international scene."
"She's a risk-taker because when you go faster, it's the greater risk."
"The skater has to start to feel that the outside edge."
"The coaches, if you have a flutz, you need to deal with it or else you need to ignore it, not put the jump in the program."
"She's still a beautiful skater, she probably had one of the best programs."
"She landed every jump with a straight back and had speed coming out."
"She's everything that you want to dream about watching skating."
"I see the joy of skating in them."
"The internet was broken by a young Ilya Malinin."
"It was the most impressive thing just watching her do like power pulls and cross stroking."
"Love the skating, love the sense of community, but I love productive conversation about it."
"She's the best skater on the planet right now."
"She has good knee bend, she has good power from her crossovers, she has good joy."
"His personality is so rich when he starts to skate, and he's such a good skater."
"He just goes boom. I've never seen him miss a Quad Axle."
"He's genuinely a fan of skating and wants to learn more and be better."