
Mockery Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"I appreciate it every time I've been laughed at and mocked for my choices."
"The ability to rely on mockery as opposed to making arguments is a way of securing social power. It implies that the arguments are beneath you, that the people you're arguing against are like beneath your consideration."
"I really feel like the humor portion is not the prioritized element; it's actually about getting to mock the victim of a police murder."
"Making what I believe to be a mockery of these types of serious investigations."
"Pretty ridiculous but uh, that is where we are in American public life because pretty much everything is mockery at this point."
"Instead of killing the arrogant guy, they would mock him."
"It's always a great time to be a Nintendo owner or a Nintendo fan after we watch these, it's like we all win."
"Their loss... missing out on a few extra inches on their penis."
"Mocking will make you a rejected person. Don't be a mocker."
"I wish we could play Norwich every week because they're rubbish, they're rubbish, Gareth, you're rubbish, Jack."
"Makes your Sparkman look like a heap of sparkplugs."
"He could just bully these nerds into a corner and then throw them in the [__] garbage can and then roll it down the stairs and see if you're like, 'Look guys, he's not that great after all, huh?' That's all there was to it."
"Sounds to me like they're laughing at you behind your back."
"Jade was so mean to her sometimes and was mocking her, making fun of her, going out of her way to ruin Tori's opportunities."
"As Jenn walks away ostracized, the clubgoers laugh at her."
"Mockery is the best weapon of this election and you should use it more."
"Taliban must have been using BB guns out there. We must Airsoft them. One pump baby. Good Lord, what losers!"
"We have to mock him, we have to humiliate him."
"Oh, we're going to go far. Oh, we're going to go far. We're going to be places we travel, we'll all see ya'll and be like, 'You couldn't afford that $500 for that limb length thing? Loser.'"
"It was a complete mockery over the justice system."
"I'm so [expletive] cool, every time you [expletive] say I'm so [expletive] cool, I laugh my ass off."
"Dance before Him, you are literally mocking the devil."
"For you to kind of mock that conversation and mock what he tried to share with you makes you... this is awful."
"He is mocking the art of combat. He is not acting in a just manner."
"Dude, making fun of a man for his knowledge is a sign of insecurity."
"The Zodiac also mocked the San Francisco Police Department for its inability to catch him."
"This whole situation makes a complete mockery of all the victims of human trafficking. It's very, very sad."
"I think we all can safely sit down and laugh at it like the stupidity that it is."
"Remember also that Christ was mocked by the people even at the point of dying for our sins."
"He defended her honor, subtly mocking the Count's lack of skills and awareness."
"If laughter is the best medicine in the world then your face would be the most potent medicine there is."
"Jafar's take on the genie song sees the vizier gleefully exposing Aladdin's lies, he mocks him and reveals his identity."
"If you really think a change of material alone would be enough to turn noise like this into a symphony, you really deserve a diploma from the University of dumb ideas."
"Some of the outtakes of the ad are so [ __ ] funny there's one of like where we had we basically just [ __ ] on you McNasty for we [ __ ] on you for the whole life."
"You just don't go making fun of things people clearly like, unless it's NFTs."
"Wow get a load of this guy right."
"Is it fun to laugh at people who went blind because they bought nfts? Yes."
"The last Dragon Kings wielded like a pic and shat himself. So easy."
"She used to make fun of me for my injuries and my weight, which were very touchy subjects for me."
"Fishstick mercilessly mocked Kanye West for his total inability to laugh at himself."
"Vegeta mocks kakarat for his resilience."
"Hey moron, you got your clothes on backwards, ha ha ha ha!"
"This movie is just two and a half hours mocking the richest person on the planet."
"Seeing a match with the innovation, with the tradition of Ultimate X treated like this by 3D, it was a mockery made out of one of the most innovative matches in wrestling history."
"You actual fucking homos matching your accessories."
"The magician mocks his twin for being hopeful."
"It's hilarious that their way of mocking the religion is by simply stating a condensed version of what actually happened and letting it speak for itself."
"Stop with the subtlety of whether the communion juice is red or blue, whether you prefer the King James or the New American Standard, and look at the world in which we're living where godliness and purity and holiness are mocked."
"So, you're basically saying look this guy is completely mocking Alexa Meno saying you worship a donkey who was crucified this is the most idiotic God anyone could ever worship how stupid are you"
"You're mocking me now aren't you Frank?"
"They made fun of you for trying, but now when they try, they always give up because they're like, 'Ah, this isn't even working.'"
"Pitiful mortals don't stand up, I shan't be long. I've just dropped by for a quick gloat."
"Wow, they are pathetic. What are they doing? Are they the British in the Revolutionary War? They're lining up in a line, I'm gonna say 1776."
"I think satire and mockery of all institutions helps achieve balance."
"It was literally like 'cooo, coooo' like it was bad, you're an idiot."
"Can he say that with that hair? Wait a minute, hold everything, that's a wig, isn't it? Shut the [__] up, wig, wig, wig!"
"Liberata maintained her composure, saying of course nothing happened in a mocking manner."
"Now, would you look at this everybody, uh Daniel Larusso over here in the corner."
"What are you doing, you sad little man?"
"Oh, little goblin junior, you gonna cry?"
"Rick's chain so fake you can't see it He got a hollow neck."
"Imagine being so overpowered that you make the entire world make fun of none other than the king of curses."
"Even the shock of death could not, so it seemed, drive the sneer from the thick lips. Mockery was frozen in the dead eyes."
"He actively encouraged everyone to laugh at her and loot her body."
"Everyone likes making fun of an idiot."
"This is kind of like a cocky punch, when we did this in the gym and we landed one of them punches, we always used to make fun of our opponents."
"We always made fun of him for that."
"Silence then deep in his mind in the dark corner from whence they always spoke he heard a gleeful mocking a little laugh."
"You have to expect people to mock the second coming."
"Welcome to Quizzlemania 29. Twice in a lifetime, the showcase of the morons."
"For all time, you will never rise from the ashes of your shame and humiliation. That was fun."
"I'm gonna kill you! Hahaha, look it's Mini Mom! Hahaha!"
"Ha, what a weakling! You couldn't withstand a simple kick. You're pathetic!"
"We mock what we don't understand."
"With your six thousand fans, just go start a revolution tomorrow. See how far that gets you. I'll be laughing from my bedroom."
"It's almost as if he was making fun of them."
"These people are a special kind of clown."
"You [ __ ] clown! Since you imitate [ __ ], I've been imitating you this whole round."
"Of course, you can mock, of course you can say it's just a load of old fogies enjoying themselves with wine and stupid rituals."
"Retribution, they are the joke of WWE backstage."
"The mothers notice that Anna doesn't know anything about motherhood and make fun of her."
"Mina had been in society for too long to be naive to their meaning. They were mocking her."
"We're drinking on his tears right now, man."
"But the idea that they're going to be playing in a AAA Stadium for the rest of time, it would be very fitting for the Mickey Mouse way that organization is."
"Sayonara, Baudelaires," he said mockingly. "Sayonara is the Japanese word for goodbye, and I'm sure that each and every one of the millions of people who live in Japan would be ashamed to hear their language used by such a revolting person."
"They mock it as if it were some Flat Earth theory."
"Mockery is the highest form of flattery or something."
"Man, do they suck in math. Maybe they should go to college like you."
"Well, I have to admit it, that was great. There's no doubt about it. I'll pick on those losers every day."
"Out of everybody who, you know what I'm saying, that dude cap, your cap be so wrong and I just gotta [mess] with you, you know what I'm saying? You should've signed the polo."
"Jerry caught the fish and says 'Wow, this is easy. Kell must have really sucked to not be able to catch anything.'"
"Fools reject God, worship themselves, and mock sin."
"I always remember I used to have that grey north face t-shirt and I used to get mocked senseless because I used to wear North Face."
"...poor Johnny, the Duchess said mockingly."
"it's very easy to make fun of though it's very fun"
"Logan refuses the mantle of heroism, even mocking his past adventures."
"Come to my game and you're wasting my time on your bike, amenda bring a tricycle."
"More like busting your pants, loser!"
"They were mocking and attacking and belittling, not just the messenger but the message."
"Clowns are nervous because they mock the holes in our conception of the universe, our notions of safety and security, and the other frail certainties of our time."
"How does your car feel about that? Well, because it's so important to you, you [ __ ] loser."
"Celebrating Easter without experiencing the power is a mockery of God to the world."
"I was kind of made fun of for it and kind of belittled."
"I'm fearfully pleased to see you, yeah I say fearfully pleased to see you too" - Mockingly exaggerated politeness adds comedic effect.
"The man continued to mock me but not just because of my Heritage this time."
"You ain't got to worry about us. We ain't gonna do nothing. We're just gonna look at you and laugh."
"I'm more interested in experimentation, innovation, and uh, laughing at tools like you. Oh."
"He who sits in the heavens will laugh, the Lord will have them in derision."
"Austin was getting in the ring and he was doing push-ups and he was just mocking the crowd."
"Losers don't have enemies, they have people that make fun of them."
"The Lord shall hold them in derision. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh."
"Stones of judgment and fear were hurled at her as people cursed and mocked her."
"Old Troll laughed, when he heard Tom groan."
"I've always believed that if someone is really making fun of you for something, it's probably because they're a little bit jealous of it."
"I pray to make a mockery of death."
"While mercilessly mocked from the DJ booth."
"That's when somebody makes fun of their friend's dream."
"He was talented, well organized, and incredibly intelligent. He committed the perfect crime, then mocked authorities."
"He mocks proud mockers but shows favor to the humble and oppressed."
"We finally got her, stupid Miss the Light."
"Now you laugh at me because I'm different; I laugh at you because you're all the same."
"When people laugh at us, we're not the joke; they are."
"And there the antic sits, scoffing his state and grinning at his pomp, allowing him a breath, a little scene, to monarchize, be feared, and kill with looks."
"Now you'd have to face them. They'd mock you again because you are here on this earth at all."
"I've definitely been mocked for my accent."
"If others laugh at you, return laughter to them; if they mimic you, return the compliment with equal force."
"Moon Knight made quick work of Werewolf by Night, not just tormenting him with punches but also with scathing insults."
"Simply sit down on the floor, clap 13 times, and say 'I mock you, foolish king'."
"The members of this group were often mocked, but they desired to live fully for God."
"None of us came on the internet to make our living making a mockery out of ourselves."
"To allow you to remain free would be a mockery of the law of this land."
"Who's laughing now? Who's laughing? We are, all of us."
"Lest the wise world should look into your moan, and mock you with me after I am gone."
"How dare he mock a man no we and how dare he say these things about homosexuality."
"I've had some paranormal experiences before but this was different, like daring me in a way, mocking me."
"But now they mock at me, men younger than I, whose fathers I disdained to put with the dogs of my flock."
"I will also laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh."
"You've always been a fool, Vegeta."
"Who cares if the ignorant make fun of you because anybody who's ever been around loons in the wild knows that haunting beautiful cry."
"When this fat man awakened as a berserk Pig Warrior, not many people mocked him."
"The high king of fools," I say, a snare in my voice.
"We are all pitiful people of the palace. Who can laugh at whose what?"
"All you'll do is strengthen it and make a fool of yourself in front of the world."
"You can't expect people to be understanding if you are mocking them all the time."
"Remember when you used to try to bring people with you... and they laughed at you."
"They were just clowning them, oh my God it was so funny."
"They laughed, they made fun, they mocked, they said so much, but the day came when they will have to shut up."