
Knights Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"To finally get a video game with knights, sword combat, and a captivating story that doesn't rely on magic to fill in the gaps, it's a dream come true for many."
"Vala, honor, compassion, wisdom, generosity—these are the five chivalric virtues revered by knights the world over."
"Sometimes some knights decided to participate in disguise, presenting themselves as the red knight, the white knight, the black knight."
"With my home complete, I went over to the Knight to ask him a few questions."
"The Knights Hospitallers combined the life of a monk with that of a knight."
"A Templar Knight is truly a fearless knight, for his soul is protected by the armor of faith, just as his body is protected by the armor of steel."
"The knights had a truly fearsome reputation on the battlefields."
"Kingdom Come Deliverance is that if you like the Middle Ages and you love knights and swords."
"For hundreds of years, knights were the closest thing to professional soldiers in medieval Europe."
"They're knights of old but they're changed and tweaked just enough to make them kind of new and exciting."
"Knights wanted to stand out and have bling."
"My Bretonnian Army is one of my favorites."
"The Lion Heart Knights are doing much better than originally expected; they are the best Knights on the entire continent."
"The conduct of his men against impossible odds would become the standard expected of knights during the Middle Ages."
"She was a knight and asked them to stay for one night."
"These Oaths were essential in assuring these Knights had no priority other than the protection of their King."
"I think knights are a great addition to any hobby collection."
"I want paladins. I want the Knights Valious. Valor is a lady."
"Just the awesome deadly power of a knight like dunk or Gregor or the Hound in armor with this giant sword."
"Even if it costs their lives, the Angelic Knights swore to exterminate."
"...the real knights of the Round Table, a Time Team special."
"13,000 nobles and knights, many younger sons with limited inheritance, were enticed by the promise of wealth, power, and glory in Egypt."
"We are Templars and we attack. We advance as the last proud knights of the great crusade."
"...giving us possibly their coolest and most fun knight type enemy even to this day."
"Castles and knights became responses to Viking raids, eventually ending the Viking period."
"Knights were constantly seeking ways to reduce their vulnerability on the battlefield and to maximize their ability to inflict damage on an opponent."
"Ambrosius, who is a fellow Knight and a direct descendant of Glory."
"Knights aren't only strong but they're kind and they like to help."
"Because it can pierce a knight's armor and result in the death of a knight, the crossbow is hated by knights."
"he couldn't allow an unknown little rascal like gas to partner with two rank 11 Knights"
"The magistral Palace is the beating heart of the institutional life of the Knights."
"The Green Knight comes into the Hall they're all having a big Feast King Arthur's there he's the king the other Knights are around King Arthur's wife gwynevere is there."
"The sworn Brotherhood of the King's Guard consisted of seven Knights, men of proven loyalty and undoubted prowess, who had taken solemn oaths to devote their lives to defending the king's person and kin."
"Knights are representative of the energies of air, so anything to do with challenge, with intellect, with the cerebral realm, with things like cunning, and understanding your environment, words, communication, that kind of thing."
"Knights are more about forward movement, progression, force, dynamism, determination, and making something manifest in the physical realm."
"I know the story. Do you? We became Knights, honored to stand above our subjects, our chivalry their shield."
"Everybody loves a hero, and what better hero than a knight."
"The gratitude of Europe for the knights' heroic defense was so great that money soon began pouring into the island."
"Even though modern perspectives tend to see the Templars as a secret society, their existence was never doubted at the height of their power."
"The Templars still managed to capture the wonder and imagination of the modern world."
"The Titans are equivalent to the Knights of old, heavily armored and bearing the emblems and heraldry of the city they protect."
"This is my favorite room to be honest. The knights."
"The Dauntless Vanguard are the classic knights in shiny armor pursuing justice."
"The Quest for the Grail becomes something that's not just exclusive to Percival but all the knights of the round table."
"Knights are at the forefront of many such campaigns, venting their disgust, hatred, and outrage upon those who wills to betrayed them."
"Once upon a time knights legitimately fought in battles against other knights with swords and shields."
"The southrend knights rode out in plate and mail, dented and scarred by the battles they had fought but still bright enough to glitter when they caught the rising sun."
"Becoming one is seen by many as a means of social mobility, a la samurai or knights."
"The Temple Church... was a very real stronghold used by one of the only legitimate mystical orders of knights that has ever existed in Europe."
"If this drug were to be used by well-trained Knights, their fighting prowess would be unimaginable."
"The fragmented knights were destroyed one by one by the encroaching enemy; all seemed lost."
"At any time, at any place, the knights can save us."
"Rejoice, for we, the Knights of Bretonnia, will be your shield."
"His Knights go in search of the Holy Grail."
"With a resounding call to arms, the knights brace themselves for the impending battle."
"Neglected like mythological knights, the humans journeyed across the universe from a place incredibly remote."
"The hospitalers became the real untouchables and are still in existence today."
"Dol Amroth would be home to the princes of Dol Amroth and eventually the Swan Knights."
"They really were like the knights of the air."
"It was no less than a war-level expedition, with thousands of knights participating in it."
"I've always wanted to live in the times of knights in armor."
"In days of old when Knights were bold."
"When we think of the medieval past, we think of armored knights."
"The image of the knight: one of the most powerful images in history."
"It's pretty impressive that there are so few pieces on the board and yet the two knights are stronger than the queen."
"Knights were known to sneak in by climbing up the toilet chute."
"We are the knights who say 'dang it'."
"They were the Knights of the Gods, wielding divine power and bringing Terror to evil."
"This has been truly a night of knights."
"There was a time when the knights ruled the land and their dragons soared the skies."
"I believe that time is coming again."
"The Knights Templar amassed immense fame and prestige."