
Slander Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Slander is more difficult than anything else that a person will face in life."
"Satire is a powerful tool, but it requires a delicate balance and should not be used as a shield for slander."
"Defamation takes on two forms: libel and slander. Libel is literary, written; slander is spoken."
"A journalistic article has a byline, you know who wrote it, you know who publishes it, has provenance, you know therefore who is liable if it's slanderous."
"Slander doesn't stand. What do you mean by that? When people slander you and it kind of comes with the territory of a public figure, it's not going to stand throughout time because eventually any sincere person will find the truth."
"He's gonna have probation. How long of probation is it again? Three years."
"There's no lower form of slander that somebody could put upon you that's like really it's despicable get her the [ __ ] out of here"
"Never let anybody suck you into conversations of church slander."
"A blameless woman was slandered and vilified by the Prime Minister... she deserves to have a good name cleared."
"slander is telling the truth with the intent of hurting someone's name or reputation."
"When the debate is lost, the loser resorts to slander."
"People see you in the upright, so no matter how much they are obsessed, no matter what they say, however they try to slander you."
"When you become a person who begins to spread fitna and trials and tribulation inside society, those people love to spread lies."
"You are safe and protected from any kind of lies or slander."
"When we are doing nothing wrong, we will have people slandering us."
"This person has been slandered to filth, but it all comes down to jealousy and people trying to control or contort them. They're a magnet for ridiculousness."
"They want to haul me through the mud."
"They take delight in poisoning you and your reputation."
"Backbiting is one thing, but slandering, assuming things wrongly, and misrepresenting them, that's even worse."
"Is this slander because you didn't say 'allegedly'? Yeah, you have it on your bio but you didn't say it in your video. How are you gonna be reading blind items from a website that has been spitting [__] lies for years? You think we don't know about the website? We do."
"I have learned in a time of slander and abuse to stand still and see the salvation of God."
"Our joy in Christ in spite of slander testifies to the reality and preciousness of the one they need most badly."
"I have evidence to prove the slanderous sight false, should it be required."
"You have every right to defend your good name and your own reputation against someone who is trying to slander you."
"When I was taken down from my high lofty perch, I was slandered."
"...I think I see why it might be innocent in this I think his name is being slandered I think that everybody's out to get him."
"The sad truth is that some, not all, some of my Democratic colleagues have been on a crusade to undermine the United States Supreme Court's legitimacy."
"He faced slander and threats but he did not care about those who fabricated stories about him."
"God hates gossip and slander. Who do you think you are to judge others?"
"Shaitaan whispers against the Messenger of Allah."
"The spirit of false accusation seeks to bring slander."
"Your reputation could be restored... because maybe somebody really was trying to make your business look bad."
"Christians should be careful not to slander a Christian brother by the careless use of pejorative labels like critical race theory."
"One way to avoid slander is not assuming that we know a person's ethical or intellectual or doctrinal stance on the basis of the questions they ask, rather than the answers they give."
"Christians should be so hesitant to slander a brother with pejorative labels that we go the extra mile to make sure we know whether his actions or statements are really owing to his infection with the lethal aspects of critical race theory or not."
"Christians should be careful, oh so careful, not to slander a Christian brother by the careless use of pejorative labels like critical race theory."
"No man and no institution was ever written down or talked down by anything but itself. People may slander you, but no one can hurt you except yourself."
"Is it good to be in a position where slander doesn't affect you? I mean, yeah."
"I don't want people to be okay with the message that you can slander somebody and mentally abuse them."
"Admonish a friend, for many times it is a slander, and believe not every tale."
"He bore silently a thousand Slanders and instituted no proceedings against those whom he suspected of plotting against his life."
"Do not fear the plot of the enemy, for verily they only fight by way of slander and abuse."
"Should someone slander you in a billion worlds, with a loving heart to proclaim his qualities in return is the practice of a bodhisattva."
"Slander can only be considered a civil problem in a court case if there's been provable loss of money as a result of it."
"Who so privately slanders his neighbor, him will I cut off."
"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser."
"Trust in God against slander, my child, stand firm and trust in Me."
"Cherish one another, don't slander your wife, don't report your husband."
"It takes courage, dignity, and a proper perspective on life to ignore all the filth that is being said about you and remain true to yourself, your values, and behave in an acceptable way."