
Political Speech Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"The way to attack false speech or false political speech or core speech is with truth."
"In his victory speech Tuesday night, the governor never mentioning Daniel Cameron or former president Donald Trump's names but he did allude to their strategies not reflecting Kentucky values."
"What president Trump did is he said go patriotically and peacefully and protest."
"The last thing you want to do is start a business for a service that there's absolutely no demand for in your area."
"The buck stops here, and then he blames everybody but himself."
"He basically says whatever the hell he wants and the media just treat it as though it's a moderate thing."
"I always like to say that if you have to silence your opposition you no longer have a good point and that's what they're doing. They're silencing us."
"Stacey Abrams broke the curse last night by delivering a powerful Democratic response."
"It terrifies me that these unelected billionaires can decide whether we get to hear from an elected president."
"Laugh at him, dismiss him, mock this speech all you want, write him off at your own Peril."
"The speech cleverly undermined the ideology of globalism." - ex Fountainhead
"This election is not just about honoring the votes of 74 million Americans who voted for me, it's about ensuring that Americans can have faith in this election and in all future elections."
"Bernie seemed to be the one talking about the urgency of now."
"With everyone here today, and millions of patriots across our land, we are making America stronger, prouder, and greater than ever before."
"The time for pure peace is passed, the time for war is yet to come. Now is the time to fight with your courage, to fight with your words, to bring the truth to those around you."
"God bless you all and may God protect our troops. Thank you. We can do this."
"Texas is apparently pushing through a bill that would allow someone to file an injunction if they get banned from social media for political opinions."
"Money is essential to speech is not something that was under debate."
"We will make America wealthy again, strong again, proud again, safe again, and great again. Thank you, Wisconsin. Thank you."
"Saying protest, protest, protest is not incitement. Even if it's Donald Trump, even with lots of exclamation points."
"We have no excuse for defeatism. We have every good reason for hope. Hope For Peace."
"Political speech is indispensable to a free Society."
"Anything you say, whether it's true or false, is considered terrorism if it undermines public trust in US government institutions."
"America is thriving like never before, and ladies and gentlemen of Louisiana, the best is yet to come."
"Imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as one people."
"Somebody has to say certain things. This country needs to start over."
"The speech is meant to be the president's standout moment to address the country."
"Practically every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie."
"An activist, a movement leader is gonna provide a prophetic voice and speak certain truths that somebody who is going to be elected into office will not be able to say."
"I do not support a no-fly zone. I want us to stop using that phrase. I want you to start using the phrase declaration of war."
"The answer is no. The First Amendment was designed to protect political speech."
"God bless you, and God bless the United States of America."
"He is the one who said in his inaugural, which I thought was a wonderful speech -- he is the one who said I want to heal the nation."
"Under the First Amendment, the prosecution cannot dictate what is true or false on politically charged questions."
"No form of speech is entitled to Greater constitutional protection than core political speech."
"You get an hour of delivering your message that doesn't have to go through the media filter and doesn't have to grapple with right-wing propaganda."
"This is why the information war is very important, but when you have censorship completely picking off voices and shutting down political speech, we have to go beyond the information war."
"I reject tyrannical groupthink, a rejected system which allows an ambitious misinformed and dogmatic mob to suppress free speech, create false narratives, and pathetically steamroll over the truth."
"This all an attack on our freedom to think our freedom to do what we want and express ourselves."
"This debate is about you... it's about making sure that the sacrifices that you have made to fix our economy aren't wasted." - Nick Clegg
"It's time for the fake news to go, it's time for you to go!"
"This indictment directly targets core protected speech and activity."
"We're all in this together." - Vice President
"We will unite citizens of every race and color, religion and creed as one people, one family, and one extraordinary nation under God."
"The president cannot just give a speech and mandate to the country what to do."
"Isn't he one up on them with in terms of the the First Amendment and Power to speak freely."
"The truth, as Candace Owens said in her leadership campaign speech, will set you free."
"I think actions speak louder than words. He only delivered that speech quite recently and there has been no kind of government policy shift since then."
"The ultimate example of the system being rigged and unfair is Donald Trump getting thrown into jail for speech made in the context of a presidential campaign."
"I will keep America moving forward, always forward, for a better America, for an endless enduring dream."
"Speak out against FTX, speak out against Chuck Schumer, speak out against the things that these people are doing because they're having a direct effect on you, me, and every person in crypto."
"Trump's speech and his Q&A were positive, powerful, and for the people."
"To sit here and think that you're above anyone, to sit here and mock and laugh... You are a fascist, a Despicable sub-human."
"I will fight for you with every breath in my body and I will never ever let you down. The forgotten man and the forgotten woman, you're not forgotten anymore."
"Finally, President Biden is giving a prime time speech on the battle of the soul for our nation."
"When the president gets up in front of the nation and says that they're doing everything they can to ensure that there is near certainty that there will be no civilians killed he is saying that because he can't say otherwise." - Daniel Hale
"President Trump believed in his heart of hearts that he had won that election... He had every right to speak about the important issues." - John lauro
"Political speech is the most protected speech... If we lose the First Amendment rights then, heaven forbid, we lose the right to Freedom." - John lauro
"Tim Scott, a Republican, a black man, gave a rebuttal speech and there were some pretty good points being made."
"We love Ohio we love Dayton god bless you god bless Ohio and god bless America thank you."
"We're going to restore your freedom of speech in this country, aren't we?"
"What we saw with Joe Biden's speech today was a return to dignity, to decency, to humanity."
"We reject oppressive speech, censorship, political correctness, and every other attempt by the hard left to stop people from challenging ridiculous and dangerous ideas." - Trump
"One speech full of analysis, policy decisions, facts and figures, plans for the future of his country. Much more detailed plans than the ones that President Biden discussed in his State of the Union Address."
"President Trump's words, as you'll see on January 6th in that speech just like the mob's actions were carefully chosen, those words had a very specific meaning to that crowd."
"Last time I checked, the First Amendment is at least as important as the Second Amendment." - Jimmy Kimmel
"There will always be people in government who would like to use this to shut down speech they don't like."
"We are advancing with unbridled optimism and lifting our citizens of every race, color, religion, and creed very, very high."
"Tonight with a heart full of gratitude and boundless optimism, I profoundly accept this nomination for President of the United States."
"I think it's very dangerous, and I agree with Andrew Bridgen who said, 'The hard work left-wingers are seeking to cancel voices saying things they don't approve of.'"
"It's incredible to be back in Pennsylvania, the proud home of American independence, the American Constitution, and American freedom."
"Former President Trump in Green Bay: 'When you have open borders, think of it. That's all right, all right.'"
"Rand Paul... talks in a populist manner... we need people like that."
"Last night, what we heard was not a Republican or Democrat speech. It was an American speech."
"The president only talked about America, what we've been able to achieve and what we could achieve in the future."
"Biden's U.N. War speech paves the way for a direct clash with Russia."
"Out of many, one. That's the covenant we have with one another as an American people." - Rafael Warnock
"Nothing about the President's speech, or his photo opportunity was about reconciliation, about progress, about repair, or even about amelioration or de-escalation of the protests."
"Hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment... Hate speech may be political speech you just don't like." - Howard Dean
"That is as close to a concession speech as we are going to get."
"This is incitement this is a direct call to action."
"He made sure that there is a real war within the Republican Party, because he gave a 'lock-him-up' speech."
"President of the United States walks up to the podium and uses the word treason."
"For make no mistake, united we can and will overcome this season of darkness in America."
"The Proud Boys have positioned what they do as politically protected speech."
"Thank you so much and God bless the United States of America."
"This is your home, and we see you, and you are not alone." - Vice President Kamala Harris
"Together we can send a message that is going to be heard from all four corners of the world, from Northwest of England to Palestine. Wassam alaykum George Galloway."
"We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth." - Ronald Reagan
"Free speech is that uniquely American right, isn't it?" - Unnamed Senator
"We are not a nation in decline. I believe we can still be a nation in our ascent."
"I think the speech today, if anything, it'll be a sign of Biden saying look there is no guarantee to our democracy right now clearly everything is at risk."
"You're allowed to be false in your political speech that's not a crime in America."
"President Biden gives his speech to congress and the nation and talks about the American Family's plan."
"Speech is only violent if it is coming from the right."
"That moment when he turned that conversation, he showed his humanity. He showed he was a father, he showed he was the proud American."
"Trump's speech does not constitute incitement."
"I speak to you for the first time as a Prime Minister."
"If a politician can get up and deliver a speech like that and still compete in national politics, that's someone that I want to follow."
"The candidate ended his campaign with a bitter philippic against his opponent."
"I stand here tonight after we've created 12 million new jobs."
"Nixon coined the term silent majority."