
Medical Conditions Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"For some people, that immune response does not lead to intestinal damage, for others, it leads to neurological damage, liver damage, skin damage, thyroid problems, and joint pain."
"It's not that they are getting infected more often, it's that when they do get infected, their underlying medical conditions... lead to a higher death rate."
"Most myocarditis is acute it's gone in a week or two it's not going to take years for it to show up."
"Death, depending on what the circumstances are, you have terminal seizures. Terminal seizures are quite frequent with head trauma."
"In fact, the entire front part of Cynthia's brain has atrophied, or wasted away."
"Nutritional deficiencies cause most medical problems."
"This diet changed my life. I had visceral adiposity, pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and this was the only thing that I changed and it had a big benefit."
"It's called Wernicke's or particularly Corsicoff syndrome."
"Shock is any situation in which there is inadequate tissue perfusion, resulting in ischemia followed by necrosis, and possibly organ failure if not reversed."
"Unique medical conditions that are just so cool and interesting and occasionally gross."
"The easiest way to describe it is childhood dementia."
"Chronic infections of HBV and HCV can lead to fibrosis and hepatocellular carcinoma."
"It's almost impossible to survive this, but hemadine and mayori do well."
"I really want to bring really great evidence-based nutrition to people who have medical conditions."
"Graves disease is primarily referred to as an autoimmune disease."
"The majority of the pain that's associated with it... is when that bulging or ruptured disc irritates or compresses surrounding structures..."
"Cerebral palsy is not a demon, it's a medical condition that needs to be cared for and nurtured."
"Most common symptoms: fatigue, shortness of breath, loss of smell, muscle aches."
"Gender dysphoria is an actual medical condition that is diagnosed by specialist doctors."
"You're either in the hospital or you're not."
"Sickle cell trait does not mean you can't play. It shouldn’t ever exclude anyone."
"Compression neuropathies: when discomfort masks as peripheral neuropathy."
"There's a difference between an ankle sprain and a full-blown malignant brain tumor."
"Age-related calcification and fibrosis: the most common cause."
"Metabolic syndrome is just a mix of high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and being overweight."
"Curling ulcers and Cushing ulcers are sometimes referred to as stress ulcers."
"It’s called trigeminal neuralgia and is frequently called the worst pain humans can face."
"I got like a spot on my ear and it was precancerous."
"I'm really scared, the door flying open is one thing because I just actually heard about this syndrome, it's called exploding head syndrome."
"...you do not have to decide between FND and MS."
"Atypical ANCA can be the pain of our existence."
"Heart failure is present when, in the presence of normal or above-normal filling pressures, the heart is unable to maintain enough output to meet the minimum metabolic needs of the peripheral tissues."
"Pancytopenia, hepatosplenomegaly, bone infarctions, early onset osteoporosis."
"Researchers believe Peter had something called Pitt Hopkins syndrome."
"If you happen to have renal impairment well that's not such a big deal since most of the medicine is metabolized in the body."
"It's a lot of bone being laid, and that's infective, you know, you've got nerve endings that are inflamed."
"Vitamin E supplementation may be necessary to prevent or correct a deficiency, especially in conditions like fatty liver disease or gallbladder dysfunction."
"Sepsis is a potential life-threatening condition where the infection spreads throughout the body."
"Afib affects in the U.S about 6.1 million patients today."
"The problem is, restless legs is not Parkinson's disease, totally different, Parkinson's disease occurs in men, restless legs occur more in women, it's just a totally different disease."
"Even without a noticeable belly, you can still have fatty liver, known as skinny fat."
"Giving us a very clear example of why these kinds of conditions may arise many years before the development of other features of Parkinson's disease."
"Chest pain may originate from musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, or gastroesophageal reflux disease."
"A two-year-old with impaired adaptation to darkness, photophobia, and dry scaly skin likely has which vitamin deficiency? So which vitamin deficiency presents with these? That would be vitamin A."
"Pitting edema occurs when fluid pushed into the tissue leaves a pit when pressure is applied, while non-pitting edema occurs when pressure doesn't leave a pit due to factors like inflammation or tissue pressure."
"High blood pressure is associated with a higher risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and even Alzheimer's."
"All forms of EDS are genetic disorders."
"Iron deficiency is really common worldwide in part because there are multiple conditions."
"I'm here to help but always talk to your doctor about any big changes that you want to make especially in nutrition especially if you have uh any kind of medical issues or medications that are affected by nutrition which there can be some."
"Can it be positive? Yes, stab wound with a valve, called tension pneumothorax. That's why there is mediastinal shift towards the normal side."
"With 98 year olds there's bound to be some chronic conditions."
"suffering from high rates of thyroid oid and cervical cancer"
"The reason why, is sometimes hypoglycemia, to a lesser degree hyperglycemia, can present as a stroke mimic."
"Certainly neurologic diseases can cause the bladder and the lower urinary tract to sort of misbehave and we often are able to figure out why that's happening and then offer patients solutions to the problems and the symptoms that they're having."
"The biggest conundrum: weighing risks of preventing ischemic events versus recurrent hemorrhage."
"Imagine your body getting confused and turning those soft tissues into rock solid."
"There are diseases, such as sickle cell anemia, that impair the ability of the body’s red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout the body."
"Both lazy eye and double vision, common in kids, especially lazy eye but it can happen in adults too."
"Complications may include shivering, diuresis, bleeding, compromised immune system, arrhythmias, and skin compromise."
"Abdominal pain can be seen in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, colitis of any etiology, or surgical abdomen."
"Pain severity in various types of EDS: Classical type 76%, Hypermobility type 98%, Kyphos scoliosis 50%, Vascular 55%."
"The way that the therapist coded it, she coded it as depression and anxiety secondary to a medical condition."
"Chronic pain, arthritis, ALS, PTSD, epilepsy, cancer, HIV, and more are qualifying conditions."
"Isolated systolic hypertension is something that you should not like to have."
"Secondary hypertension implies that there is another disease process going on in the body."
"Tension pneumothorax, massive pulmonary embolism, and cardiac tamponade are examples of what's called obstructive shocks."
"...these patients can develop these large walled-off solid collections..."
"Symptoms can include long term pain, chronic fatigue, dizziness, heart palpitations, and digestive disorders."
"I'm looking at this right now and seeing he has Xanax, he has dyslipidemia, he has coronary artery disease - these are chronic conditions."
"The most common arrhythmia that you will ever encounter is atrial fibrillation."
"Dementia is chronic and not reversible; delirium is acute and is reversible."
"We've seen sarcoidosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, metastatic lung cancer, postpartum psychosis, new pregnancy, new autoimmune disease such as ulcerative colitis. All of these can be COVID or long COVID-mimics that we need to think about carefully."
"Patients often become experts in their conditions out of necessity."
"Optimizing one's pre-existing medical conditions is extremely important."
"Pericarditis is a functional disease; tamponade is a hemodynamic disease; constrictive pericarditis is an anatomic disease."
"Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation is one that terminates within 7 days of onset... Persistent atrial fibrillation lasts for more than seven days."
"Rickets will appear clinically as the widened growth plate."
"Acrocyanosis is benign; generalized or central cyanosis is serious."
"From what I've read, vomiting can be a sign of food poisoning, heart attack, emotional stress, even pregnancy."
"The symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are not the result of another psychiatric disorder present or caused by a medical condition or substance abuse."
"Polymyositis is likely over diagnosed and rare."
"Increase awareness of a condition."
"The most common causes of photophobia are going to be migraine, blepharospasm, traumatic brain injuries, and especially blast injuries."
"Ascending paralysis suggests Guillain-Barré syndrome; descending paralysis suggests Miller Fisher syndrome."
"All types of shock will have hypotension as the defining characteristic, except neurogenic shock."