
Immersive Gaming Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"This is why people who finish this game speak of it so highly because it's not just a game for them, it's another world."
"Being surrounded by all of this detail and these flies in the Lady Domitress mansion was mind-blowing to me."
"This is probably one of the most immersive Star Wars VR experiences any of us have played so far."
"Tracks look alive, sound alive, and feel alive with cutting-edge visuals."
"Every mile of your journey told continuously, every step, you really feel like you're gunning your way through Earth's final days."
"This sound, bro. I used to just hear this engine scream."
"Playing Grand Theft Auto 4 really does feel like you're taking part in this living breathing world."
"This straight up looks like a movie but like I'm controlling the character, this is [__] crazy."
"Create experiences that pull you so far into the game that you aren't even playing it."
"The emotional combination of elements like the sound of 50 caliber rounds hitting the boat and vehicles crashing into shore creates a realistic gaming experience."
"It's not just about making a video game, it's about creating a visceral experience that immerses players in World War 2."
"What we want you to do with this game really is to make Vsauce their own space opera where you embody space pirate captain and you develop you develop it and you customize it and you become a part legend."
"In Condemned, you're forced to get your hands dirty."
"Dark Tide promises an invitation to elicit whatever experience you're looking to acquire from a first-person immersive dive into the depths of an imperial city of the 40k verse."
"System Shock is one of the greatest remakes ever made."
"Playing a game like Star Wars Tales From Galaxy's Edge, every different Blaster I used had a different kind of feel to the pull of the trigger and a little bit of different haptic feedback in the rumble when it fired."
"Night City is drop dead gorgeous, one of the most detailed game worlds I've ever played in."
"Hiding from enemies in VR is just as scary as hiding from scary bad guys in VR."
"I felt like I went somewhere else... great scenes happening between the characters."
"There is this cool sequence where you walk through a snow storm to a weird arch which leads to a weird hole. This hole is the first of many."
"Bethesda games are almost like one big simulation."
"We really wanted players to feel like they're playing a Hollywood Blockbuster experience from start to finish."
"This game gave me a more intimate understanding of what a frontline soldier in the trenches felt like more so than any film or any novel had ever done before or since."
"If I had seen a video of that event or read about that event I would not have given a fuck, like going into the game and the map you used to be playing on has all this fucked up shit, and yeah that's really cool."
"Persona 5 reminded me why it's one of those games where time just disappears for me."
"Yeah, because I played the Creed game, right? Creed game was, wow, because you're literally in Adonis Creed's body so you can look down and see your abs and your arms and all."
"I have never been as enthralled in the story that a game has presented as I was in the story of The Last of Us Part II."
"Good dungeons make all the difference. A good dungeon forges its own identity through unique environmental design, music, and puzzles."
"Gran Turismo is one where I'll say you feel like you're actually there, like you feel like you're in the car actually driving which is more than I can say for like even most VR games."
"Their main goal first and foremost was creating a game where you felt like you were the character capturing the world they existed in..."
"Anthem is a world and experience that's meant to feel alive, like it's happening right now."
"You feel like you're watching what could be a slice of Disney movie every time you go to one of these worlds."
"If you're looking for a game that you can just get lost in, this is it."
"Picking up a lightsaber in VR, and wielding it like a jedi, it’s as close as I’ve ever felt to what being a Jedi would actually feel like."
"Half-Life: Alyx is a game of high granularity, immersive interaction, and stunning fidelity."
"It's just so much more immersive, it's just so much more exciting."
"VR man it's crazy you can see your own thumbs it's truly different."
"Overall, Starfield definitely seems to be a game that I will very happily sink hundreds of hours into getting lost in the Galaxy."
"A more immersive and cool way to play the game."
"Ghosts of Tsushima invites you to lose yourself deeply in its grasslands, forests, and mountains."
"It's like playing a video game and you get so into it that there is no barrier between you and the character you're playing as."
"What people want right now is that sort of turn the lights off and play it like it's a movie kind of deal."
"It just makes the world feel more alive, right? It adds noise, it adds some movement. It just makes the world feel more alive."
"It makes the world feel so much more alive, so much more immersed."
"Operating the mechanics of a sniper rifle under pressure is just something you don't get outside of VR."
"British sailors were unmatched, especially during this time period."
"Play these kinds of games long enough and you become Neo, peering into the dark void of madness and seeing nothing but code."
"The atmosphere is masterful, the symbolism behind it is fascinating, the overall experience is suspenseful, intriguing, and is perfectly placed in the context of the game."
"Verruckt takes place in an insane asylum and you can feel that while you're playing the map."
"The game believes the world is real and it just makes it all the more better for the player."
"I actually feel like a villain when I'm playing this game."
"This mod completely reworks the world map in Fallout 4 and really fluffs up its whole situation."
"When you landed on this planet, you didn’t just land, no you got a cutscene of the sunset that you were about to ride into, then, a social space all to yourselves, cut off from everyone else in the game."
"Having so many different dialogue choices that are reflective of my own character is exactly what I want from games like this."
"Sometimes, I’ve played this, and the Alien will haunt my dreams that night."
"Playing it in VR is insane, it's like you've been thrown straight into the game."
"This game is like a time warp that just sucks you into exploration."
"Ixion is the sort of obsessive game where you start playing, get immersed, and then suddenly you look up, your coffee has gone cold..."
"You want to feel like you are breathing fire and flying through the air and ripping people apart."
"It's so good though, chaps, it really draws you into your character and starts better than most other games."
"Elements can also be the backbone of immersive sims, where elements interacting with each other makes up most of its 'immersiveness.'"
"Experience the intertwining storylines of Shadowkeep with Eris and the Vex!"
"Let's get some full immersion going right, let's really enjoy this early game of Minecraft this time when we're close to the ground immersing ourselves in our brand new season 10 server is going to be magnificent."
"Playing Battlefront 2 with headphones is a revelatory experience."
"It's immediately draws you back in... the NPCs you interacted with that created these experiences."
"That's a proper only in Battlefield moment right there."
"Can I look around? I can look around. Oh, this is a creepy game, she broke in my house."
"Book of Travels might be the connected immersive role-playing experience you're looking for."
"Majora's Mask promises to capture your imagination and attention for hours at a time, standing as a true must-have for the system and Zelda fans alike."
"One of the greatest and simplest game openings of all time: plane crash. You're invested immediately."
"This game has me completely blown away... a VR experience like nothing I've played before."
"Players want large epic Grand dungeons that they can go to be fully immersed in and Adventure through with a story to tell afterwards"
"It's like you're really looting in real life."
"I love everything from the colorful cast of squadmates and side characters to the breathtaking visuals to the enthralling story and surrounding lore."
"As a player, I want this place to feel like a living, bustling city. I want to make sure that the vibe is right in the right way that makes you feel like, 'Wow, this place is alive,' and the people whose stories are being told here are real."
"When you're potentially surrounded by enemies in the middle of the night, having some of that information removed from your screen definitely immerses you in the world a bit better."
"Real VR Fishing is the kind of game that you can lose hours and hours to without realizing."
"Every single thing that you carry and make as a weapon is a part of the world itself."
"This game demands that you take your time with it. It wants you to explore, it wants you to check out all the side quests."
"I play games because I feel like I can get immersed in a world that has been crafted by people who really care."
"But being able to look down at your utility belt, grab a bat gadget, and use it, that makes it all worth it."
"I realized how important npc performances are in making you buy into the world and believe in the world."
"Goldeneye succeeded in making the player feel like James Bond."
"I want my players in the moment to feel first-person the sweat on their brow, the tension, the anger, to feel all those things."
"Max Payne means so much to me even today... the frozen city of New York felt alive, almost like you could reach out and touch it."
"You can feel arrows whizzing by your head in Demon Souls remake just based off like the vibrations in the controller."
"It feels like I might actually be playing detective properly in this game."
"Powerful imagery and a bittersweet epilogue plunge players into the world of Bastion."
"Portal's environmental storytelling raises more questions than answers, weaving a captivating mystery."
"The gorgeous world, the immersive story, the awesome gameplay."
"Onward in VR offers insane immersion - the most terror and adrenaline I've experienced in a game."
"But not in star citizen you don't have that you can go from space through the atmosphere of the planet and then land on the surface of it and when you look up at the stars from a planet from any planet what you're seeing up there is real."
"Subnautica, one of my favorite games of all time easily."
"It's amazing to be able to do everything that you can in World of Warcraft normally, unlike on a normal server, but then also add the amazing element of roleplay."
"Live out classic characters in a living world - hunting bounties, making trade runs, fighting the military."
"The district of Kamurocho in the Yakuza series is one of the densest bustling lived-in worlds we've seen in a video game in a long time."
"I just love how they framed that intro, where you're just sitting in the wilderness and you're customizing your character who's just sitting in the middle of nowhere."
"First person Fire Emblem? It's nice to get a little quiet time together."
"As the areas on your ship degrade, the lights will start to flicker, things will start to spark, eventually they'll catch on fire."
"I've always wanted a shooter where you could just enjoy yourself in a really big world and kind of just do missions, have fun, play with friends, collect gear, and no game has really achieved that."
"It's got it all... genuinely very tense firefights and action... it's a very pretty game... the sound design is incredible... little details like that that are really really immersive."
"I like to take my time, explore the world, and get immersed in it."
"Crew Expendable and Last Survivor are the closest you'll ever get to actually playing an Alien movie."
"Walking and slowly taking in the wasteland is one of the charms of the Fallout franchise."
"Packing fantastic physics, excellent gunplay, and top-notch storytelling."
"Practically everything about it was designed to facilitate immersion, not just from a lore and world-building perspective, but from a mechanical gameplay standpoint as well."
"Night City is vibrant, the characters are interesting, and the million things to do and find in this game is a testament to their design and vision." - Reddit user
"There has never been a game as good as this at portraying just the normal kind of Hive City Life of a Warhammer 40K citizen."
"What about actually earning things? What about experiencing the adventure and the scale of the world?"
"I just kept playing and playing because I'm genuinely having a lot of fun with this pack."
"An extraordinary game, beautiful graphics, great characters, incredible world-building. I was absolutely hypnotized by this game."
"The presentation of the game is great. It's very reminiscent of a horror film that you actually control."
"There's just something about playing a scary game at night, lights off, headphones on, the only source of illumination from your screen."
"It's the kind of game that you can get lost in, that's one of the things I love about it."
"The choice you truly can see that is very unique to this game especially on a triple-A level is the world changes."
"Imagine feeling the warning of an oncoming blitzing linebacker or feeling the thud of a game-winning catch in your hands."
"This is a game that you can lose days, weeks, months, and... honestly, I really wish that I could clear my [ __ ] schedule and have nothing else to do."
"It's a game that you can really immerse yourself into."
"Imagine being in patrol and then you've got some dark Guardians walking around."
"This was a fully realized fantastical world that players could explore any way they wanted and it inspired a generation of young gamers."
"Sometimes when I play City Skylines I kind of slip into a trance and end up doing way more than I expected to do."
"The game world is so good at putting us inside the mind of our character. I love it."
"Gaming is a mental thing. I just want to sit there, I want the controller to disappear from my hands, I want to forget that I'm sitting in a room looking at a screen."
"No game reaches the atmosphere quite like this one, especially when you're deep in a subway and you hear these gross noises and you're low on ammo. It's just so damn good, I freaking love it."
"In this show, Felix plays horror video games IRL, meaning he's put into situations from popular horror video games that he played on his channel."
"Your mind gets distracted when you're in the game, so you don't even realize how hard you're working."
"You lose yourself, it fulfills that promise."