
Mass Quotes

There are 308 quotes

"Our sun is insanely massive, comprising 99.86% of all the mass in the solar system."
"Some object with a mass of thousands of galaxies is now playing with the Milky Way like it's a feather."
"The plane of space-time is curved by the presence of mass, and the heavier and more concentrated the mass, the more the space-time surrounding it will warp."
"The most beautiful thing you could ever do on earth is the Mass."
"Mass tells space-time how to curve and curved space-time tells mass how to move."
"Energy and mass are actually two sides of the same coin."
"The readings at Mass are for the education of the people present, but their primary end is an oblation, a sacrifice."
"Even if it's true that all of these galaxies have supermassive black holes, they might actually have incredible agency despite their smaller fraction in terms of mass."
"Gs can only create force where there is mass, and it turns out the satellite industry has been finding ways to reduce mass for decades."
"I think it's a grace to realize that we miss the mass."
"During a Good Friday mass, in a certain moment, you can see a statue moving by itself."
"It would be easier for the world to survive without the Sun than to do without Holy Mass."
"Bodies do not exert forces on each other directly. Instead, a mass like the sun curves the spacetime in its immediate vicinity."
"Energy and mass are interchangeable."
"Mass really matters, essentially is what Newton's second law says."
"The greatest Eucharistic miracle ever recorded is every single Mass."
"We worship God in mass and we adore him."
"The four ends of mass must be reached: adoration, thanksgiving, propitiation, and petition."
"Neutrinos change their identity. Neutrinos have mass after all."
"A black hole is so dense that a single teaspoonful would weigh much more than the entire earth."
"We are going to offer that Mass for those of you and your loved ones who are suffering in such a way."
"The sun makes up 99.86 percent of the mass of our entire solar system."
"When we go to Mass, we are mysteriously present at the foot of a cross watching the Savior give his life for us and we're also standing outside the open Tomb with the women who greeted the Risen Jesus."
"a true Eucharistic miracle I said happens at every Mass when the priest utters the words of consecration"
"The Church, the Mass, is where we find God's mercy."
"The Mass is God offering God to God."
"If you removed all the interchangeable AR-15 parts from the world, the world would probably weigh as much as the moon. There's a lot of mass there."
"Mass tells space-time how to move and space-time tells mass how to move."
"It's important to understand that in most cases the mass and volume is going to stay the same."
"Things that move the speed of light always move at the speed of light so things that move at the speed of light don't have a rest mass therefore they are massless."
"The force between two objects involves the multiplying their two masses together and the more mass things have the more gravity they inflict on other things."
"By acknowledging the reality of the distance between heavenly and earthly things, the traditional Mass allows us to witness, to experience heavenly things, and not only to experience them but to unite ourselves to them."
"An object at rest wants to stay at rest, an object in motion wants to stay in motion. The more mass we have in motion, the longer it will stay in motion."
"If particles are massless when we well I guess the right thing to say is this in modern physics all these particles come from Fields."
"The mass of a field is the energy you get just from having a value, not necessarily from changing."
"If we really understood the Mass, we would die of joy."
"At every Mass the curtain of time is torn in two, you and me are there."
"By the time they had crowed thrice, the lord of the castle had left his bed. Mass was sung, and meat fitly served."
"The mass is the Eternal wedding Feast of the Lamb, the Eternal Union of you with your spouse Jesus."
"The most powerful form of worship: the Mass."
"Jupiter is 11 times larger than Earth and 300 times more massive."
"The more mass you have, the higher your kinetic energy before you hit the ground."
"The sun makes up more than 99% of our Solar System's Mass."
"We need to remember that when we go to Mass on Sunday, we are participating in a fulfillment of a prophetic promise."
"For normal day-to-day objects, it's their mass that gives them the ability to hit things and push on them and make it move."
"The Higgs field filling empty space gives mass to elementary particles. It doesn't give mass to protons and neutrons because they're not elementary particles."
"The homily functions in the Mass like meditation functions in private reading of Scripture."
"Generally speaking when you have metals like this the cathode is going to increase in Mass."
"Einstein demonstrated that if a body radiates away a certain amount of energy e in the form of electromagnetic radiation its mass will diminish by an amount equivalent to e over c squared."
"The Higgs boson gives mass to all things in the universe."
"We have a serious obligation then to go to Mass on Sunday and the holy days of obligation."
"this is genocide on a massive scale"
"To be present at Mass is therefore to be present at Calvary. The Mass lies at the heart of the Catholic liturgy. The Mass is Calvary made present among us."
"It's mostly some kind of spherical mass."
"The new Mass was published with an instruction booklet, and that instruction booklet was basically the official commentary of the writers of the new Mass about what the new Mass is and how it is to be done."
"The mass of a star correlates with its position on the main sequence, with more massive stars being hotter and brighter."
"A particle that has zero mass is a particle that will always and forever be traveling at the speed of light."
"The mass calls out to those who are serious searchers it rewards those who stumble upon it by Divine favor."
"The Sloan Great Wall is about 450 million light years long and has a mass of over 20,000 trillion solar masses."
"The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is truly our flag and our standard."
"That cross is what's going on at this mass as you come to receive the gift he gives you of redemption because he paid the penalty for sin."
"When they look at the host at Mass, they're filled with the Holy Spirit just by looking at them."
"The mass is the only perfect form of prayer."
"Every time we come to the Mass, we receive the very Heart Of God."
"Something's wrong and then just barely out of focus in the background you see these people in the most frightening mass I've ever seen in my life."
"More than anything else that we do on earth, in the mass, do we experience the true deliverance that is not human but divine."
"Black holes, with their immense mass concentrated into an infinitely small point, create profound distortions in space-time."
"Air definitely has weight and mass."
"Jupiter is so massive, about 300 times more heavy than the Earth."
"I've always said that you put the coils in to match the bolted mass and you put the airbags in to match the unbolted mass."
"The more massive the star, the faster it rushes along its track and the higher up it ends on the main sequence."
"Mars would need about 38% of Earth’s mass for Earth-like gravity."
"Installing Mass using snap is much quicker."
"Mass goes beyond just a provisioning system."
"Mass knows how to configure all of these devices out of the box."
"If you don't have mass, you don't have clocks."
"We had 2,500 people accept Islam."
"Jupiter ended up taking twice the combined material of the rest of the bodies in our solar system."
"Thank You, Jesus, for redeeming us and for making Yourself present to us in a special way in every Mass."
"Neutrino flavor change implies non-zero neutrino mass."
"If the mass really is all these things, then it follows that we cannot possibly treat the mass with too much solemnity, lavish on it too much care and reverence."
"You go to Mass to please God, not to please yourself."
"The Mass is the holiest act of religion. You cannot do anything to glorify God more nor profit your soul more than by devoutly assisting at it."
"The Mass is primarily an offering to God for His great glory, where we are lifted up to God united with Him in mind and heart as well as in body."
"The prevailing wisdom is that the neutrinos have mass. Absolutely not wisdom, it's an experimental fact."
"This is an example of where mass can make up for a disadvantage"
"The Higgs particle is has a much smaller mass than what another particle that we had detected before."
"If you can go to daily Mass, go to daily Mass, you are witnessing a miracle every week."
"So currently the way you think about mass for every sort of kilogram that you put in space, like that's what we talk about cost of launch, you think about it as 2.2 pounds, thank you for that."
"So, roughly the size of Pasadena, but with as much mass as our Sun, okay?"
"...something that seems to represent an extremely massive structure is the most massive structure ever detected in this region."
"The mass here is at least 10 times more massive than the one in our galaxy."
"Eris is the second largest dwarf planet in the solar system after Pluto, but it is also the most massive."
"Mass is an intrinsic property of every object."
"Every object in the universe is attracted to every other object with a force that's proportional to the product of their masses."
"In the standard model, it explains why particles such as the W and Z bosons have masses, while other gauge bosons like the photon and gluon are massless."
"One kilogram, a point to that equation, is equivalent to 8.9876 times 10 to the 16th joules."
"The relativistic mass of a particle increases with its velocity."
"Energy is related to mass by a factor of C squared."
"Wide frets have more mass under the string and they definitely feel different."
"Sirius A is about 2.3 times or 2.4 times more massive than our Sun."
"The sacrifice of the mass is the New Testament according to the New Testament."
"Mass is ultimately all about worship, it's not about watching."
"Gravity operates according to the quantity of the solid matter which they contain, and propagates its virtue on all sides, decreasing always as the inverse square of the distances."
"The driving force behind these active galactic nuclei is a black hole with a mass of between 100 million and 1 billion solar masses."
"Gravity is caused by heavy objects bending space; the heavier the object, the more that space is curved."
"Perfection and more mass than ever."
"The center of mass is a point at which the mass of an object appears to act."
"Mass tells us how much matter or how many atoms an object is made from."
"Vesta is the second most massive object in the asteroid belt after the dwarf planet Ceres."
"Ceres... is estimated to make up about one-third of the mass of the entire asteroid belt."
"Objects with mass bend the space-time around them, and then other objects passing by simply move according to the shape of the space-time they're in."
"The lifetime of a star goes down as the square of the mass, so a star that's ten times the mass of the Sun will only last for one percent of the Sun's lifetime."
"Why does a particle like the electron have a mass? It's very important. If it didn't have a mass, atoms wouldn't exist or would be infinitely big."
"That's why it would mean so much to have it back for the first mass on Christmas."
"Jupiter could only become a star if its mass suddenly became 85 times greater than the mass it possesses now!"
"The combination of mass and Aesthetics he brought was impeccable."
"Moments of inertia are the rotational counterpart of mass."
"The only known way to give them mass is this phenomenon of spontaneous symmetry breaking associated with the Higgs field."
"We know they're not massless because of neutrino oscillations."
"That's the basic idea of the Higgs phenomenon, that there may be deep mathematical reasons why you cannot just by hand give a particle a mass, but spontaneous symmetry breaking can do it anyway."
"The Higgs boson is the thing that gives everything mass."
"The Higgs particle is associated with a field that sets the mass of all other particles in the universe."
"All matter in the visible universe has mass; it's what governs the movement of planets, stars, and galaxies through the force of gravity."
"If we infer the mass of the unseen compact object in the system to be greater than three solar masses, it can't be a neutron star, and the only thing left is a black hole."
"If there's something that's millions of times more massive than the sun, it ought to show up, yet we look there and there's nothing there."
"There must be an inherent rest energy associated with any mass."
"Jupiter's mass is two and a half times that of all the other planets put together."
"That mass turns out to be four million times the mass of the sun."
"80% of the mass of the universe is something we don't know what it is; it's not made of atoms the same way we are."
"The mass of one mole of oxygen is 16.0 grams."
"The mass of one atom is the relative atomic mass divided by Avogadro's number."
"The mass of protons, neutrons, and electrons has been worked out based on carbon-12 as a reference standard."
"The relative molecular mass is the average mass of a molecule compared to 1/12 the mass of one atom of carbon."
"The Father is always glorified, and the world is always sanctified at every Mass."
"The density is proportional to mass."
"...the scientists in this lab have actually accidentally discovered something amazing about the mass in the universe."
"The galaxies are actually held together by mass far bigger than all stars combined."
"Mass of an object is how much it hates to accelerate in response to a force."
"95% of the mass that we know about in the universe simply comes from this theory of quantum chromodynamics."
"He is present in the sacrifice of the Mass, not only in the person of his minister... but especially in the Eucharistic species."
"Neutron stars have a mass about one and a half times that of the Sun; they are a hundred thousand times smaller."
"As far as we know, the only thing this can mean is that there's something unfathomably massive right outside of our universe."
"The Higgs field is like a field of snow, and particles get their mass depending on how they interact with this field."
"Our sun is insanely massive. Want some proof? 99.86% of all the mass in the solar system is the mass of the Sun."
"Way back in 1884 Lord Kelvin estimated that there had to be a lot more mass we couldn’t see than we could see to explain the velocities of stars orbiting the Milky Way."
"The main equation that you're going to be using for circular motion is \( f = m v^2 / R \)."
"A very small number of alpha particles are deflected through very large angles, indicating that the nucleus is much more massive than the alpha particle."
"If you want to solve for volume, mass over density."
"Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system; it's 318 times as massive as Earth."
"Get a lot of volume... pull-ups are one of the best upper-body movements you could possibly do for both mass and strength."
"The perfect sacrifice done on the cross once and for all is represented to us at every Mass."
"Planet Nine is about 10 times the mass of the Earth, Jupiter is more like 300."
"The force of an object is equal to its mass times acceleration."
"The line integral would represent the mass of a thin wire."
"Jupiter is the most massive planet in the solar system."
"Jupiter is so massive that it has about 2.5 times the mass of all the other seven planets combined."
"The Sun makes up ninety-nine point eight six percent of the mass of the entire solar system."
"The more massive the planet is, the more strongly it can yank on the star."
"If I were 80 times more massive, I would have become a star, because I'm made of the same elements as the sun, how bizarre!"
"Any two masses attract each other with a force inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them."
"Something that has about a million times the mass of the Sun, that occupies a very small volume of space and that we can't see with our eyes, to me that sounds a lot like a supermassive black hole."
"The ruins of Nan Madol are composed of at least 750,000 tons of black rock."
"The density of states varies as the three halves power of the effective mass."
"The Sun accounts for 98% of the mass of our entire solar system."
"Sagittarius A is no ordinary black hole; its estimated mass is a staggering 4.3 million times that of our sun."
"Every time we go to the mass, we are participating in the great worship of Heaven."
"The mass of a galaxy was just the mass of its luminous matter."
"The law of conservation of mass states that mass can't be created or destroyed."
"How big do you think a black hole can become? In theory, we can't find an upper limit to its mass."
"It thus resembles massive disc galaxies and proves that galaxies of very low mass can also have spiral structures."
"All matter has mass, volume, and density."
"Atomic weight, also called atomic mass, is the average mass for all the naturally occurring isotopes."
"It also accounts for around 99% of the mass of the visible Universe."
"Mass can neither be created nor destroyed."
"Electrons and quarks and so forth move through this Higgs-like molasses, and that's how they get mass."
"Ftype stars like Proen are the rung above our sun in the Stellar Mass ladder, typically 20 to 40% more massive and 500 to 1500K hotter."
"The sun alone contains 99.8 percent of all mass in the entire solar system."
"Documenting the mass of celestial objects was popularized within the study of stars, see the most important factor that determines how long a star will live and what happens when it dies is how massive it is."
"The center of mass is where the mass of the body can be considered to be concentrated."
"Mass equals density times volume."
"When a net external force acts on an object of mass M, the acceleration that results is directly proportional to the net force and has a magnitude that is inversely proportional to the mass."
"The Higgs field... affects the way particles interact, giving them mass through something called the Higgs mechanism."
"The magnitude of the change in momentum will be given by the mass of the object times the sum of the speeds."
"The gravitational force between two masses is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers."
"The only way that you can have these objects continuing to rotate with these velocities is if there's a lot of mass around here that you cannot see."
"The gravitational force is proportional to the mass or weight of the object."
"Mass can neither be created nor be destroyed; it can just change its position from one place to another."
"This absorption into the one creator continues until all the infinity of creations have attained sufficient spiritual mass."
"Real objects are more complex than simple particles, but we can treat the entire object as if its entire mass was concentrated at a single point known as the object's center of mass."
"For objects that have multiple parts, we can find the center of mass of each part and then treat that as a point particle with some given mass."
"The total momentum of our system is equal to the total mass times the velocity of the center of mass."
"The universe is permeated by a Higgs field and the way particles get mass is by how they interact with this Higgs field."
"The rocket has a smaller mass and bigger velocity; everyone understands that."
"Something that possesses a matter of over 4 million masses of the sun."
"Kugelblitz... would be made out of concentrated energy in mass."
"His famous theory of E = mc2 describes how mass and energy are interrelated."
"Jupiter's mass is twice greater than the mass of all the other planets in the solar system combined."
"The Higgs boson... is responsible for giving mass to particles and hence the larger objects like us."
"Mercury is nearly 5 times more massive than the Moon, even though its diameter is only 40 percent greater."