
Governmental Action Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Doing something was one, better than nothing but two, so so powerful because no one's doing anything."
"We have seen a pandemic that caused an economic crisis which then led to massive response from governments and central banks around the world."
"The select committee to investigate the January 6th attack on the United States capital will be in order without objection."
"if it wasn't a racist country then the biden administration wouldn't be opening these pattern and practice investigation civil rights investigations."
"This is a moment to go big and go fast and to be bold."
"It's important for appropriate next steps in the house to be taken."
"The risk is not doing enough and this is the time to act now."
"The act includes more than $360 billion to address climate change - something the White House and major environmental groups are touting as a huge win."
"We will vanquish the virus and unleash the full might of the United States of America."
"We had the best economy we've ever had and then one day you have to close it down."
"The Biden Administration said that the president will order the Energy Department's release 10 million additional barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve."
"Through the historic relief package, we saved over 50 million American jobs."
"We will leverage these powers to heal America's hardest hit communities."
"Great news because it makes the recon easier to write, easier to call the vote on and easier to pass."
"Action in this image, action to this end, is feasible under the form of government which we have inherited from our ancestors."
"A gross violation, an outrageous act by the FBI."
"Mafia properties worth rupees 1500 crore has been confiscated."
"The only way that we're going to move ahead is through effective governmental action."
"The FED solved the problem the FDIC has guaranteed all the deposits."
"Joe Biden demands relief for individuals, unemployed, small businesses, and renters."
"The first major concern in the housing market goes back to March 27, 2020, when President Donald Trump signed the CARES Act."
"Trump bans U.S. transactions with TikTok's Chinese-owned parent company. Executive order comes as app faces scrutiny from U.S. lawmakers and Trump administration over national security concerns."
"The invisible enemy will soon be in full retreat."
"The US government injected roughly $4 trillion of stimulus into the economy."
"I welcome the fact that the chancellor is very much using fiscal policy to try to address the structural issues in the economy."
"The Chinese government is taking extreme precautions to prevent backflow."
"The Chinese have done very dramatic things to try to contain the pandemic in their own country."
"I can also report that at my direction, 1,000 military personnel are deploying to New York City to assist where they're needed the most."
"Will the minister commit to an urgent and thorough investigation?"
"The measures we've already taken together with those I'm announcing today are already slowing the spread of the disease, but we will not hesitate to go further and faster."
"There are no plans for Kamala to come and check out the border."
"Everybody has skin in the game. It makes the government much more reluctant to do things that continue to raise taxes."
"Experts agree Kevin Rudd did what no other government on earth did—freak stuff."
"Leaders may sign their names and they may push programs, but they do it because a popular constituency is compelling them to do it."
"The investments that we're making will allow Canada to bounce back strongly from this."
"Judge me by my actions and you talked before about the things I did during the pandemic introducing furlough supporting the country through a very difficult time those are the things I've done and yesterday we did more things that will help people."
"Texas is taking unprecedented action to build a wall on the border to secure and preserve the sovereignty of the United States and Texas." - Governor Greg Abbott
"We have a plan to deal with the problem we think it's responsive to the actual causes of the problem and we're out there working hard every day to make sure that we're delivering as much as we can to the American people."
"There will be peace when the people of the world want it so badly that their governments will have no choice but to give it to them."
"This administration is getting us ready to capitalize on what will be the biggest investment in human history."
"The biggest stimulus packages in the world come from the US."
"The question on the table isn't can we do too much, the question on the table is can we afford to do too little."
"We're going to save hundreds of thousands of jobs."
"The Department of Justice under William Barr should be taking this up and should have tons of resources on it."
"What is the actual solution here? Well, the actual solution is for the Republic to wake up and get tough."
"How about we go back to Washington and solve real problems?"
"Taiwan's response to the coronavirus has been diligent, open, and transparent."
"The government carefully monitors any development having a bearing on India's security and economic interests and takes all necessary measures to safeguard them."
"They're going to great measures to get people to breed, because the birth rates have been taking a nosedive."
"We're gonna have to stay on top of every dollar spent through the American Rescue Plan and that's what we're going to do. We can do this, we will do this."
"Central banks and governments are combining to deal with the problem that we have today."
"The United States House of Representatives condemns China."
"We must defend our airspace, send a strong signal to the CCP that this behavior will not be tolerated."
"Japanese officials have issued a recall for at least 10 different types of cosmetics."
"This government has moved. Our proposals do represent a compromise." - Boris Johnson
"The most important thing really is not who wins an election or who loses but the election happens and the government acts based upon it."
"We're going to put forward policies that are going to help solve the national housing crisis."
"Trump directed The acting Secretary of Defense during one of those meetings to ensure sufficient National Guard or soldiers would be there to make sure it was a safe event."
"A federal court judge has ruled Justin Trudeau's invocation of the emergencies act unlawful unconstitutional and unreasonable."
"We urge the Prime Minister to commit... only if the scientific evidence is absolutely clear that this is safe."
"This smacked of everything post 9/11, they wanted to prove to everybody how they were keeping the country safe."
"Biden's first ever move to combat inflation: he's taken down the balloon."
"Emergency powers can work if you need to move quickly to protect the people."
"Senate reaches deal to avoid government shutdown."
"It's not opposition for opposition's sake, it is just being honest to force the government to act."
"Saturn in Pisces forces governments to deal with addiction and mental health crises, leading to regulation and support."
"The plan is to request a National Guard at this time. It's very critical. We can't just wait to figure out a plan. We need corrective action now, and it has to happen sooner than later."
"You can't stop because that pen is in their hand they're marking up the bill there's a pen on one ink on one side and there's an eraser on the other side."
"Solving environmental issues: governments can unite successfully."
"We have a human right to housing. We will continue to act."
"We are taking concrete action to ensure the construction of hundreds of thousands or millions of housing across the country."
"Governments need to be willing to do things that are out of their historical perspective or for the most part, it's really a war footing that we need to be on."
"The states are going to have to take an extra step and change the state ID system as well and if they do both of those things I'm actually incredibly optimistic that we can have a secure and fair elections."
"Yesterday, we took a monumental step forward as a nation."
"Thank you to the Biden Administration, hearing aids are now readily available."
"Finally, I'm seeing countries at the country level saying 'enough'."
"This is the most transparent effort I have seen since I've been in politics."
"With today's actions, we will ensure that our people are secure."
"President Joe Biden just a little while ago tweeted out they're going to be enhancing and strengthening Social Security."
"Late last night the house of representatives finally approved and passed the physical infrastructure package, 1.2 trillion dollars."
"We need more stimulus to avoid longer-run damage to the economy." - Jerome Powell
"The government saved the day with the Inflation Reduction Act."
"The largest stimulus bill in the history of the country."
"The Trump administration just basically fired through, have plowed straight through and reauthorized the work requirements."
"The most important thing we can do this year is get to a positive place on the economy."
"It was not until this president took office, President Biden, that he didn't just say he was going to end it. He didn't just say it ought to end. He finally determined that he would get it done."
"Never give up because giving up is just loser talk."
"Let me ask you this question: is it a necessary evil for the government to do what it's doing regardless of what the effect might be on our society?"
"We're talking about legislation from the very top of Congress and it's quite frankly unbelievable."
"We've now rebuilt our military stronger than it's ever been... I'll never forget the day when a general came and said sir, my first week in office we have no ammunition."
"Nobody's been better on immigration than me, by the way. We won the funding for the wall and the wall's being built."
"It's time for them to take action and make sure that those that are counting on this actually get the help that they need." - Steve
"American government now is actually taking blockchain very seriously and maybe for the first time has truly put forth a plan."
"The team led by U.S Attorney John Durham has been working very aggressively."