
Losing Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"Winning has so much responsibility. Losing is easy; all you had to do to lose is just let go."
"There are plenty of regulars that are currently losing."
"Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser."
"Losing is natural and you have to understand how to unwind this natural tendency."
"A lot of people never really learned how to lose."
"2020 might be the only thing in existence worse than 2018 rewind."
"We're losing because it's a spiritual battle."
"It's like when you lose, I was so much more supportive."
"If you're going to lose, lose as quickly as possible."
"The best games manage to make losing fun or at least interesting."
"I think that's really important, because I think the default stereotypical thing to do when you lose is to point fingers."
"If you're playing to go 50/50 against Doublelift you will lose and you will lose badly."
"I hate losing way more than I like winning."
"Reputations take years to build and a second to lose."
"There's nothing wrong with winning; there's nothing wrong with learning to win, yeah, and accepting losing."
"You hate losing, but lose with a style of play."
"You have to be able to lose gracefully."
"It actually matters more in my opinion how well you can lose versus how well you can win."
"If you're not good at losing, you're just going to automatically wipe out everything."
"You are not going to win all the time, it actually matters more how well you can lose."
"The reason I know so much about winning is because I've had to deal with so much losing."
"Everyone loses and everyone... you lost. Oh, whatever, all right? Yes. Guess what? Everyone loses."
"Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose."
"Being okay losing every single day."
"Losing isn't necessarily the worst thing in poker. You have to be okay with it and comfortable with it."
"You got to hate to lose more than you love to win, that's what separates the goods from the greats."
"As long as he was an adventurer, it was all right to lose."
"You show me a good loser, I'll show you a loser."
"Winning the game is better than losing the game. It's not rocket science."
"I never want to downplay a loss. I do not like losing."
"Remember the one who gets angry is the one who ends up losing."
"Life is a game, you're not playing, you're losing."
"You've got to win with class, you've got to lose with class."
"The sad thing about losing everything is that's when you learn how strong you really are."
"Losing sometimes it will happen, but when you lose, make sure you lose the right way. Humble yourself when you lose."
"You win something, you lose some."
"That's what I'm saying. Like why when you start changing [ __ ] that's when you start losing, man."
"The villain always loses, and it's in every story. Point Blank period."
"There are no winners only losers."
"Winning cures everything and losing opens up the bucket of [ __ ]."
"Losing never really feels good. It's not the greatest feeling."
"I've surrendered, but to the winning side, not the losing."
"Losing is a disease. It gets under the skin of fans so deeply and can just petrify you in any number of emotions."
"I hate losing more than I like winning."
"Nobody likes losing, everybody's all about coming out on top, and obviously, that's what I want to do at the end of the day."
"I don't like losing because my reputation is at stake."
"The art of losing isn't hard to master."
"It's evident, the art of losing is not too hard to master."
"What could be scarier than losing your car keys?"
"Being able to lose and lose well is a skill that very few people possess."
"It's nice to not be in competition with each other, especially 'cause I'm losing."
"First place is for winners. Second place is the first loser."
"Shane hates to lose, hates it in anything."
"You're a winner, he's a loser, end of story."
"Losing is a permanent part of life. You'll never eliminate losing in life. No sports team expects not to lose. So become a good loser, become a controlled loser, become an intelligent loser."
"Winning is always the most important thing to me, I want to win for bragging rights, I'm a terrible loser."
"You can learn from losing as well as from winning."
"Winning or losing, it's all about probabilities."
"Whoever is bothered most by what you don't like, that's who's going to lose."
"There is no shame in losing; it happens to everyone."
"He who loses his life will find it."
"Losing is worse than winning is good. Why is that? That's how I feel at least."
"If you wanna win better than the rest, you must learn how to lose better than the rest."
"If you don't know how to lose, you'll never know how to win. If you don't know this, you shouldn't be playing."
"I hate losing. I've been competitive all my life."
"I hate losing, I know losing sucks. Anyone else agree?"
"You don't win, you just don't lose."
"It sucks losing, losing is pretty horrible you know."
"When it comes to gambling, the best feeling is gambling and winning, the second best feeling is gambling and losing."
"I know I'm gonna lose sometimes and win most of the time."
"Poker's funny like that. Whenever you win a bunch you're like, 'Yeah, everything's free, it's awesome.' Then you lose like a bunch of money, you're like, 'Oh God, I can't keep up with these bills.'"
"That's why I'm not like super into gambling, because I know that if I did it more, I would eventually be a loser like everybody else."
"It’s been a while. She has forgotten how it feels to lose."
"I'm happy to be a loser, sometimes it's nice to lose."
"They want it to look like they're winning at all costs and at all times, even if they're like losing badly."
"The best loser is still better than being the worst loser."
"This man is literally, I don't think he can lose more."
"The freedom of losing is exhilarating."
"Joey loses the award and he and the Camera Pants him and he's just throwing an absolute fit it's like yeah you know what losing stinks yep you got to be a gracious loser you can't be like [ __ ] this whatever you got to stand up and clap"
"I hate losing more than I love winning."
"I think I hate losing more than I love winning actually now that I think about it."
"Winning is a marvelous thing. Losing is not good. But you’d better learn how to lose with grace and get the smile off your face."
"Winning companies have an enormous responsibility wherever they go, losing companies can't do anything."
"Sometimes when you lose, you win."
"Nobody believes or gives moral victories for losing."
"The pain of losing is a great motivator."
"Just because you lose doesn't mean you're not a great player."
"It's okay to lose, it just makes you want to get better."
"It was the most fun losing I'd ever had."
"You don't lose, you only lose when you don't compete. All life is built on competition."
"We hate losing a whole lot more than we enjoy winning."
"It's okay to lose. The cool thing about losing is it just makes you want to get better and better."
"If you're not winning, you're losing."
"You have to be willing to lose, you have to be willing to risk things."
"You just can't say a loser, a good loser is just a loser. It doesn't work like that because as great as Kevin was, as great as Shaq was, they've lost more than they won, right? So you're going to lose more than you win."
"Losing doesn't really get any easier regardless of what level you're at. It's never nice to take."
"He hates to lose as much as anybody I know or maybe more."
"Losing brings humility into the picture."
"In Scotland, I'm convinced we like losing."
"I love winning, but I guess losing is even worse."
"I'm still going to keep that Mama mentality. You win some, you lose some."
"He's a real winner. Real winner's a real one. Being a good loser, he's a good leader."
"If you're losing 12 balls around, there's not a whole lot of fun."
"There's something that comes from losing. It should instill a desire in you to want to try harder and to practice harder and excel, and if you never get pushed to that level, you know, they, you're never going to be able to achieve any kind of greatness in your life."
"Winning isn't everything, and then what is losing? Everything."
"They win regardless, yeah, they're winning because the thousand people that won, 3,000 of them lost."
"People often say that the weird thing about our game is you have to lose to win, yeah."
"There's nothing wrong with losing as long as you know that you are probably going to lose and you're budgeting for that loss."
"Sometimes you win sometimes you lose yeah you you're inevitably going to get those big collisions so you kind of have to get your head around that and just just go for it and not not think about it."
"If I'm not gonna win, just take me off because I hate losing more than I like winning."
"I hated losing more than I liked winning."
"That's what life is about, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose."
"Winners exist because of the losers."
"Losing is part of winning. Okay, losing is part of probabilities. No one has a hundred percent batting average. No one."
"When you lose, it's just simply a product of winning. Winning is a product of losing; they're both a product of each other."
"You learn a lot about yourself when you win big or when you lose big in this game."
"You learn from when you lose and you kind of learn from when you win as well."
"Don't be a douche when you win and don't be a baby when you lose."
"Some days you win, and some days you lose."
"It's not fun to always win; sometimes you want to lose because that's when the funny [__] happens."
"Everyone knows how to win, but only a few know how to lose."
"In life, you win and lose. You win some, you lose some."
"You've got to learn to lose as well as learn to win."
"I've always been competitive and I never liked losing. I never thought that losing is a natural part of the game."
"It's not only winning or losing, it's how you win or lose."
"You win a few and you lose a few."
"Why does it have to be a winner and a loser?"
"Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose, that's what happens."