
Academic Support Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"When it comes down to it and you need help, that professor is going to recall your character and who you've been consistently in that class."
"They give free GPUs to universities and researchers."
"Explore and practice on Khan Academy, then reach out if you get stuck."
"We need to make sure we're utilizing the ARP dollars to help our students in reading and math and go beyond the data that we had in 2019."
"We managed to make enough money to support three PhD students this summer."
"You need to tow the line that maybe there's more ways that I could help this student."
"I just need Professor Knox to start doing anything. I need it."
"Coffee and an EKG book; this is rapid interpretation of EKGs. It helped me pass my tests about EKGs."
"We want your research to be as efficient and easy as possible."
"Don't be afraid to ask for help if you don't understand something."
"First any research papers I mentioned in the video are going to be linked free to read in the video description down below so without any further ado let's kick things off and start by looking up."
"A living wage for graduate students is extremely important."
"This could be a really valuable tool to get that first kind of like a sort of idea of what's going on in a field."
"Breaking it down like this helps students who weren't the best at memorization."
"When you have nine kids, you can't give her the amount of support academically that she needs." - Numbers don't lie, individualized support is essential.
"Before your vivas, talk to someone who has already given that viva."
"You bring in a student athlete, you want to see them graduate and get a degree, and you want to be a part of that process."
"I'm coming on the paper, you can do it, you can do it!"
"If you want to succeed in school and improve your grades with the help of Grammarly, you can go to this link."
"I've had students have taken the state exam four times, five times, and failed. They take our crash course, boom, they pass."
"If you're looking for the study guide that goes with this lesson if you are looking for practice problems on nucleophilic acyl substitution."
"I highly recommend reaching out to your librarian for resources."
"The library is also great, they have a great selection."
"Just make sure to go to your guidance counselor or whoever is helping you with college applications at your school."
"Your teachers and counselors actually do want to talk about your strengths."
"Having that availability of free tutoring is unmatched and something I definitely valued."
"Office hours is your chance to meet people, to network, because you may need these people later in your life, they may need you."
"We have tutoring available for a lot of courses that are challenging."
"Professors at UVA really care, and they really want to help you."
"I hope you guys are doing good, I know it is finals time and I've seen a lot of you reach out to me and say how much my videos are helping you guys through finals."
"If you are struggling in classes, I really recommend that you go to tutoring."
"Please study as much as you can, follow this guide, this guide will literally be your best friend."
"You've been kind to me since I was a first-year student, and you've helped me many times when I was in trouble."
"The weight of scholarship supports that."
"If you're struggling with math, make sure you ask for help."
"I certainly feel a bit of an obligation to do things to support the field of number theory and analytic number theory and mathematics more widely."
"The Academic Commons is home to the Undergraduate Research Center, where students may receive grants to conduct research in any field."
"A referencing manager like EndNote can help you to take care of all the hassles that are there with referencing."
"Good luck with the rest of your revision and I'll see you in the next one."
"Thanks to the teachers that stayed late after school to help us do well in our exams."
"If you're really struggling to plan out your classes, definitely schedule a one-on-one meeting with an academic counselor."
"Nobody should be failing math these days if you're doing the right things."
"Whatever background you're from or major you choose, UAF support centers are ready to help you accomplish your goals."
"We are sitting and willing and waiting to assist you with your research design alignment."
"I will wish you the best if you have a test coming up, and I will talk to some of you again in a future section."
"Academic pressure is a kind of pressure that is not taken seriously, and I wanted to help them sail through that phase."
"This is where you should go to visit your professors for office hours and ask them any questions that you might have."
"The APA style site is actually very very good; they have excellent examples and sample papers."
"Best of luck on your finals, and be sure to come report back and let me know how you did."
"Persevere through the difficult ones and ask your teacher for help if you need any."
"I'm so proud of you and I am so glad that I did not have to do my homework in alone."
"If you have any question, just let me know, feel free to shoot me an email or meet me during office hours."
"I'll lend you my notes," Remus replied, carefully blotting his paper. "It's really easy."
"It's cool for professors to actually just take the time to kind of hear you out about your interests."
"This is going to be my last video for dental anatomy board review, I hope this helps you study and good luck on your boards."
"Aaro's mission is to support community collaboration for the creation and sustainability of open-source software to support the academic mission."
"I see my really low strugglers rise to a huge occasion at this time when they're able to be the writer or read to the other kids and help them."