
Subjective Value Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"What really matters is what you personally got out of something, especially when you're younger."
"Games, movies, anime, whatever they are, art—an artist's objective being an art form which is perceived differently by different people—is precisely why I don't believe media can be appraised objectively."
"The value of an artwork is rooted in assumptions about the human performance underlying its creation."
"It's not for you and it's not for me, but it's for someone, so who cares?"
"If people decide something has value, it has value."
"I found a lot of games that I would personally download and play that would save me money from buying it over on a Steam like we talked about."
"It's always in the eye of the beholder right. It's easy for us to say we find value and somebody out there might agree and say I found a lot of value, some might not."
"A WRX is a car, a WRX STI is an icon, and there is a huge difference subjectively."
"Stats don't matter. That's like Gucci. Gucci is one of the best in music history."
"The words of a critic can't diminish what art means to the person it's made for."
"The value of any object is whatever people are willing to pay."
"At the end of the day, they’re nothing more than the value we’ve agreed to give to them."
"Value is in our heads based on our desires and agreements."
"One person's chicken scratch is another person's modern art."
"If you're willing to pay $10 for that really unique piece of pottery that was handmade and designed on the bottom then it's valuable to you but for someone else it might not be."
"Bitcoin gives value because we say it has value."
"A shiny Pokémon is still a shiny Pokémon at the end of the day, so don't let that make you think that shinies obtained at boosted odds are worth anything less or anything like that. Beauty's in the eye of the beholder."
"Bitcoin is whatever it is depending on your own circumstances and your environment."
"Just because some of these are worthless to somebody, doesn't mean someone else won't find value in them."
"The bridge of incidents only holds value to the beholder."
"This show is a fundamental part of my childhood, and whether or not you agree, whether or not it's objectively good or bad, whether or not anyone else remembers it, it'll always be incredibly special to me."
"I love it and I think that's all that matters in these instances."
"Things only have value when we give them value."
"I think that subjective experience has intrinsic value for us. It's important, and maybe metacognition is involved in that."
"Value is entirely subjective, and different people value things differently."
"Something is only worth as much as you're willing to pay for it. Absolutely 100%."
"Good art, bad art doesn't matter; all art is valuable."
"The value of something has nothing to do with anything inherent or fundamental."
"If I make, I'm Picasso, I paint something, I add something you don't like, did I ruin it? No, it's mine."
"One man's trash is another man's treasure." - Highlighting the subjective nature of value and perception.
"If I'm having fun, isn't that really all that matters?"
"Your nicest can be my lightest stuff."
"All that to say is it worth it? It depends what kind of things give you that feeling."
"If you're buying it so that you can have some sort of investment, now you gotta care what everybody worries about. But if you just want to have it up in your room so you can look at it because it makes you feel a certain way, that's great, do it."
"It's objectively very poor value for money, but it's the way it makes you feel which is the thing that makes it special."
"What's 'must-have' for somebody is not necessarily must-have for other people."
"Value is a lot of times in the beholder."
"The trophy, like a lot of things in life, is in the eye of the beholder."
"...value for every consumer of a good differs by consumer; some might put a higher value on the Lord of the Rings movie, another person might put a lower value on that."
"It's going to feel great for some people, but other people might not get value."
"Things are only worth having if you think they are."