
Family Law Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"The child has a right to be raised by his parents."
"Parents have a right to some say over how their kids are raised."
"It's insane to me that we would have things like family court that are just so obviously sexist."
"If you're lying in child custody, you think that's evil that should be punished if you're doing something to destroy families."
"Parental rights are a thing that's as important as it gets."
"I wish to handle all matters regarding our children privately and hopefully he can finally respond to the third attorney he has had in the last year to resolve any issues."
"Ralmer's ex-girlfriend managed to get custody of their two daughters again."
"People who just assume that your whole life, you get to be in control of your home, your intimate life, your children, how you're going to raise your children. Once you go through a divorce, that now brings in the courts to dictate that."
"Nobody just ups and files for sole custody out of spite for their child's father, there's usually a more sinister situation."
"All she has to say is, 'I don't know who the father is,' and he has no say."
"Expect to be subsidized by the other parent, even if proven not to be the biological parent."
"Sinister plot that transcends the Realms of divorce and custody battles."
"Dad then tried to haggle me down to 200 per month because he just bought a house last year. Should have seen the look on the judge's face."
"Do you think that paternity testing should be mandatory? I absolutely think it should be."
"Literally right before saying that he was complaining about how in divorces it's usually the mothers who get full custody and the fathers are the ones stuck just paying for stuff and it's like dude why do you think it works that way."
"I think we should protect the rights of parents to make their own decisions."
"The family courts bias towards women: granting custody to mothers in over 90% of cases."
"Even if I got full custody, I still won't get y support."
"What we want is for the presumption of shared custody to become the norm."
"All parents are capable of making mistakes and that making a mistake does not mean your children are always to be removed from the home."
"I don't think the kids need to be taken away from either of them."
"Neither the father nor the mother may permanently remove the children from the state of Oklahoma without 60 days prior notice to the other parent and the court."
"The child support industry is a 115 billion dollar problem."
"Until these things get ironed out you're screwed again go back to the Brad Pitt he gets 50 50 joint custody and Angelina Jolie for her and apparently for the tabloids and for society she loses because it's a tie."
"The only way that they would have said it's a win for her is if she wins 100 but if if it's 50 50 what's best for the kids well she loses if that's the way society views you you are screwed."
"Are dead beat dads, really deadbeat dads, or were they smart enough to know that the pregnancy came from an imbalanced relationship?"
"If both parents are fit the kids are going to have the best lives if they share their time with both parents."
"Divorce in any situation, especially when there are children, that's a sad thing."
"Courts generally make custody decisions based on what's best for the child."
"Our daughter had the right to having two parents."
"Family lawyers represent people in family-related issues."
"You could date a single mother, not sleep with her, and still be on the hook for child support."
"The simplification of family law, which included reforms to marriage, divorce, and inheritance laws. These changes aimed to make family law more equitable and to protect the rights of women and children."
"We're gonna co-parent we're gonna be the best parents that we can be for our son but in the end the judge was right I do need to take time for myself."
"I'm a former divorce lawyer and my first tenet is, do not screw up the kids."
"Your son is old enough that the courts will take his preferences strongly into consideration when it comes to which parent he wants to live with."
"When the judge is looking at who gets custody, it's not about who puts up the better defense in court; it's who spent most time with the child."
"Judges are humans too; they want to help, especially family law judges."
"Suir then clarified to Coup that she does not need to prove anything; she does not plan on quitting her job or planning to marry a complete stranger as the family's laws were irrelevant to her."
"The court, weighing all the factors, is firmly convinced that the parties should be granted joint legal and joint physical custody."
"The court will alternate the standard Calhoun County Friend of the Court holidays as published by the Friend of the Court, and those dates of those holidays do take precedent over the alternating weeks."
"If a child has an established custodial environment with both parents, neither parent's custody may be disrupted absent clear and convincing evidence that a change is in the best interest of the child."
"Every case is different, every situation, every family, every child is different."
"...family law in the west needs major reform."
"If someone is married, their wife has certain legal rights; if they have children, they have certain legal rights."
"I'm not fighting over custody in my petition; I've already stated that I want my husband to have equal custody, both legal and physical."
"I've been doing family law for most of my career."
"It sounds like there's a lot going on basically they're trying to figure out whether they reestablish the parenting plan the way it was before."
"You can't just take people's children from them; you have to go to court and prove what you're saying."
"Most of the time when a single mother has a child, the father needs to establish custody."
"Kids should never be used as leverage in divorce."
"The capacity and disposition of the parties involved to give the child love, affection, and guidance."
"The prevailing mythical image of the absent black father affects how black fathers are viewed in the custody cases in Family Court."
"40% of states in the U.S. aim to give equal custody time to both parents."