
Military Effectiveness Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"A military can have significant problems and make horrendous mistakes and still achieve military objectives for a variety of reasons."
"Diversity...allows us to fight more effectively across all domains, including intelligence, space, and cyber."
"Although he may not have been one of the most talented or ingenious military leaders of World War 2, he was certainly one of the most effective and iconic."
"Drones may not have won the war in Ukraine for either side, but it's hard to come up with many systems that have been as cost-effective in shaping it."
"Both of these jets have to find a role within a broader military doctrine and be leveraged with an effective strategy in order to actually win a fight."
"Sometimes old equipment is enough to get the job done, even if it means a military propped up by scores of refurbished T-62s."
"The effectiveness of Russian troops and the Wagner PMC in the area began to diminish."
"Firepower is always a combination of mindset, tactics, and technology."
"Hitting harder with more penetration and equal or higher firepower."
"The He 111s proved more effective during combat operations than the Do 17 and Ju 86 aircraft."
"The determination of the Ukrainian forces in Kupiansk was a testament to their professionalism, training, and dedication."
"Cluster rounds are just going to be more effective, often several times more effective, than unitary projectiles."
"The battle for the Falklands reinforced the potency of the submarine in a real war."
"Nuclear weapons didn't save the British Empire, they didn't save the French in Algeria, they didn't save the Soviet Union in Afghanistan."
"The Thunderbolts 850 cals did the job and they did it very well."
"If the enemy really only had small arms to counter them, a light tank protected against rifle fire was actually capable of closing with and destroying them."
"Russia's staggering losses were likely due to a combination of relative effectiveness of Ukraine's modern handheld anti-armor weapons, mines, uncrewed aerial vehicle dropped Munitions, and precision artillery systems."
"It's how effective are you at killing, destroying, pillaging, and plundering."
"The A-10 means close air support at its finest."
"The enemy did not achieve its objectives in any of its directions."
"The Spartans are very effective in battle... maintain order in their formations... March into battle in step... perform more cohesively in battle."
"Ukraine is winning, Ukraine is doing a really [ __ ] good job defending itself."
"Allied air power had destroyed enemy planes, guns, and ships."
"Desert Storm was the perfect scenario for air power."
"Franco's Elite Army of Africa units led the way and were obliterating far larger Republican militia units with ease."
"Professional armies are always better than a conscript army."
"Tank destroyers were credited with 500 kills during the Battle of the Bulge."
"Ukrainian hunter killer squads were a serious danger to Russian armor."
"Ukrainians continue to obliterate very expensive and modern Russian tanks."
"The Ukrainian defense line along the railways proved to be a formidable obstacle."
"All these negative nuances developing in the Russian army are a sign that our Ukrainian Fighters are doing a good job."
"Ukrainian forces, who are making the greatest use of incoming supplies, are crushing Russian forces at a number of key positions."
"The number one weapon in the war, incredibly effective."
"They're using them so effectively to defend their country."
"The P-47 thunderbolt was a true ground support star."
"It's a modern machine gun, I think it's a very good design. I feel very confident with it in this sort of conflict."
"High-tech weapons alone cannot win wars; rigorous and realistic training, effective organization, and skillful leadership are equally essential."
"No other weapon has destroyed as much armored machinery as the bomber drones."
"It's wild to see just how effective they have been against Russia in an active war zone."
"Facing off against an Allied tank, the kill ratio was all in the Panther's favor."
"In combat, the Panther was feared for many reasons, ferociously accurate, with unmatched firepower."
"All the cool guy stuff in the world cannot make up for competency or unit cohesion."
"The vast armies of the Sisterhood would be more effective if they could spread their wings across the Galaxy fighting as separate forces throughout the many War zones of the Imperium."
"The Ukrainian Army has rendered the Russian Air Force nearly useless."
"The T-34's simplicity drove the Nazi army out of Russia."
"The powers at be recognized just how effective these warriors were at defending the Borderlands."
"These dive bombers were very effective... they were worth their weight in gold."
"In this battle the whole of the artillery of both armies was fought for all it was worth and brutally demonstrated the power and influence in battle of this arm, when properly managed."
"Rajava has been really effective at fighting against Isis."