
Halo Infinite Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Finally, I'm very happy to announce that Halo Infinite's first free-to-play multiplayer season and infinite story-driven campaign will launch together this holiday."
"The Marines of Halo infinite were considered a highlight of the game's campaign."
"There's a ton of really cool easter eggs in Halo Infinite."
"Unlike Halo Infinite, these seasonal and event passes will never expire - grind at your own pace, what a."
"What do you feel about Halo Infinite's campaign so far? My thoughts are extremely positive."
"Halo Infinite: A bold showcase of the industry's greatest talents."
"Halo Infinite: The direction to take the franchise forward."
"Halo Infinite: Building a long-term community for iterative development."
"Halo Infinite plays so darn well; they made a really great game here."
"Halo Infinite is about to change this completely."
"Halo Infinite seems to be pushing for longevity."
"Moving on to Halo infinite we see that either CPU is more than capable of powering the RTX 4090 through this title."
"The gameplay of Halo Infinite does look pretty solid; it does seem to harken back to the good old Halo classic gameplay combined with some modern design elements."
"If Halo Infinite turns out to be a whole lot of fun to play, then I think that's ultimately what matters."
"Halo Infinite might just pull off an open world reboot rebirth. The grappling hook changes everything."
"I've been playing Halo Infinite's campaign using my most professional verbiage here: it effing rules."
"Halo Infinite will stand out as a shining example that if your game isn't ready, it's okay to delay it."
"I genuinely think Halo Infinite's campaign might be my new favorite after playing it."
"Halo Infinite's campaign breathes new life into the franchise."
"I would love to host a Halo Infinite land party."
"If Halo Infinite doesn't release with a robust and well-made battle royale, it will be one of the greatest gaming failures in history."
"Halo Infinite is changing the game radically."
"Halo Infinite is looking awesome even without a BR."
"The enduring theme I'm kind of sensing here with Halo Infinite's aesthetic is like a seamless mesh of the 343 era art style and the best parts of the Bungie art style."
"The road ahead: 'The Infinite team is no exception folks here don't just understand Halo, they love the core gameplay and characters and community everything that makes Halo Halo just as much as I do...'"
"Welcome back Halo followers! Today is a video you're not going to want to miss. Halo Infinite gameplay has been revealed."
"Halo Infinite is one of the best games of 2021."
"Truly Halo Infinite is a world in which I love spending time."
"Will it suck having to wait another year for Halo Infinite? Potentially, yeah, it really will."
"Instead of using the weapon that you like because of how it shoots or handles in halo infinite, you might want to grab a certain weapon because of how it affects other players, the environment, or vehicles."
"The easter egg potential in Halo Infinite is something that I am really excited for."
"Halo Infinite has seen a massive jump in player engagement."
"I think what's most likely is like somebody buys a Series X I don't know that many people have been convinced to do that yet but Halo Infinite is probably the best shot."
"The open level design that encourages exploration is something that I really hope finds its way into Halo Infinite."
"That's how I think that Halo Infinite will and should learn from Combat Evolved."
"Literally every single second of playing Halo Infinite feels good."
"Halo infinite does do a decent job at letting you unlock more of your Arsenal as you progress through the game."
"Halo Infinite needed to be delayed."
"I believe without a doubt halo infinite is on track to become the next great classic."
"I've been playing Infinite all day the last three days, it is insane that the people who made Halo 5 made this game, it's phenomenal so far, I absolutely love it."
"Especially considering that Halo Infinite is just now dropping and you get access to not only the multiplayer, but also that incredible single-player campaign."
"This is probably the best marine we've got in Halo Infinite so far."
"The Spartan Mark 7 with Commando Rifle, this is the special one because it comes with a downloadable code for Halo Infinite."
"I'm really looking forward to seeing how it works in Halo Infinite."
"Glory to Halo Infinite, although it's been delayed."