
Upheaval Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"Serious art is steeped in upheaval, soaked in strife, and marinated in chaos."
"Daily immersion in the word of God is crucial for spiritual survival, especially in these days of increasing upheaval."
"That's an earthquake in the landscape of American politics."
"BrExit was an earthquake in the British political system."
"Everything that can be shaken is being shaken, and the fluff of comfort and compromise is getting ready to be diminished."
"Everything changed and their entire life was turned upside down."
"A significant number of us are picking up and leaving our homes, leaving everything behind."
"They really feel as though this connection has turned their life upside down."
"The court of owls turning lives upside down."
"It's the kind of world turned upside down moment."
"All this royal, noble, and imperial extravagance and the resulting political upheaval is not necessarily a bad thing."
"Embrace upheaval and change, like a totally new direction."
"Their world was turned upside down, not merely that external forces seemed to be having an impact."
"Big social upheaval is normally the beginning of the end."
"In this age of political upheaval, Donald Trump stands as a symbol, a force that has forever altered the political fabric."
"The myths surrounding the God incarnate tell of great upheaval and strife."
"In just two weeks, the peasantry had thrown this rigid and oppressive regime into total disarray."
"I hope you like pineapple upside-down cake because your world is getting ready to be flipped upside down."
"Some sort of foundation in your life has been uprooted and it's blown up, that's actually a good thing even though the tower sucks in the present moment."
"Your whole world will be turned upside down but I think in a more positive way."
"The world is upside down right now."
"The tower represents change in the most radical and momentous sense."
"Once bubbles form in the lake, it rises rapidly and drags the deep water to the surface."
"Something feels like it's changing in a massive way."
"[ __ ] is going down with your job. Oh, something's going on with somebody's job, baby. I'm telling you, this solar eclipse got people trippin' out."
"My whole world has turned upside down. Everything I knew has changed."
"The Tower moment is coming. They need to take control and step up."
"A moral earthquake was shaking the world."
"The world completely changed and the hierarchy was turned on its head."
"Whenever any kind of upheaval occurs in your life, the safest place to be spiritually is living inside your temple covenants."
"This is a rebellious time, we are in a rebellious climate."
"Everything was just absolutely turned upside down."
"This is revolution, not some [ __ ]."
"...we're on the verge of another upswing... I think we're on the edge of it because sometimes things have to go splat."
"Everything I had ever known changed in a second."
"They needed this Tower moment to shake things up."
"Nation shall rise again against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom."
"Kawai's trade request just like that two decades of stability and tradition had been broken as their current torch Bearer Abandoned Ship."
"I just need a year where things aren't ripped out."
"The Tower energy can be something destructive, chaotic, or creating upheaval in our life, but it can also bring epiphanies and awakenings."
"Upheaval in their life is going to show them what needs to change and what needs to be released and brought back into alignment."
"It's a revolution, it's an earthquake, it's what turned everything upside down."
"There's been a tower moment... Breaking things down in order to build them back up... A second chance coming here."
"We're going through an unbelievable time at the moment. The world is all over the place."
"The mom artist, that was the sound of our world shattering."
"You've just walked into the middle of a revolution."
"The only thing that will work right now is a revolution."
"They wish that you guys could be together, yeah you caused a big tower moment for this person."
"...the next YouTuber on this list still has a massive social media presence but turned his life upside down."
"The main difference is that it's far, far easier to make upheaval good than any of those other cards, which may lead to it seeming more play than any other similar card."
"The past two years have been crazy for students, faculty, and staff."
"The tower card is a representation of transformation."
"The tower moment will lead to a huge transformation."
"The world as we know it is gone. I heard fans with no country, a flock with no shepherd, swept out to sea with no lighthouse to guide these poor souls back to shore."
"A dark force was moving in the world, one that would soon set the entire Shinobi World on its head."
"Tangible societal change cannot happen without destruction."
"Your life is about to get upended."
"It's kind of a shock and it might feel like your life is just, again, being flipped upside down."
"Everything you think you know, everything you think you believe might just come crashing down."
"...nothing at all powerful emotion had rocked her to the very foundations..."
"People set a huge amount of time and money aside to have this lifestyle, and when that rug gets pulled out from under them, it's just heartbreaking."
"What followed was an extraordinary game of cat and mouse that shook the very foundations of the country's establishment."
"The world turned suddenly upside down, and he found himself flying through the air."
"Just everything this whole situation has flipped my life upside down for sure"
"A revolution is upon us all over Britain."
"The streets have turned to chaos."
"Imagine that one moment life is going along as planned, and the next, your whole world is turned upside down."
"They are going to make a revolution."
"Out of all the sort of the upset and upheaval we've had to live through, this is very good."
"The scariest part is the amount of disenfranchised people, the amount of displaced people, the amount of people whose lives just get completely turned upside down."
"They're dealing with a tower moment, everything is unbalanced for this person."
"Revolution is often a painful process."
"Their lives were completely turned upside down."
"The evacuations are not only a physical upheaval but also an emotional one."
"The world has been literally turned upside down."
"Revolutionaries roaming the countryside."
"The very fabric of society was challenged and revolution was in the air."
"In this great shaking, there will be a showdown."
"Egypt's story had been one of upheaval, collapse, and finally rebirth."
"It's the root of all evil, of strife and upheaval."
"For 15-year-old Christopher, life is about to undergo another major upheaval."
"You turned the world upside down."
"It's a lot to lose the person that you love dearly but then also to lose your house and your life and your neighborhood and your friends and your community and your routine and everything that goes with that."
"Everything's upside down, and there is a feeling of that, but there's a reason that you're feeling it."
"Everything was flipped upside down and my happiness just tanked."
"I don't think we're necessarily that far away from a full-fledged political revolt."
"People were ruined from one day to the next."
"I feel like I'm going insane. My life's been turned upside down."
"Sands of Tanaris: A tale of transformation and turmoil."
"the whole damn world seemed to have turned upside down."
"There's going to be some type of upheaval."
"Talk about your whole life being turned upside down."
"There's a massive dislocation going on in the country that has to be dealt with."
"Sometimes when we wake up to spirituality, and you know this. Where the you know what hits the fan, and everything falls apart."
"The Lord is speaking in this hour, no doubt. The church is being shaken right now."
"It's been a crazy couple of months"
"It exploded my whole life. My whole life exploded."
"I believe that A revolution is coming."
"Tragedy is something you never expect, and when it hits, it turns your world upside down."
"This tower moment tore everything down, causing things to tumble out of your life."
"The entire hierarchy is being thrown in disarray."
"My world got upset. I've spent the last 24 years in a partnership with the Holy Spirit."
"God is going to shake everything that can be shaken."
"...a really insane one it really just flipped the entire power structure that had been running the entire game up to this point all over the course of a singular day."
"Change has to happen through upheaval, chaos, and destruction."
"It's like our whole world has been turned upside down."
"To understand Clausewitz's life and his ideas, we have to understand that he came of age in the midst of one of the greatest upheavals in human history: the French Revolution."
"My life has been turned upside down. It won't ever be the same again."
"Myths of the new world are not in this respect isolated from those of the old all around the globe a remarkable uniformity reveals itself over issues such as the great flood and the great cold and the time of the great upheaval"
"The entire world seemed to move, almost like the planet itself was tearing in two."
"Everything is getting flipped on its head."
"The Russian Revolution was never a smooth path."
"This is a massive problem for him, having his entire world turned upside down."
"It's gonna be a big upheaval for both of us, Martin. Find out."
"It's not just hell on earth, it's the erosion of the world that we used to know. It's the dismantling of history."
"There's sudden upheaval, like someone's trying to fix a relationship."
"He's going to flip your life upside down."
"Quarantine came, a final step back, take a time where the way inside faint the riots all the blast back."
"A visible reminder that his world had been turned upside down."
"I think the best movies are ones where there's a sense of normalcy, then the world gets completely turned inside out."
"You're obviously a very different person than you were when we first started this... her whole world has been turned upside down."
"Seaside towns across the UK are going through a period of upheaval."
"Things will shake in the heavens, things will shake in the earth."
"Maria Feodorovna experienced profound personal and political upheaval."
"The deck lurches and tips upwards into the air."
"This Awakening can feel like an upheaval, a storm that disrupts the calm seas of your Earthly existence."
"In the last 12 hours, I felt my life had flipped upside down entirely."
"Will Luffy flip the world completely upside down or will he bring this perfect harmony?"
"Destruction, sudden collapse, unexpected upheaval, flash of enlightenment, loss of status, a fall from grace, energetic release, and being set free."
"We're going through a calamity, a generational or maybe even historical calamity where everything is in upheaval."
"That was the start of my life being turned upside down."
"Stay strong and prepared for the upheaval that may lie ahead."
"He leads counselors away plundered, and makes fools of the judges."
"The Tower, with its lightning-struck structure, signifies upheaval and destruction, while the Star offers hope and renewal in the midst of chaos."
"This chapter is definitely turned the fan base upside down, people are rampaging around destroying stores."
"The Earth shook, the Rocks were split, the tombs were opened."
"The Tower is an abrupt change taking place here, a foundation rocking event, a game changer."
"The tower tarot signifies the status quo being shaken up, foundations being upheaved in the calamity that follows."
"The rug was completely pulled out from under her feet extremely suddenly and with no warning, and her entire life was irrevocably changed."
"A virus is more powerful in creating political, social, and economic upheaval than any terrorist attack."
"I found myself in a state of disbelief and shock, as if my whole world was collapsing before my eyes."
"2020 has brought a bunch of unexpected developments: a global pandemic, the biggest uprising against racism since the 1960s, and rapidly increasing tensions between the world's two major superpowers."
"Chaos often announces a major change is happening."
"And just like that their world was turned upside down, so this castle threatens their royal crown."
"The world is going to be turned upside down right now."
"The world is set for great upheavals, suffering which will encompass mankind, and during this short period of time, we have to prepare ourselves."
"These events sent a shockwave through the entire region as countless lords were involved in the desperate scramble for power."
"William Gand was the leader of a covert group of Patriots in Shanghai who were about to have their worlds turned upside down."
"Nations shall rise against nations, and kingdom against kingdom."
"You're not going to get what you want without change and upheaval."
"This was a microcosm of the massive upheaval happening within The Beatles."
"This chance meeting would upend their entire existence and shake the foundations of their society to the core."
"The world can feel as though it's been flipped upside down in a moment."
"My whole world gets turned upside down."
"Hopefully in the long term they will be positive because there's always upheaval before change."
"The world is turning upside down, and it is literally going to be coming apart."
"Your world has been turned upside down; I know that feeling because I've experienced it in my own way."
"We live in a time of major upheaval, a time of universal change, a time of complete change."
"The town is being uprooted, families are being torn apart, people are losing their jobs."
"Your life's about to get flipped turned upside down."
"The universe just shakes up some stuff, whether it's with a friend, with a parent, with a sibling, with a relationship."
"Even if your world is shaken up, it is good."
"Just one single event and everything you thought was so stable got turned upside down."
"I can't believe how many people's lives have been uprooted by the Fire Nation."
"Now I'm back in England and let me tell you, the last month has been one of the craziest in my life."
"Within 30 years after the expedition, many of these native societies also changed; there were great social and cultural upheavals in the southeast."
"The planets settled into their present orbits; it was accompanied by this period of heavy bombardment or great upheaval."
"The Humble God is exalted and the exalted elements of nature are humiliated because nothing is secure, nothing stays in its place when the god of Liberation decides to make his move."
"The world is turned upside down for a pillar of the community."
"The tower moment: a sudden change that reshapes everything."
"The upheaval occasioned by the schism led directly to the Protestant Reformation."
"This is an energy point of liberation, chaos, disruption, rebellion, big changes."
"You've been playing a game of life, and it's like all of a sudden someone just threw the game off the table."
"Consequences. Someone is going through upheaval due to some of their bad choices."
"Divine intervention came into play to shake things up."
"The Tower represents a sudden moment when something suddenly happens in a shocking way."
"It's freeing you up for this big change of direction that the Tower always signifies."
"My world got turned upside down by this girl; she's still my world."
"In a world full of upheaval, we all need a quiet and safe space to breathe."
"The ground beneath you really got shook up, but now you're finally starting to see the light."
"The tower is about a shake-up, things are really going to be progressing."
"The tower... a big change, a big shift."
"Things that need to be shaken up will be shaken up in order to build something really beautiful."
"It's a time of necessary upheaval, a blessing in disguise as the dust settles, the gift reveals itself."
"A time of necessary upheaval, a blessing in disguise; as the dust settles, the gift reveals itself."