
Long-term Care Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"The biggest financial threat to families... is this need for long-term care. Seven out of ten people are going to need this care."
"Seven out of ten people will require long-term care in their lifetime... it's a huge financial strain."
"But Alcor has seemed to deal with the long-term financial issues in a sensible manner, by using the money paid by the internee to invest in future income."
"15 long-term care facilities have now been targeted or selected as particular crisis points for Quebec and the military will be sent into those 15 facilities to help out in different capacities."
"85 percent of long-term care is provided by family members in this country. That is our long-term care system in the United States."
"I loved working in long-term care; it was my favorite."
"It's like taking Tylenol every day for the rest of your life when you have a piece of glass in your foot."
"War doesn't end when the war ends. That's what the VA is about right, we have to take care of our sons and daughters for the rest of their lives."
"If there is one critical lesson we've learned from COVID-19, it is the importance of sustained and adequate investments in programs that ensure the health and safety of our nation's nursing home and long-term care residents."
"We know so much more about skincare now. It's really that long consistent skincare routine that gives you the most benefit to your skin."
"We need homes that do not just focus on jobs and quick turnarounds, but surely give us the safe space and time to learn, to heal, to rebuild, and to understand our self-worth, value, and purposes."
"This industry is obsessed with getting the after picture. I don't care about your after picture. I care about your after after photo."
"It's not just about curing cancer it's about the quality of life for the long run."
"The more open and honest dialogue you can have with your doctor, the better it's going to be long-term for you."
"I can't think why, maybe on day 100 we can set them free or something."
"Every other maintenance on the hybrid not as vital as this one it is super important and you do this maintenance right you will have no issue keeping that hybrid 10 15 years even 20 years 100 200 300,000 miles."
"The biggest thing you can do for your kids financially is make sure they don't have to take care of you in your old age."
"Family needs are real, and whether you're talking about caring for a special needs child, an aging parent, a sick spouse, or even just a friend that needs your help, 80 percent of long-term care is provided by family members."
"Invest in things that will actually make long-term leaps in your skincare."
"He saved you... it was over the course of years, hundreds of years in millennia."
"You should be taking approaches to maintain... health for the entirety of exposure."
"We have stood by our grandson's side every day since 2016."
"Our goal is to try and get you to control your blood glucose very well, both in the short term and long term."
"It's quite simple, really. If you fix something the moment it breaks, service your engine, service your gearbox, and generally look after it with some dignity and respect, then it will last."
"Think of your skincare routine like a car, you're setting your skin up for success and for longevity long term."
"If you use a cleanser, a body retinol, a body exfoliant, and a sunscreen for a long period of time, your skin will look 30, 40, 50 years younger than your peers."
"The death of a spouse, loss of financial independence, increased health concerns, and the changing of their role within their family are all issues that many older adults face in long-term care."
"Long-term care insurance, nice if you can afford it."
"And the third patient had lost her teeth over many years and waited 30 years to get dental treatment, and in spite of that she still had enough bone to do this type of treatment."
"It's important to know that residents and staff in long-term care facilities have an increased risk of infection due to unique challenges in the care setting."
"Continuing care is for people who are disabled, functionally dependent, or suffering from a terminal disease."
"Anything to do with breakouts in my view is really an approach for the long term."
"He's been with me since 2004, him, Lola, oh, and Nostradamus. I got the exact same day."
"The mandible is important to include because we want to reduce the risk of our patients suffering osteoradionecrosis in the long term after treatment."
"This is Socrates, I got Socrates in 2005, Socrates is about 19 years old and is a Galápagos tortoise."
"We don't want to just see that horse walk off with a beautiful alignment today; I want to see that in 8 weeks when I come back to be as close to perfect as possible."
"Fruit trees are the ones that are going to be there for the longest term, so giving them the most love, extra care, and attention when they're first being installed is very important."
"Long-term care insurance is meant to protect the assets that you've accumulated."
"The children will require long-term professional care moving forward, likely for many years."
"Covering long-term care is so unknown; about 15% of the population will incur a very substantial long-term care event that will cost over $250,000."
"Skin care really is a marathon not a sprint."
"The reality is Anissa is going to be in a hospital setting for quite some time."
"I want things that are going to grow wonderfully for years to come in a pest free home."
"The costs of long-term care are incredibly sobering."
"We're gonna see long-acting formulations. So that's going to translate into one pill a month, an infusion every year, and you're protected from HIV infection because of that."
"I've had those clown fish for close to what, almost seven years or eight years at this point, and they are my babies."
"Even after initial recovery, many patients realized an even longer road to regaining what they had physically lost awaited them."
"The car has been detailed, the wheels are coated, and the car is dialed in for at least the next 18 months to two years."
"A hybrid insurance policy is a viable alternative because the long-term care insurance market is flat out broken."
"We are creating 30,000 new long-term care beds in 10 years."
"I imagine this is a plant that, now that it's really acclimated to my home, could grow up to my ceiling in like 10 years."
"Care can be very expensive if you get a long-term illness, and medications can be astronomically expensive."
"You absolutely can ensure long-term care through your own investments."
"Being any health care provider is a really big responsibility."
"The three biggest myths of long-term care: I'll never need it, Medicare pays for long-term care, and I can wait to plan."
"If you follow those suggestions, well, I think in the long run, you're going to have some pretty impressive hearing."
"Here's a little hope; she's doing better, but she's still going to have issues for a long time."
"Medicaid is a government program that will actually cover long-term care."
"I'm going to enjoy staring at this planting and working on it over the upcoming years."