
Personal Awakening Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"If one person in this room has an awakening, it was worth the whole message."
"You're awakening to some truths; accept and seek wisdom."
"You feel protected around this person, you feel wrapped, you feel like you can grow."
"If he was able to pull his head out of his own ass and get a breath of fresh air for like two minutes maybe he might wake up a little bit better."
"Rise up from your deep sleep, awaken and stay awake, rise out of the depths of the underworld."
"Awakenings take time. If you're not ready for the truth, you're not ready for it."
"You have to try and awaken people one by one by one that's sort of why I write books like the laws of human nature to waken you up."
"He is not the Obito that Minato knew... He is one from another time and space, one that no longer exists."
"It's time for you to wake up from the day you came out of your mother's womb."
"There's a spiritual awakening that's going to be taking place for this person."
"You are awakening something in your bloodline, you are the cycle breaker."
"You're awakening to something more than yourself, than the story of you."
"You're the one I'm talking to, I'm not talking to those of you who are still unsure and you got to go figure this out, but there are some of you who are like nope I know exactly what you're talking about and this message is for you."
"Something ignited inside of you, a new awareness."
"God is touching you, waves of glory awakening."
"Your shadow self is awakening your true nature, your true power."
"So often it's in our greatest moments of challenge and even suffering that we transform and awaken the most."
"When you unplug from these lies that society programs into you and you plug into the truth, you literally become an unplugged alpha."
"Wake up, my darling, wake up, it's time for you to pay attention."
"The connection with you is so powerful that it has triggered somewhat of an awakening in them."
"Most guys don't realize they're plugged in until chaos or trauma hits."
"The trauma people talk about is half from being awakened, half the fallout from the rest of their lives not making sense."
"Solitude is what you need... you're being led up the mountain... a spiritual awakening taking place within you right now."
"Trust the process, trust this awakening that is happening within you."
"You have victory in this spiritual awakening."
"There's something here awakening within you."
"You wake up by following the guidance and allowing yourself to witness symbols."
"Sometimes in a very toxic relationship like this, it takes something very drastic to wake you up."
"Awakening... a realization shift or discovery of oneself... embrace your own uniqueness."
"Spiritual revolution is underway, embrace the awakening."
"You are about to have a major activation within you, Pisces, shining like the sun."
"Figure out who is capable of being awakened from this, awaken them, and then make your peace with what happens with the others."
"I woke up from an eight year fever dream like all at once."
"There's going to be an awakening, a shocking revelation, a surprising revelation."
"It's a celebration, it's a party, you've awakened."
"There's a correlate to that which is that many people experience major awakenings as a direct result of illness."
"The opportunity in this story is for people to wake up, find the idea that's trying to speak through them, and move forward."
"Nothing had shaken me up and I from my Slumber more than animal."
"It's hammer time for a lot of stuff folks... it's hammer time for your understanding of the lies... that have been inculcated into your skull."
"Pain does something to you that just wakes you up."
"Thank you for allowing me to wake up finally."
"Awakening is being sovereign and being authentic."
"You begin to discern truth from illusion and reject the programming that they attempted to indoctrinate you with."
"This person has become spiritually awakened and has actually acknowledged that you guys have a soul connection."
"Therapy has been the most awakening experience for me."
"Understanding came out, the scar's been showing up a lot in this series of readings for people, that's about an awakening."
"The Vampire Chronicles served as a queer awakening."
"There's something inside of you right now... you're starting to realize something inside of you is becoming alive."
"Red pill, blue pill. Let me tell you, once you choose that pill of enlightenment and you wake up, it's going to cause a lot of separation and division in your life."
"I'm really, really grateful for my awakening, I'm really glad that the universe decided to pluck me out of the bad situation that I was in."
"We're dealing with awaken, new discoveries, new permissions, new connections."
"You're all about discovery and truth, you're awakening to your truth."
"Now is the time that we open our ears, we unwrap our hearts, and we awaken."
"Something woke up inside of me and I feel like myself for the first time in I don't even know how long."
"You're breaking out of these dynamics now, and it hurts... but it's all a part of this awakening process."
"Grace is fierce love, dogged love, determined love, and it won't stop until it hurts you just enough to wake you up."
"Blush is worth at least half a cup of coffee in terms of my wake-up. I feel alive once I put it on."
"Awakening, somebody could be going through a spiritual awakening."