
Individual Influence Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Don't ever forget that one person can affect change."
"I think Congress is probably better for having AOC in it."
"The last hope really is Boris Johnson yourself and others."
"I think it takes one person to light up a world. One person."
"Sometimes it really is a single individual who can change the course of history... for the better."
"I'm kind of excited to see what Elon will do."
"Your individual freedom and your individual understanding is what influences the flow of world power."
"You will not believe how powerful a single person can be."
"All it takes is one person to make it miserable."
"The most significant element in all of this has been inside Putin's head."
"One small thing could change the world, like one person can change the world."
"The only person I'm not sure we're going to have an election in 2028 is the one that tried to stop democracy earlier and that's Donald Trump."
"Bin Laden is one of the few individuals you can really say changed history."
"He's single-handedly bringing it back because future history books are going to have to have a chapter on Elon Musk."
"He's the kind of guy that a thousand years from now people are going to read about."
"Marvel has a particular thing that they do when they put like you take Ryan Coogler and you put them in there you let him do it you let him do his thing."
"You affect one person's life, they're connected."
"There's probably pivotal moments in history where like one person probably has a substantial shift on the direction of the conversation."
"The problem with all this was Edie Parton himself."
"You just lost to Ronaldo, he was absolutely superb."
"MLK was just one person but that didn't stop him from making a change in society."
"Greg only grants the words he's spewing religious contexts, but outside of what we have, all these things are just vague enough to just be like his opinion, man."
"A single person should not have so much incredible control over our political system."
"It isn't always the live crowd as a whole that can ruin a perfectly good match, sometimes it can be just one particularly obnoxious person."
"After Donald Trump retires from politics, there will not be another like him."
"Your existence has changed the world more than a lot of people."
"History doesn't have a natural order; individuals play significant roles."
"WWE's gonna bow down, give this woman what she wants."
"Lee cared more about Ordinary People compared to many other senior CCP officials."
"A stunning rise for the conservative Donald Trump ally."
"Rhodes’ genius had an enormous impact on the development of South Africa."
"Dominic Cummings set himself the task of revolutionizing British government."
"It's amazing how one person can make a difference."
"Jonathan's Legacy is a reminder of the preciousness of life and the impact one individual can have on many." - Jonathan Fielding
"One choice, one word, one action can change the world."
"One person can make a pretty big difference."
"The sovereign voice of the individual is the power that casts potential into habitable being."
"I hear god saying that this book isn't going to just help you overthrow what's been in control of your life. I'm going to help you introduce a new system."
"Elon Musk does it the way Elon Musk does but we do it by voting in the primaries and supporting people like Elon Musk when they make these moves."
"Possessing brute strength alone did not make an individual powerful."
"Art can change the world. It absolutely can. You could be the one to turn this all around."
"No matter how small you think you are in the world or how little in society you look, you can change the world."
"Everyone has a voice and that voice creates ripple effects."
"One person can change everything about your business."
"One person never changes the status quo anyway, it's the people that make change."
"He single-handedly changed the course of the US."
"A single person's power can change the whole world."
"I want you to recommit to your life because Matthew wants you to recommit to your life."
"Your voice matters, and you have a means to saving one child's life right now."
"All it takes is one person to tarnish a good thing."
"This should make a pretty impactful statement right here." - Ben
"You can change that whole company, one woman, one man. Say amen. I could change this whole neighborhood. One woman, come on, one man. Come on. With a bunch of us we can change a whole city."
"The mainstream media is dying. Someone like Tim Pool is bigger than the mainstream media."
"One man can't change the world, but you know, there's nothing better to do so let's just try."
"We're not here to change anything but in the individual we have great power to live whatever life we want to live and to live it abundantly."
"Jaden Sancho on his own won't win us the title."
"The choices made in the hearts of individuals will determine what the clowns in Davos and the clowns in DC do."
"She's such a force of nature, she's such a force of just light and goodwill on her own, Margo."
"Humans are actually a massive boulder, but we've all been led to believe that, 'Oh, what can I do?' You know what can I do, I'm only one person. But like seven billion one people is like a lot of grains of sands and a lot of boulders."
"We have to build this individual action to collective power."
"I don't think one person is going to save us however amazing that person is."
"He's proof that these values will live on no matter how hard some may try to repress them."
"The answer to your problem is not a principle, it's a person."
"Can an individual who has no particular power or money or official position, can they change history? And the answer is yes."
"All it takes to change the course of history is the will of a single man."
"Looking at what could happen, I think the Democrats are thankful that Joe Manchin hasn't considered this as an option."
"And it's crazy how much this one person changed the course of history."
"...it only takes one person to completely change the course of history."
"You think one person may not make a difference, they can."
"If you think that one person does not make a difference, think again."
"Even small carrier forces can bring a lot to bear; one person can change history."
"You as an individual human being have no doubt affected countless numbers of other people's lives."
"Artificial intelligence... its impact on society and the individual."
"It's not necessarily about the party but the leader."
"It's Tyler's world, we're just living in it."
"He single-handedly set a tone for an entire genre."
"Can one person make a difference in countering injustice?"
"The heart of one person can return the history of an entire nation."
"It's your world, and we're just living in it."
"The best defensive player on your team is going to have an effect on your team's defense."