
Software Deployment Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"You're able to release and deploy, and your customer is able to get new code faster and when they get that code, it simply just works."
"And what is even more important, with just the click of a button, you can take a trained model and push it to production behind an API and start serving predictions from the model in the cloud."
"Deploy to production on version tags associated with releases."
"Congratulations, it looks like the contract was deployed!"
"We have a fully deployed, fully functional Django application."
"In the future, when you deploy, it's going to be like deploying on Android and iOS."
"A lot of people are afraid of deployment but it's not that bad if you break it down into steps."
"We just deployed our whole app and it didn't even take that long."
"Start making your own project by validating the user needs. Anything you develop, don't dump it on any site instead plan, develop, and deploy."
"FSD beta is now in the hands of 100,000 Tesla drivers and has driven over 35 million miles."
"There's a lot of different ways you can run things on Kubernetes, like using Helm charts."
"At this point, you have a number of options for actually deploying it to somewhere like GitHub Pages, Netlify, or your own hosting."
"And that's how you can be sure that when you're setting a gradual rollout, or you're setting his strategy configuration that you expect is going to be enabled for a subset of your users."
"Google Cloud Marketplace lets you quickly deploy functional software packages that run on Google Cloud."
"If you combine feature toggles with canary releases, you really have a mechanism to protect your users from your bad code."
"So, now that we've redeployed the application, you can see that I've changed out my application here to include a home page."
"You're able to get automated deployments...which is a really powerful thing to make sure that you're not putting out code that has stale packages with known vulnerabilities."
"Once you feel confident, then you can come back to continue with the deployment."
"That's what we have to do now, to dockerize the application and then see if we can deploy it on a server."
"So, if we discover a bug during the rollout of the new version, this approach helps us minimize the affected users."
"The container is this standard unit of software that packages up all of your code and all of its dependencies so that you can deploy your application quickly."
"If the tests meet that ideal then you should in theory be comfortable shipping your code to production automatically."
"So we wrote the app, we deployed it with Nomad, and now it's time to profit."
"Kubernetes was created to be able to scale up the deployment of software into tens of thousands of networks and servers within a data center."
"It's actually very easy to create a deployment; all we have to do is create configuration files."
"All you have to do is deliver the binary, put it somewhere, and run it with a config file and that's it."
"Rolling update is one of the production-grade strategies where you will be able to get zero downtime."
"Continuous delivery is about taking that successful build and packaging it, ready to be deployed into production at the touch of a button."
"You can do rollbacks and redeploys, and it's got all this cool stuff built in for managing the concept of an environment."
"Sequel Lite is now the most widely deployed database in the world."
"So there you have it guys, we've deployed both the front end and back end of our GraphQL application using both Forge and Netlify."
"As you start to deploy more and more often, you're also integrating more often as a team."
"Continuous Deployment or Delivery is essentially the practice where software can be deployed at any time or even automatically."
"Let me show you the easiest way to deploy your Node.js application."
"This is basically the first step to deploying your app."
"The objective of a deployment pipeline is for it to be the only route to production."
"You can think of a Docker file as a text file containing a recipe to tell Docker how to build an image."
"The easiest way is probably just to deploy it from a git repository."
"Nice satisfying automatic deployment, really cool, very much like it."
"In this video, I'm just going to show you how to create and deploy an SDC package."
"This is how you can very easily deploy your application to another machine and keep it updated without a whole lot of work on your part."
"Continuous delivery and deployment helps you to get your feature out from the development phase to the market to your testers to your end users as quickly as possible."
"We have containerized things... we've standardized the way of packaging and deploying and shipping software."
"Canary is also a very popular thing to do at the gateway."
"Images can be reliably deployed into production, so you know you get exactly what you wanted."
"Let's start out with the demo, let's deploy the solution to production."
"We want to be able to take developer code and get it out to our customers as fast as we can."
"It is the ideal way to deploy software."
"If you want to deploy the same application at a different site where the end user decides to use a different database, you just have to change this connection string, and you do not have to redesign anything else in the application."
"Continuous deployment means once your changes have been merged into the target branch, it is then deployed to that specific environment."
"Deploying software has its challenges and risks, so we're here to help you mitigate those risks through the use of blue-green deployments."
"Smaller images mean faster builds and faster deploys... they mean that you're using your resources more efficiently."
"Cloud native is the current and the future of software-based applications and the way to develop, manage, and deploy applications."
"The quality assurance phase is going to be shorter but it's super important so you're not deploying a buggy or unsecured website."
"With Jenkins, we pull the project, run tests, and if all is good, we deploy."