
Exoneration Quotes

There are 212 quotes

"Their mission, to fight injustice by exonerating innocent people and helping the justice system correct its mistakes."
"The Dixmoor Five...were falsely convicted of rape and murder...Each of them received at least 80 years in prison, but in 2011, DNA tests...all of the charges were dropped after they spent 20 years in prison."
"Christopher Abernathy...after 40 hours of interrogation, he had signed a confession...He was eventually sentenced to life in prison...new DNA evidence exonerated him of all charges, and he was released after spending 28 years behind bars."
"George Stinney...was convicted in less than 10 minutes by an all-white jury and was executed by the electric chair. In 2014, he was exonerated of all the charges, nearly 70 years later."
"Robert was exonerated and determined to be wrongfully convicted after spending 37 years in prison for Barbara's murder."
"The reds and blues would receive a full pardon of their crimes."
"If he's exonerated here completely I feel like he's got a comeback story that's strong."
"Brian is eager to be exonerated of these charges and looks forward to resolving these matters as promptly as possible."
"DNA has cleared D. Paul Morin of all charges."
"Since its establishment in 1993, the Innocence Canada project has helped exonerate 23 innocent people."
"Words can't express how I feel right now. I'm just glad to be out, glad to be a free man."
"The report literally exonerates Trump in the sense that Bob Muller doesn't come to a conclusion on the question of obstruction."
"No collusion, no obstruction, complete and total exoneration."
"I went to jail, they dropped it, it was all dropped."
"A complete exoneration of the president of the United States."
"The Mueller investigation found that neither the guy in the White House nor any of his aides conspired or coordinated with Russia."
"This exonerates Megan from the accusation that she stirred up all this trouble."
"New evidence threatens to undo the entire case and set Steve Crum free."
"My DNA, the scientists, I commemorate them 100 percent knowing that they did a beautiful job. The scientists, they exonerated me."
"Coley was granted a full pardon by Governor Jerry Brown, citing new DNA evidence clearing Coley but also mishandling by the investigators who originally were on his case, even implying the possibility he was framed."
"Hank the tank exonerated: Why authorities cleared the name of a 500-pound bear accused of ransacking a California neighborhood."
"It is Mike's desire not just to be exonerated... but he wants to expose this extreme miscarriage of justice."
"My opinion on the death penalty is I don't believe in it. I have seen too many things happen like these exonerations and stuff like that."
"A wrongly convicted man finally unshackled after enduring 13 long years of injustice."
"Christine Holgate has been exonerated by the government's own investigation... there is no indication of dishonesty, fraud, corruption, or intentional misuse of Australia Post funds."
"The investigation was predicated on with the express purpose of finding direct evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians to win the election he is squeaky clean which amazes me."
"He said it's not an exoneration. Which by the way, they don't exonerate as you know a prosecutor either makes a case or does not."
"This officially cleared Colin Stagg of the murder. He was innocent. It wasn't him all along."
"I used to collect articles about people who were exonerated. That gave me motivation to continue."
"Clarence Elkins would still be in prison today if it wasn't for Melinda."
"Investigators circled back to Jessica's boyfriend, Travis, but found no involvement."
"I promised him, 'I'm gonna get you out of here tonight and I'm gonna do everything I possibly can to clear your name.' And I remember the relief in his face."
"19 wrongful convictions of innocent people that were later freed."
"I just wanted to clear your name. It must be some mistake."
"You were never in the wrong, I know you did everything with love."
"Mueller made it clear in writing he was not exonerating this President."
"There have been 167 exonerations of prisoners on death row in the U.S. since 1973."
"The evidence exonerates so exonerates and we all knew that but we needed some like evident we needed articles on it."
"The death of Marilyn Shepherd followed by the arrest, the trial, and the long road to exoneration for her husband, Dr. Sam Shepherd."
"This had nothing to do with her and she was an amazing employee, which was absolutely true."
"In short, Deanna Smith was completely innocent."
"I should like to make it clear, my client leaves this court without a stain upon her character."
"In withdrawing the charge, the crown proceeds from complete conviction of her absolute innocence."
"The crown by unreservedly withdrawing this dreadful charge against you has demonstrated your innocence in the clearest possible way."
"The prisoner is discharged without a stain on her character."
"But you didn't kill. It was an accident."
"I am a free man, I'm walking free, there's no cuffs, baby, your boy beat the case."
"Four thousand dollars later and a conviction now under my belt, I can honestly say, you know what? It's good to be free."
"His freedom came thanks to Emily Maw of the Innocence Project."
"there have been 233 people exonerated by DNA in this country"
"President Biden fully complied with the investigation conducted by special counsel, who did not find evidence sufficient to warrant criminal charges"
"Christine had nothing to do with Gregory's death."
"Number 6: The exoneration of Valentino Dixon."
"I'm not home, that's why. Oh, so it wasn't your fault."
"Hand is down, you are not the a-hole here."
"We're gonna find out who actually set us up and clear our names."
"I find no basis for a charge against him."
"Many years later in 2015, Boulder Police Chief Mark Beckner disagreed with completely exonerating the Ramses, stating: 'Exonerating anyone based on a small piece of evidence that has not yet been proved to even be connected to the crime is absurd.'"
"Honestly, that was the best day of my life because I knew that people knew that I didn't do it."
"Let it be known that I, Clara Aster of house Aster, second princess of the Atorian Principality, hereby pardon Lieutenant Wyatt Staples of all presumed charges set against him."
"The grieving father spent five years behind bars before DNA uncovered the true killer who'd been hiding in plain sight all along."
"I didn't get caught with nothing."
"I've done different things. I've helped to exonerate people... I feel good helping people in that way because initially when I was a kid I wanted to be a lawyer."
"Robert Dewey's conviction was vacated and he was released from prison."
"Each time I've been given the time and a proper forum to defend myself, the allegations have failed under scrutiny and I have been exonerated."
"Your name is going to be cleared."
"Detective Harding delivers a crucial piece of evidence, showing the footage proving Mike's innocence in the murders attributed to him."
"The only reason I personally agree to do this interview is because years prior to my release again in 2020 was to set the record straight."
"That was one of the few times in my career that I wasn't to blame. I was actually the good guy."
"I think you did fantastic. You cleared your name yet again."
"Just hearing those 'not guilty,' not guilty,' not guilty,' not guilty,' oh man, y'all don't even know."
"Due to this new information, Judge Oberman has overturned Annie Weaver's conviction and has set her free from prison, effective immediately."
"Anthony Ray Hinton spent close to three decades in isolation on death row in Alabama. He was exonerated in 2015."
"Dryfus was eventually pardoned and released once it was realized that he was unjustly condemned."
"The blood speaks for my exoneration and freedom."
"You've gone from suspect number one to an impossibility."
"Melissa's murder conviction was overturned after the Ontario Court of Appeals ruled that there had been two serious errors in the instruction given to the jury regarding key evidence."
"Well, at least now people will know you're not a child killer. Thanks, Joe."
"There was zero evidence pointing to me."
"In that case, Op, you are completely in the clear."
"Danny, I knew you didn't do it. Thank you for believing in me."
"I believe that I will be exonerated."
"Michael wants to clear his name and it just might happen because Josh hedgecourt, the current prosecutor in the county where the murder took place, has filed a motion asking for Michael's conviction to be overturned."
"You lived out your dream on stage for a couple minutes, and since there were no charges filed, they can never take that away from you."
"There's not anything in my experience that compares to the feeling when you can walk with your client out the front door of that federal courthouse after a jury has found your client not guilty of all charges."
"Well ladies, it appears there's been a mistake. You are officially relieved from all suspicion."
"As for the defendant Dennis Reardon, we find him not guilty."
"There is now no accusing voice against you anymore, your case is closed."
"Despite the efforts of the United States Attorney's Office, there's not one thread of evidence Mr. Sullivan ever paid anybody anything."
"When the evidence pointed away from us being guilty."
"In a stunning turn, the prosecutors dropped all the charges against him."
"It was not Charlamagne's fault at all."
"Maybe you haven't out. The CPS have dropped all the charges. Insufficient evidence. You're looking at a free man."
"Harry was threatened with expulsion from Hogwarts but was exonerated with help from Dumbledore who had a witness and legal loopholes."
"Things got real messy when he accidentally killed Marshal Fred White while working as a tax collector. Surprisingly, he got off the hook thanks to Wyatt Earp's testimony."
"Cardinal George Pell, one of the Catholic Church's most senior authorities and most powerful men, spent 405 days in prison after being accused and convicted of sexual abuse."
"This is about redemption, this is about me saying to all of those people out there that got screwed by the experience of bit connect that I was not a mastermind, I was not part of that scheme."
"So the first one was just yall five the first one was our us five fighting a conspiracy to murder on the police that's what started it and we beat it."
"You deserve to have your name cleared."
"I walked off of death row 11 years ago today. I have complete faith that one day we will be celebrating the day we were exonerated as we do the day we were released."
"It is highly unlikely that Adnan Saeed will have to go to trial again for this murder. Some speculate that he may take the step to receive compensation for his wrongful imprisonment."
"Jimmy would really, really like to clear him and get out in smooth sailing."
"What will it take to prove his innocence and if he succeeds, what will he become?"
"The purpose of the independent act defense is the exonerates a defendant from acts committed by another defendant which departs it from an original plan."
"If we found something that could exonerate Luke Mitchell or implicate someone else, it would be massive."
"She wasn't guilty, that's why. You have to be able to protect yourself if someone is trying to kill you. That's what she did."
"A judge has called for an inquiry after a university student was cleared of rape. The case against Mr. Allen was dropped when evidence on a computer disc containing 40,000 text and WhatsApp messages revealed the alleged victim pestered him for casual sex."
"I had hoped that once things had stopped in court and I'd been exonerated, life would be able to go back to normal, which I'm realizing was quite naive of me."
"...science saved his life with rock no longer a suspect."
"If the murderer was found, then you could say he was exonerated."
"There is simply no evidence, nor has there ever been, that implicates Mike Goodwin in the murders."
"...the police couldn't find any other evidence so he was cleared as a suspect."
"Those charges were quickly dropped when it was discovered that these two women were clearly victims as well."
"All of the charges against Denise were dropped."
"Finally, he is pardoned in 1906; no, he's pardoned actually before that, about 1900 he's pardoned, or even 1899, but he's not fully exonerated until 1906."
"I didn't kill anyone so there's that"
"We were able to prove that this guy was innocent and in effect we saved a life."
"I know you didn't shoot anybody that day. I know you weren't driving the car that day."
"Billy was off the hook for the murder of Buckshot Roberts."
"If Nicola could turn back the clock, she would. Nicola would also like to say that she is personally relieved that the prosecution, albeit very late in the day, have seen sense and dropped this case against her."
"While we can never completely clear her of the murder of Edward, we can say that she surpassed the role expected of her as a royal wife."
"Richard was freed in 2017 and got a $1 million settlement from the state."
"We really thought that we were going to be exonerated. I just can't understand. It just doesn't make sense to me."
"There's no greater hug to your heart than knowing that you did something to get somebody who was falsely imprisoned and wrongly in prison out and get their freedom back."
"...the wrong man had been sent to prison for this crime and Coy was finally exonerated in 2017 after spending nearly 39 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit."
"You're not the one who started the fire."
"The contents of the book and the subsequent renewed press interest led to the solicitor general for Scotland, Alexander Monroe McRoberts, to conclude that Oscar Slater's conviction was no longer proven."
"Your father was innocent of all charges."
"It's not your fault and you shouldn't be blamed."
"Henderson exonerated. District attorney victim of a frame-up."
"Edwards was formally ruled out as a suspect in September of 1967."
"You don't apologize to anybody, including me. You saved us."
"After 26 years in prison, Luis Diaz was set free."
"He taught himself how to read and write and write law briefs and he actually was able to get himself exonerated and get out of jail."
"It became clear to us that DNA had the power to go back into old cases, re-examine it, and exonerate people that have been convicted many years ago."
"It's not your fault, Emily. In fact, I'm glad you spoke up."
"I will do whatever it takes to make sure her name is cleared."
"The jury went beyond exoneration, expressing their belief in his innocence, stating there was not the slightest proof induced to connect him in any way with the commission of a crime."
"You need to know you're innocent in this whole entire thing, you've done nothing wrong."
"It's like waking up out of a nightmare, Leslie is completely innocent."
"Persons who committed the act or made the omission charged through misfortune or by accident, when it appears that there was no evil design, intention, or culpable negligence."
"Our sources say they have concluded Otani was not involved in any wrongdoing and has never had any association with gambling or bookmaking."
"The guilt is hers alone; her father and others who have long suffered most unjust and cruel suspicions are wholly and absolutely innocent."
"I was acquitted completely, so I was a free man."
"I was not only completely exonerated but my testimony became the basis for a classified Air Force manual."
"To hold destiny means to exonerate ourselves of blame."
"I suppose that they should have their names cleared by the end of the year, not could."
"I spent 21 years in prison for murder I didn't commit."
"We will introduce new primary legislation to make sure those convicted as a result of the Horizon Scandal are swiftly exonerated."
"The examination of the new DNA evidence also ended up clearing the name of Frank Lee Smith."
"I did everything I could to clear his name."
"So that's the story of how the hobo spider rose to notoriety, though it most likely never deserved to and has been largely exonerated today."
"I'm clean of all blood because I have told you the truth."
"She's been petitioning for over 20 years to have her exonerated and exactly 300 years after the incident, Governor Tim Kaine pardoned her."
"It wasn't down to you. It was him. It was all him."
"Damon became the 300th person to be exonerated after serving 15 years on death row for a crime he wasn't involved in."
"DNA matching has not only put many criminals behind bars, it has also helped free hundreds of innocent people."
"All charges dropped. My father will be released immediately with the full and unequivocal apology from the Sheriff's Office."
"If you are upset by my description of your family's faults, it may comfort you to consider that you and your elder sister have avoided any share of blame and deserve nothing but honorable praise for your behavior."
"He's an innocent man, and we've corrected an injustice."
"If it weren't for the Innocence Project and David Schultz from Maslon, I'd still be in prison today. That's a fact."
"The spirit of Lydia is shown to inhabit the Demise Argus sword and tells Sylphy that her death was not Art's fault."
"You have nothing to worry about, you're going to be exonerated from all this mess."
"After serving 19 years for a crime he didn't commit, Ruben Carter was released from prison."
"While the wheels of justice often turn frustratingly slow when it comes to correcting these mistakes, thanks to the work of organizations like the Innocence Project, victims of wrongful incarceration are sometimes able to clear their names and gain their freedom."
"The last remaining guilty woman has finally been cleared of wrongdoing."
"You are not to blame; you've been burdened with a load not meant for your shoulders."
"Forgive others, forgive yourself, because it's not your fault, it's never been your fault."
"I spent 28 years of my life in prison, three years on death row for a crime I did not commit."
"I'm the first person in the United States to be freed from a capital conviction based on post-conviction DNA testing."
"Witness to Innocence is the only national organization composed of and led by exonerated death row survivors and their family members."
"He was freed from prison and received a $113,000 settlement from the state after spending more than 12 years behind bars for a crime he didn't commit."
"Roscoe Arbuckle is entirely innocent and free from all blame."
"Justification is the act to declare innocent."
"He only brings good. It's no one's fault."
"Captain Charles McVay was posthumously exonerated by the 106th Congress and President Bill Clinton."
"DNA evidence has been responsible for over 360 exonerations in the U.S. since 1989."
"Becoming the first person to be exonerated of a criminal conviction by DNA evidence."
"He's a great little driver, he's done a super job today, that couldn't be his fault, surely."
"However, upon realizing the weight of their past, they should remember that the nine of them were not to blame."
"Anthony Graves is innocent, Anthony Graves is an innocent man."
"When you get exonerated for a crime that you didn't commit, you want money for doing the time that you did do, as you should get."
"Everything isn't your fault, it's not."
"Joel doesn't deserve to get a lot of the blame since he did what he was supposed to do."
"We've been cleared of all wrongdoings."
"Free and innocent, somebody has been proven innocent."
"It was never your fault, but they blamed you."
"I know you didn't kill anyone, Birch, your lawyer found evidence to prove you're innocent."
"When we realize that rules were unfair, unjust, or that sentencing guidelines were Draconian, we reduce sentences, we let people out of jail, we exonerate people."
"Ronald Keith Williamson, who left his small town in Oklahoma to become a major league baseball player but was later sent to death row and came within 5 days of being executed for a murder he did not commit, died on Sunday in a nursing home near Tulsa."
"The Quran exonerates H maram as we all know very well."
"I already told you. This isn't your fault. I'm the one to blame if anyone should be."
"It's almost like when somebody comes out of jail and then they find out they were wrongfully convicted."