
Deities Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"When we commune together to believe in these deities, we are opening ourselves up through internal agreement to their influence."
"The Sumerians worshipped many different gods who were called Anunnaki, a group of deities responsible for the creation of humanity."
"Once people stop believing in the gods, the gods dissipate and they disappear."
"Those Gods are the oldest recorded figures of worship anywhere in history."
"The Sumerians believed in a group of deities called the Anunnaki responsible for creating humans."
"Lolth is one of the most popular and well-known goddesses in dungeons and dragons."
"I do truly believe that you can have experiences with both the Nordic and the Celtic deities."
"And that brings us into the question of the Brother Gods: do they suck?"
"Eros, along with Gaia, Uranus, Nyx, and Erebus, was one of the first generation primordial deities."
"Colors are so fundamental that the very Gods seem to be divided by them and one God the greater will is recognized by one exceptional color."
"The chaos gods are infinitely complex with more facets in ideals than people give them credit for."
"There are some deities that only females must occupy."
"There were 42 State gods and goddesses in total in the ancient Egyptian religion, the most important of which was Amun ra, the Sun God creator, who was later seen as king of the Gods."
"The Anunnaki, a group of deities in ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians."
"Yet Hathor is only one of a multitude of gods and goddesses, the Egyptians just couldn't get enough of them."
"Perhaps the most important of Redguard deities is HoonDing, the ‘Make Way God.’"
"If something or some deity stand out to you that's who you can work with you know to start off with deities."
"These Stone heads depict Eros the god of love and sex Dionysus the god of wine making and festivity the demigod Heracles and several other deities from the Greek pantheon."
"The similarities between the Greek Roman and vic deities underscore the profound influence of Proto indoeuropean mythology."
"It's ridiculous to imagine the all-powerful God needing a rest, but when your gods are just people with magic powers, it's easier to understand."
"Over the centuries various parts of the world have been watched over by different pantheons of deities."
"In Hinduism, Gods can be male and female, animal, anthropomorphic, having qualities of a man or qualities of animals, even an element of nature."
"These are the guys that used to be worshipped as Old World gods."
"In Hinduism, we know of the trinity as Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva."
"The gods of wisdom across all pantheons have always had strong power in terms of their reach, popularity and longevity."
"To the Tongans, the ancient or, you know, Tongans, these were the three highest gods that had, you know, that governed the world, you know."
"...and thus Crossroads and liminal spaces she was one of the few who could this we'll talk more about this but she is one of the few deities ever who were able to move between worlds that's cool..."
"The Chaos Gods are not the happiest of people."
"Keyleth also argues that being immortal doesn’t make you infallible - some of the gods can be great, others can be terrible."
"All the gods and Giants will face off against one another."
"The gods rely on him in times of immense difficulties."
"It seems to me that the first inhabitants of Greece believed only in those gods in which many foreigners still believe today."
"The Anunnaki were believed to be the gods or heavenly beings in Sumerian culture."
"I wanted to honor how frightening the gods were in the ancient world."
"To the gods and goddesses and us."
"Naga serpents are powerful deities; they contain enormous occult power, wisdom, mysticism."
"When of the gods none had been called into being, and none bore a name, and no destinies were ordained, then were created the gods in the midst of heaven."
"Bangles are offered to deities also by people wanting children."
"The gods end up evolving alongside their society."
"The strange and terrible gods of Hubris."
"May Indra of ancient fame be auspicious to us; may the all-knowing Pushan be propitious to us."
"The Matangi worship a range of deities, but the most prominent is Kutal, whom they call Majagua, the mother of jaguars."
"Gods of fertility, war, the sun, creation itself—they all make sense, but on the flip side, there's also a god of partying and getting drunk."
"In many cases, these gods were some of the most worshipped of their region and culture."
"Stories of a time when gods and otherworldly beings inhabited the Earth be more than just mythology."
"Who would win in a fight between Shiva and Buddha? Buddha wouldn't even fight in the first place."
"There was a time when gods roamed the earth."
"It's just not a good idea to make a god mad at you."
"Long ago, when mankind was yet to even be created, a debate was sparked between the court of deities."
"The realm of deities was a dimension that was cut off from the rest of the universe."
"Many people will encounter deities, they will encounter gods and goddesses from various cultures."
"Statues like these were likely kept in religious community buildings and were meant to represent individual deities."
"Ultimately, it did help preserve some of these deities and some of these practices so that we can talk and discuss about them today."
"The spirit of the mountain God, the Seven Stars, and Dokseon are enshrined in the majority of temples."
"The Mongols had two main deities: the earth or mother goddess known as Etugen, and Tengri, the blue sky or eternal heaven."
"The main spiritual inspiration in New Vrindavan is of course coming from the deities."
"One distinctive feature of the way the Spartans represented their gods was that they represented all of them in armor."
"When the Most High divided up the nations, he did so according to the number of the sons of God."
"Their zeal and belief in these deities is so strong that many of the gods have now become real."
"Heavenly beings, gods, you name it, this anime is full of them."
"She served as a balance between the wills of Selûne and Shar."
"If one thing God of War taught me, it's that most all gods are troublemakers."
"The coming of these sky gods as a pan-Indo-European phenomenon to the overthrow and diminution of the importance of formerly very potent female deities."
"The 10 Gods gathered and began to discuss what had happened."
"The other world is the realm of the deities and possibly also of the dead."
"It is the dwelling place of the gods or the Tuatha Dé Danann, as well as certain heroes and ancestors."
"The Persona universe is filled with deities that we've come across, each with their own twisted thoughts and goals."
"What if there is a pantheon with some or all of them working together in order to control humanity or destroy humanity or whatever the hell they want to do?"
"They are thieves not because they are trying to steal from the rich and give to the poor... they are thieves because in their world there is a set of 12 gods and goddesses, and they follow the nameless 13th who happens to be the god of stealing."
"When the men of Egypt first came into existence, they looked up to the firmament of the sky and conceived two gods based on the sun and the moon respectively, who they named Osiris and Isis."
"The Vanir are the gods of peace and plenty and the main attributes of Freyr, Freyja and Njördr are connected to peace and plenty."
"Small wonder both were regarded as gods by the ancients."
"Gods are created by worship, not the other way around."
"Celestial deities are gods of universal phenomena such as storms, war, darkness, cities, and lost things."
"May our battle be considered legendary even by the deities."
"Planets are the bodies of great intelligences or deities."
"The real influence of the planets and of the constellations has to do with the fact that they are bodies of deities who are present to each other."
"And you have, also, in the central part the gods and goddesses linked to the planetary world, so the different planets."
"If you remember, I keep talking about the trilogy of deity Supreme deities in Hinduism: Vishnu The Protector, Brahma the Creator, and Shiva the Destroyer."
"The days of the week also made reference to Germanic deities: Monday came from Mani, personification of the Moon."
"What does the God look like when they manifest?"
"Gods are tricky, once players have access to gods, they have access to a lot of power."
"What do the Gods do within your campaign? They set the tone for your campaign."
"There are some gods that are representation of Brahman, the Ultimate Reality, and they are Shiva and Vishnu."
"For myself personally, I naturally gravitated more towards Shiva and Ganesha... because of my temperament towards knowledge."
"It's only for the gods that men exert themselves so extravagantly."
"Gods come to life cyclically, being kind of reincarnated."
"Even our gods are mythical creatures; they're not historical personages."
"The Marvel Universe is absolutely jam-packed with gods and deities."
"Certain deities... have two specific propensities: they're excellent as protected deities, and they respond faster."
"Many of the Indian gods we know of today were like the gods of Greece."
"I know the distinctions of all gods and elves."
"Why are all the gods men? Are there any female gods?"
"Human gods came to Egypt much later, and probably as gifts from Western Asia."
"I have called upon you gods of the night, with you I have called upon Twilight, Midnight, and Dawn."
"Ancient Egyptians worshiped many gods; there were nine chief gods among them."
"We must watch the minor gods," Hera said.
"I hate the gods for making me as they did. I do not."
"The Gods, being rich, ought to be generous to men."
"'Every single command is a judgment on one of Egypt's gods. God is going to be superior to all of Egypt's puny little gods.'"
"Back in the ancient times, Gods towered over the races."
"This is different because these gods have been murdered."
"Almost every race in the galaxy has some form of deity or godlike beings associated with them."
"Marvel Studios is going to greatly expand on the concept of gods."