
Trouble Quotes

There are 529 quotes

"A lot of times, we are convinced that our trouble is an indication of the absence of God's presence when more times than not in the scripture, you can find that trouble accompanies God's presence."
"It's all fun and games until everyone's in trouble."
"I'm not an expert in anything, okay, but I know a little bit about everything, just enough to get me in trouble."
"Money brings trouble only if you've got the wrong mindset."
"Harley Sinn, Constance Brand, aka Harley Sinn, is the daughter of a billionaire, so you already know she's going to be trouble."
"Vladimir Putin knows that we are in serious trouble."
"Trouble has a way of finding us, even without our looking for it."
"This exonerates Megan from the accusation that she stirred up all this trouble."
"He brought quite a bit of trouble to those around him on the road to becoming a legend."
"Means that they are in big trouble, Gamora by the sea is going down in flames." - Michael Knowles
"What gets them into trouble? It's nearly always someone who told the TRUTH."
"If any of this is true, we are in some pretty big trouble."
"Kiss me, kiss me bye, I should have known we'd bring trouble."
"Yo, Kayla Rex is spawn again, prepare for trouble when making quadruple."
"He made a situation to the point where he just became a nightmare for every single one of these kids."
"Erica is going to be left holding all of the bags."
"Disobedience has landed many of us in hot water."
"There is no human being in the world who is troubled right now who can't learn from what happened in this courtroom." - Defense Lawyer
"Wherever Graham young went trouble illness and death just seemed to follow him."
"I just feel alive when I'm in trouble... I feel alive when I'm fighting."
"When faith gives way to fear, we get in awesome trouble."
"Guys that usually get in a lot of trouble usually are the guys with the most shit to talk about."
"Trapp was getting into a lot of trouble right before Pat died."
"Friends should help each other, especially in trouble."
"One plunge your main character into terrible trouble as soon as possible."
"The first sign of trouble came at just before noon."
"He's in big trouble right now, I'll tell you that, big big big trouble."
"You ain't gotta look for trouble, trouble will come find you."
"She boldly confessed her suspicions, believing she was causing problems for her husband."
"Every day you're out, you're getting yourself deeper and deeper in [bleep]."
"You have received the devil dose of trouble but a double dose of favor is coming your way."
"Soon the scenes of trouble spoken of in the prophecies will take place."
"I'm in a lot of trouble, man. I'm in a lot of trouble."
"If somebody wants something screwed up or disturbing in this town, these two are very likely gonna be involved."
"This is big trouble for the car market."
"I knew I was going to get into serious trouble with Steve because of my attraction to him."
"God is a very present help in time of trouble."
"If you're in trouble, don't hold it in and ask for help."
"It's not the things that you don't know, it's the things that you know that aren't so, get you in trouble."
"The righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked cometh in his stead."
"...that's completely rational the part that is I think trouble for the two of them is that they aren't communicating about it."
"You know you're in trouble when your dog looks at you like you're stupid."
"Some beaches are more trouble than they're worth."
"Prepare for trouble, and uh... wait, there was a cat too, right?"
"Trouble moves drown. Leave your politics on board."
"I got trou last time this that's messed up"
"In the time of trouble, that's where you go. It is like a war room, a place of supernatural prayer." - Cindy Murdock
"Of all the things we probably talked about today, this is the most important of anything because this is something that really causes trouble and most people do not know this."
"I'm saving you. What all this trouble?"
"Prepare for trouble and make it double."
"Then trouble broke out where he least expected it."
"The Lord will deliver us in our time of trouble."
"They were troubled because there's a new king."
"The whole world is in trouble for its supply growth, and if supply growth is a problem, then that means that prices will get higher."
"My life is always a mess, and the situations I'm in are ridiculous always. Regardless of where I go, I will find trouble. This is true my whole life."
"It's amazing what a steely reserve, loyal family, and a razor blade stuffed in the bill of your cap can get you. Mostly trouble, honestly, but you get to wear a nice suit."
"Bootleggings, fights, and shootings was as regular as a rooster's crowing in the morning."
"Never forget he not only didn't deny the trouble part, no no, he reveled in it."
"I was starting to get in a lot of trouble. The only place for me was in the Marine Corps. It's one of the best decisions I ever made."
"This is life. It's never perfect. Life is trouble."
"With all the trouble that Richard had gotten himself into this time, without any clocks available, we lost track of time and had a decent buzz going."
"This has happened to me before, you're not in any trouble."
"She's in trouble, girl. That's what I'm here."
"Both men already had altercations with the law."
"If you get into trouble, that doesn't mean you're a troublemaker. It means you need to try harder to act right."
"A woman with a pretty face and an evil heart always makes trouble."
"So that kind of stuff started happening, it was very strange, and that's when I knew, um, I was in trouble."
"You're a little bit of trouble, but not in a bad way."
"Had you ever been in trouble before for anything?"
"He who earnestly seeks good finds favor, but trouble will come to him who seeks evil."
"We ran into a little trouble, but we have Dr. Kesri. What kind of trouble?"
"Trouble... it's trouble, you know."
"The only thing that gets you in trouble is your nafs."
"Jesus Christ, our comforter, is a very present help in times of trouble."
"…Mal was doing quite a bit of damage, having done enough to get himself sent to juvie…"
"Is it one of those things like when you're at school and you tell your mom that you're in trouble."
"Just avoiding situations where you could get in trouble and having some foresight."
"Adding to his troubles, an ongoing world war jeopardizes his job."
"No matter where they get you, you can be in trouble."
"Thank you for being my refuge in strength in times of trouble."
"Unloaded gun always cause most trouble."
"I've been doing damage on the Chicago Streets since I was young and now I'm ready to cause problems elsewhere."
"Trouble with you people, you're worrywarts."
"It wasn't fear; it was the feeling you get when you're in trouble."
"Chuck had spent most of his life getting Jimmy out of trouble."
"You're asking for trouble and you've come to the right place for it."
"You're staying away from trouble."
"And when Candice fill you, it's a problem, period. Straight up."
"God is a present help in trouble."
"I guess now you're in trouble. Yep."
"I want to make art and I want to make trouble."
"I didn't know it was shut the f up Friday. I'd never been in cuffs, never been in trouble."
"he didn't realize the mess he had gotten himself into when he messed with Yogi's girl"
"You don't know what peace is, do you? Peace is not the absence of trouble, peace is disallowing trouble from getting in you."
"If you're looking for trouble, you'll find it."
"It’s not looking good. He’s all caught up in vines."
"Your parents get shown a lot? Oh, for sure. You know I'm in trouble if my mom's definitely watching."
"Great story, but stay out of trouble, okay?"
"So, you see, that's where the trouble began. That smile, that damn smile."
"If you're not looking for trouble, you have the head start."
"Could get you out of some trouble if you need to get out of trouble."
"You may not be interested in trouble, but trouble is interested in you."
"It's deeply troubling... to wander into." - Jon Meacham
"Trouble causes pain and it's human to feel that."
"In times of trouble you will not be ashamed, the Lord will honor you and your inheritance will remain forever."
"Topalov seems to be in big trouble."
"We're screwed right now guys, we're done."
"Christina never imagined he caused so much trouble, just an innocent."
"Dogs make great pets and they can even help us get out of trouble."
"I think we're in trouble, my young friend. Big trouble."
"I would just be if I had this I would be in so much trouble because this thing is just too great this is so much fun."
"Ignorance is not always bliss. Ignorance gets us in a lot of trouble sometimes."
"See, there's some loud music playing. Oh, look, I'm in trouble again."
"Prepare for trouble, make it double."
"You will have trouble, but his promise is, 'Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.'"
"You're going to have trouble, but be of good cheer."
"Another one in trouble here today."
"Be careful what you say, Moles. Your preconceived notions can lead you into trouble."
"God sent me here into the middle of your trouble because of the Lord Jesus Christ's example of going into our trouble."
"Strickland's got some troubles, Marty. Yeah, Alan, he's been on seven cylinders for about 15 laps now."
"The best way to stay out of trouble is to stay out in front of it and that's where he wants to be all day."
"I only hope the Guardians can live up to their name, that they can stop them. Otherwise, we're all in a lot of trouble."
"Skateboarding can get you into trouble but if you love skateboarding so much it'll get you out of trouble."
"I was in trouble, big terrifying trouble."
"Focus on your goals and stay away from anything that is going to be a disruption to you and stay away from these hoes if not they will get you in trouble."
"That's so funny, that's my middle name - Trouble."
"Trouble is inevitable but misery is optional."
"Sounds like you guys are looking for trouble to me anyway, hopefully you don't get it."
"I can't help it... I'm drawn to trouble."
"She's in trouble. She's a damn trouble, man."
"You're a spy, that's what you are, a miserable low snooping spy nosing around and making trouble."
"...trouble number three was a great deal more serious."
"When you try not to feel guilty, you always end up in trouble."
"You're not in trouble, you're blessed."
"Trouble comes in threes. Satan does things in threes because a three-fold cord is not easily broken."
"There are incidents in life where you get into trouble and the sense is that the situation is going to probably have to get worse before it can get better."
"The number one way you're going to get in trouble in a skid steer."
"...the engine is the identity and if it has some [__] in corporate turbo V8, you guys are in big trouble."
"Trouble always seemed to find its way to her."
"And if we don't, again, I do think we're in trouble."
"The deepest pain, the greatest trouble in human experience...comes in relationships."
"Every time I talk I get myself into trouble."
"Trouble came knocking in the form of school bullies."
"I'm in all kinds of trouble here."
"Minister Parker Bow's son got into trouble. Tried to strangle his mother. That's okay."
"Your brother is in a boatload of trouble."
"That's trouble. That's big trouble. Let me go check the bags."
"It's all your fault, Albert," said Emily. "That's when our troubles first began."
"Listen, I told you, the amount of people that have called me that are currently running scams or in trouble or people are being indicted, people are this, people are that, and they're like, 'What should I do?'"
"I mean, of course, because you're increasing the chances of you getting in trouble. So, you're taking risks every day, constantly. So, trouble's bound to happen."
"Once you lose your rhythm, you're in big trouble in this one."
"I've been in and out of trouble my whole entire life, homie."
"I'm here to save you a lot of trouble and possibly tears."
"If your knowledge throws you in destruction, throws you in trouble, you wish it would have been better that you did not understand it in the first place."
"Everybody knows that par or birdie will be safe, bogey is where you start to get into trouble."
"He's curious and speaks his mind but trouble's never far behind."
"And what is astounding is that it was built about 100 years after the death of Muhammad. This is very late for Muslim historians, and it is going to cause traditional Islamic history all kinds of trouble."
"Oh, you got trouble, let's get it!"
"How nice of you to call on me, Blackie. You've come to console me in my trouble, of course."
"My loyalty got me in a lot of trouble."
"Trouble does not mean that God doesn't love you. Trouble means you're a card-carrying member of the human race."
"The only trouble that God ever had was bloody Calvary."
"Nothing but trouble back there, bad juvenile record."
"True leaders always are in trouble because they make decisions."
"In the world, you will have trouble—big trouble."
"She goes from zero to trouble in point six seconds."
"Unfortunately, that can get him into trouble. So every once in a while, me or my parents have to rescue him."
"When Jesus came down, when he landed, is when there was trouble."
"Fear of being disrespected gets us in more trouble than the actual disrespect."
"By holding on to that value, we find ourselves in trouble and we find out that something's missing."
"Staying with the trouble is both more serious and more lively and indeed more fun."
"Is it even a proper unboxing if you don't get in trouble for it when you get home?"
"...that thing tends to get us into some trouble..."
"old Frederick look at him he knows he knows he's in trouble Frederick hey yeah you we're talking about you dude"
"I thrived on trouble, it always got me out of that boring classroom and into something interesting."
"How much trouble do you get in driving this thing around?"
"You will get in trouble because the girls be on there cheating."
"The hat gets me out of a lot of trouble. You'd be surprised how many things you can get away with with a cowboy hat on."
"32 plus 13 adds up to trouble. That's quick maths."
"You understand, I didn't have my .44, so I'm really in trouble over here."
"My mouth can get me into a lot of trouble because I'm too honest."
"I'm in trouble. They found out I work with humans."
"You're in trouble. Oh, what are you gonna do? I don't know what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna do something bad."
"but if you're starting to become a restaurant slowly within a month you're destined for trouble"
"You were right when you said that in this world we would have trouble. That thing was a lot of trouble."
"YouTube videos get me in trouble all the time."
"This person may be getting in trouble with some kind of robbery."
"Oh, it's the usual trouble with the boss. It does happen, you know, not today it doesn't because today is a holiday."
"it ain't the things you don't know that are going to give you trouble it's the things you know for sure that just ain't so."
"This guy will definitely seek trouble with him in the future, fortunately, he has a golden finger."
"The righteous is delivered from trouble, and the wicked walks into it instead."
"Nothing has caused the human race so much trouble as intelligence."
"This is like I'm here like to like this I'm in trouble with like the student council."
"Anyway, hopefully they decide to stay with that Porsche, not come over here and start troubling me."
"Guaranteed to get into some trouble today."
"I did what I did and got in trouble with the Russian mob, which I did, you know, like on Thanksgiving of all times."
"Trouble might be closer than you think."
"A man in trouble. That's what comedy is."
"What's troubling you, Arnold? My conscience."
"I'm going to be in such big trouble."