
Brokenness Quotes

There are 271 quotes

"It's through brokenness that the perfume is spread; it's through brokenness that the light is spread."
"The beauty of a broken man is that a broken man can be fixed."
"There's something wrong with that kid... they're as broken as the person they're bullying."
"America has a broken spirit." - Senator Martha McSally
"Great beauty can come from what's been broken, and likewise, there can be healing for the brokenhearted."
"We're broken, that's why I'm thankful for God's grace and forgiveness."
"Society is fundamentally broken and then we have to be very afraid."
"We were just very broken human beings and we both were just sabotaging the hell out of our relationship."
"This life is good but broken, but there's more to this life than just this life."
"He even chooses us broken vessels today to bring his messiah to those around the world."
"We have a relationship with our Father that's broken, that's altered, right?"
"God chooses the most broken person... to show His strength."
"Broken people break people and then blame them for the pieces."
"In those moments where I was broken, that's when I experienced God."
"Even in the brokenness, they were able to make something beautiful."
"This is so pretty, I really like this. I like the aesthetics of just broken things."
"The glory that rests on you comes in proportion to your Brokenness."
"Brokenness is the fundamental disorder that exists in creation, affecting relationships and behavior."
"The world is broken; it's not just Great Britain."
"We are all broken; every person is broken."
"He uses and trusts broken people."
"Where we are broken is where the light enters; what we were not given in the past is what we can actually give."
"Brokenness is not just for you to feel bad. Brokenness is to get you in the place where you understand the magnitude of God's grace and mercy."
"The broken pieces formed a word: run."
"He lives in broken things, and so much around us is clearly broken."
"Magic is broken. You cannot fix it alone."
"Life really isn't complete until it's completely broken."
"Always look twice at your broken pipes. They might tell a more interesting story than a whole one."
"God is The God Who restores what is broken"
"Brokenness leads to repentance which then receives restoration"
"There's something beautiful about broken people. If we despise our own brokenness, we tend to despise the broken."
"This is about several broken people that we understand the layers of where they're coming from."
"Honestly, I feel like it's so crazy, but because I feel like the seasons where I've experienced the closeness and this intimacy of God is when I've got a contrite heart when I'm broken."
"I'm just a Broken Man, completely honest to God I am really broken."
"Brokenness, genuine Brokenness, the first sign that is an attestation of a healthy secret place."
"Brokenness is a realization and Brokenness is an acknowledgment of your limitations and your inadequacies outside of the assistance and the help of God."
"The one condition God must find in man and with man to be able to reach down to you with his Mercy is Brokenness."
"Sometimes you can't be fixed, sometimes you're just broken."
"God makes our stories beautiful even in our brokenness."
"God only uses broken people because what other kinds are there."
"There's something broken on the inside."
"I'll spend the rest of my life doing this because people are broken."
"A world that is broken but really interesting."
"Every Wanda is broken, every Wanda is mentally ill in every universe."
"Through my brokenness, I truly am built into the woman I am right now."
"God uses Brokenness to reveal your need for Him."
"It's okay to be broken. I serve a God that when I cry, His strength steps in. When I'm broken, He heals me."
"There is a brokenness out of which comes the unbroken."
"You just realize how broken things are when you hear it from a kid."
"Brokenness is really no more than getting you to the point, where you know— you know, that you know, that you know, that you cannot do anything apart from Him."
"Not all things that are broken can be healed."
"It's the brokenness in our lives that God uses so often to bring out the beauty."
"The world is beautiful and it's broken."
"I just don't really understand the reality of the world that we live in and the fact that it's broken."
"The Joker himself is a reflection of our own broken society."
"Joel is an exceptionally broken man going through the motions until he encounters Ellie, the first known human who is immune to the infection."
"Now I begin. God's mercies are without end. Here I am with my Brokenness, with my shame, when I run to the end of my own strength to be able to say, 'Okay Lord, now I just begin and pick it up again, and let him pick you up again.'"
"I want you to Rally around them lay hands on them and I want you to begin to pray that they would recognize The Nearness of King Jesus he's close to us when we're brokenhearted he's near to us when our lives feel crushed."
"I had found true happiness in a place of brokenness."
"Not even this kind of broken one my son Tim would love to have a toy of his own."
"Underneath the surface, I think that we're all sort of a little bit broken inside."
"This show has a lot to say about broken people."
"It's always in our brokenness that we cry out to God."
"Humans are weak, they're broken, they are incomplete."
"I don't sense any ostensible brokenness from you."
"Sometimes you're not bad, you're just broken. You've not done anything sinful, you just reached the limits of your humanity."
"It's understandable reaction. We come from broken families, exist in a broken nation, and now exist in a broken church."
"I think broken characters are just very very interesting to write and a ton of fun."
"This world is broken, and when God comes into it, it's not always just fine."
"The posture of true worship is humility and brokenness."
"Fighting attracts broken people who are seeking something."
"The road to our dreams or things that are fulfilling are often paved with brokenness."
"It's so hard to be an adult and a lot of times a lot of us arrive at adulthood very broken."
"Broken people seek to be completed like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle."
"God brings or allows brokenness in our life to lead us to joy and gladness."
"Brokenness is beautiful is how the Holy Spirit can work."
"None of us can absolve ourselves of being broken by the human condition."
"Our Brokenness is a far greater bridge to other people than pretend wholeness ever is."
"It's discerned often times when we experience brokenness the brokenness you feel never comes from what people say."
"Isn't the message here that God's work is brought about by Broken Vessels?"
"God's work is brought about by Broken Vessels."
"The Brokenness might be a precondition for a kind of Revelation that Couldn't occur without that particular kind of Brokenness."
"We're all replicas of Brokenness."
"She looked broken, utterly broken. 'Kill me,' she whispered. 'I have no value to you. I am simply a broken tool.'"
"Deep down, I am still broken and I know I would never trust any woman ever again."
"Brokenness is a universal human experience."
"Many a broken home is nothing but a physical or a psychical allergy in action. It is destroying things which it cannot restore, and this destruction is simply due to lack of integrity and the courage to stand against a mistaken procedure."
"We live in a broken world full of lonely people."
"People can get broken, and Jesus loves broken people."
"If you're a member of the human race, you know what it's like to be broken to some degree."
"Jesus loves the broken because he came to heal the brokenhearted."
"Everything on earth is broken, nothing is perfect on this planet except the Word of God."
"People who are broken often run before they are sent."
"The Brokenness and the blessing always go together in God's hands."
"I think the way to keep it up is to is to consistently remain broken and surrendered which is what led me to this project was brokenness."
"There is beauty in the midst of Brokenness, and when you really walk with Jesus, there's an exchange that Isaiah talked about that God would give us Beauty for Ashes."
"Brokenness doesn't make you unattractive. You can be broken but beautiful."
"I like broken characters and this has to be one of the most absolute broken devil fruits I've ever heard of."
"Bruce Wayne is a very Broken Man, the murder of his parents deeply traumatized him and the breakdown of his relationship with Andrea has driven him to further misery."
"The entire human race has made poor choices. Everything's broken, and nothing in this planet works perfectly."
"Even though I have experienced loss and abuse, that brokenness that I've always been able to hide is one of the most powerful connecting points that I have."
"God doesn't trust blessing to anybody, he trusts blessing to brokenness."
"Brokenness produces a deeper awareness of God's closeness."
"Broken people do beg. Have you never done any begging? It's because you've not recognized your brokenness. Because if you ever recognize your brokenness, you're going to beg somewhere."
"Brokenness is a cuss word because when you get broken, you won't care about nobody calling your name."
"Humility, brokenness, and awareness of our weakness, these are some of the gifts of Ramadan."
"Every single one of them's been broken."
"Brokenness invites healing, and God is saying you're all broken, that is part of the plan."
"You're beautiful in the image of God, but you're broken because of sin."
"Be not afraid of your brokenness."
"Dare to put the brokenness under the blessing."
"We know things are broken, we know what needs fixing, but nevertheless we keep doing nothing."
"Of all the things that I've studied about Merton's writings and all that I've taught on Merton, I don't know if anything went as deep as what happened when it leveled the playing field and being one with me in my brokenness."
"Brokenness always precedes breakthrough."
"When we bring our messed-up, anxious, fearful, broken lives to Jesus, he mends our hearts."
"The vessel of our love is shattered on the floor and we'll run out the house never to be scared of your love."
"You focus on the brokenness and realize that this thing is broken and it's broken to the point where somebody's got to fix it."
"Nothing can be sole or whole that has not been rent."
"But she's very broken right now. I know what men do, they break you so there's nothing left."
"Stop paying attention to broken people. They can't pay you back."
"I'm talking about a broken home, what's the purpose of having a home when it's a broken home?"
"Brokenness is a word that we don't use much these days."
"If you want to be made whole, you've got to be broken."
"We're a broken people searching for meaning in this crazy world."
"...so many of us are walking around dealing with things like depression fear and anxiety insecurity guilt and shame disappointment loneliness all of these things make us so broken and leave us with so many questions because the world we live in is broken."
"Your broken pieces can somehow and sometime will come together for the good to be something beautiful."
"That's someone else's Steve, the world's broken, everybody's just looking for somebody to fix it."
"This world you make will always be broken, just like you."
"There is a brokenness out of which comes the unbroken, a shatteredness out of which blooms the unshatterable, there is a sorrow beyond all grief which leads to joy, and a fragility out of whose depths emerges strength."
"Oh what sound is broken people oh a sound of your people."
"Without that Brokenness, God can't put you together."
"Borderline the base of it the foundation of it is a lack of self it's an identity crisis they don't actually have the confidence that they seem to appear to possess on the outside deep down they usually feel like they're not only broken they feel like they're unfixably broken."
"In every pain, in every expression of pain, in every broken heart, there is the brokenness of the divine name or the divine being."
"Only in the blessed realm can that which is broken and you be healed."
"welcome to what broken Shalom looks like in the homeless community"
"What I realized is that I do what I do because I'm broken too."
"Broken things are precious to him."
"Sometimes you're not bad, you're just broken."
"Above all other lessons: to discover hope in the most broken places of our souls."
"There's a brokenness that comes with true repentance - not a togetherness."
"We're all broken and in need of a savior."
"I just wanted my family back together. We've been broken for years and it's just falling apart."
"Your past may be filled with pain and brokenness, but in God's hands, it can become a beautiful testimony of His transforming power and grace."
"Being a Christian isn't about doing good things. It's not being a good person that will never fulfill you because our hearts are inherently broken."
"We live in a broken and fallen world."
"This all speaks to the Brokenness of humanity and how are we able to help walk individuals to a place of health and healing."
"God takes available people, most of them that are broken, who make themselves available."
"Affirming people's potential is more important than reminding them of their brokenness."
"We serve a God who specializes in broken pieces."
"The boy is alone, the boy is broken."
"Intercession should be characterized by brokenness, fasting."
"Some things are too broken to fix. Maybe it's best to accept that."
"A brokenness, a brokenness, a brokenness. Brokenness is what I long for, brokenness is what I need, brokenness is what he wants for me."
"I was lost I didn't know where to go I didn't know what to do I was broken."
"When we are broken before him, that's when he can really use us, forgive us, and change our lives."
"We come to Jesus all messed up in our sin and brokenness."
"When did you really, really get to that point of brokenness when you really knew that you were wrong?"
"Embrace your Brokenness, submit to the season of your life."
"Man is most dangerous when he's broken, for he has nothing left."
"...a man who had been broken by a long and bloody war."
"Even if you're broken, keep moving."
"The world is broken, but there's an odd beauty in the dark parts."
"God favors the ones who are very broken."
"Despite my brokenness, He can see my value and my beauty."
"Wanda is broken, and like any broken person, anything they need to do to stop that pain is justifiable."
"It feels weird to say I like seeing Obi-Wan so broken, but I do."
"Xavier is absolutely, positively broken."
"I see this sort of Brokenness of human beings but also the unbelievable value of human beings."
"Brokenness is an attempt to come to a state of realization, a consciousness, and also a state of acknowledgment of our limitations and our inadequacies outside of the help of God."
"The system is so broken in so many areas, and yet, so I hope this inspires somebody to be like, I can see an avenue now, like I need to do this."
"In spite of our brokenness, God will use us."
"Things are broken right now, very broken."
"The world is beautiful, but the world is also broken."
"God uses brokenness to draw us into His presence, to give us a love for Him."
"Jesus always blesses what he allows to be broken."
"Over the world, everyone's a little bit broken in some way."
"The more broken you are, the more helpful you can be."
"Help us to recognize your divine condescension, your gentle and humble condescension leading us in our brokenness."
"Remember your faithfulness and remember all the ways in which we are broken."
"God wants you to worship Him in the truth of your rejection and your brokenness."
"That's when God can use you, 'cause you're broken and all you want to do is please your heavenly Father."
"God is the great redeemer, and God is the one who uses broken people for His good purposes."
"I think brokenness attracts brokenness. I was broken and naive, and so I attracted people that were broken myself."
"I'm way too broken; I've tried every way of medicating."
"The people who worship the best are generally broken people."
"God has a high view of marriage, but at the same time, he also understands the brokenness that we all carry."
"I am broken, I am tired, I'm lonely and depressed, I am made up of mistakes."
"Mabel is a broken person and broken people don't always know how to identify the problem or go about fixing it."
"There's something really inherently broken in our humanity."
"Some people are so broken, and they hate the fact that you are whole."
"Could a man really be that broken?" Shinri paused.
"In the kingdom of heaven, Jesus puts a premium on the broken."
"The only requirement to be rightly related to God is to come to terms with your own brokenness."
"We come into this world broken and indeed dead, helpless and hopeless, and the only possibility we have of salvation is grace that breaks into our lives uninvited."
"This is how broken I am, this is how much I need a savior."
"We actually believe that we are all broken, that we all have our issues, challenges, and difficulties, but Jesus came, lived the perfect life, gave His life on our behalf."
"I think everyone's searching... everyone's broken one way or another."
"The idea that he works with broken people is a validation that he is merciful."
"Everything on earth is broken but we can still have joy because we know God is good and He's got a greater plan."