
Subscription Model Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Subscription fees are bad... the reality is the genre can't survive through subscription fees alone."
"Imagine if you can save $11 grand on an EV and instead pay a nominal subscription fee. Wouldn't you take that offer?"
"The secret is to segment first and identify if there's a little segment in your customer base that for some reason needs what you sell regularly. That's the person you want to build out your subscription model."
"If you pay a subscription fee, you should have access to the whole game."
"I make money because people voluntarily give me five dollars a [ __ ] month."
"Software as a Service (SaaS) manages everything by the vendor, pay for it through a subscription model."
"By delivering even more value to players, we hope to continue growing Game Pass."
"If 7.7 million people on Twitter pay eight bucks a month he no longer needs those 750 million dollars that are advertisers I'm willing to say if 30 million people pay eight bucks a month on Twitter it's game over."
"Ashes of Creation will be a subscription-based MMO costing $15 per month."
"When you sign up at Timcast.com, you are supporting us and supporting Parallel Economy."
"I think a Switch virtual console subscription where you pay a small fee and gain access to a huge library of classic games would sell gangbusters."
"You might say that you want a subscription but I think that you don't realize how many people can't afford a subscription."
"Thousands of people subscribing per month for a low dollar amount like five dollars a month, that adds up."
"Apparently a subscription model to ease their dependence on ad revenue is something they've been considering for years but one that's become a greater priority given the current global pandemic and pressure from investors to accelerate growth."
"There will be a higher price subscription that allows for zero ads." - Elon Musk
"4k support yearly subscriptions are finally coming."
"I clawed and scratched my way to a $6 a month subscription and here we are 20 years later."
"Free speech is actually an eight dollar a month subscription plan."
"It's a different ball game when people are paying for a subscription."
"There's a reason why they offer subscribers the ability to sprint at level one."
"So basically you're in a situation where it's like steam except you're paying every month to have access to the games you already paid for."
"Apple Arcade... essentially you pay a monthly fee and you have access to paid games."
"What happens when then Microsoft says you know what game pass is no longer 15 a month it's of course 25 and they're gonna Netflix it right they get the medical masks and then they just go Boop."
"Former PlayStation boss said that Game Pass needs a lot more subscribers."
"The best source of income from your product is that of a subscription model."
"The focus that they have on Game Pass and trying to add Value World of Warcraft subscription included in Game Pass even if it was at the premium tiers sounds like a lot of value."
"Netflix getting rid of password sharing didn't make people stop using Netflix, it made more people buy Netflix."
"Let's go day one Game Pass for all of these."
"Every company wants to have their portion of subscription revenue... but it's always going to put a bad taste in our mouths that you could have just put that stuff not paywalled and given it to everyone. The paywall is just unnecessary."
"Netflix starts canceling inactive customer subscriptions."
"Microsoft is preparing for a more long-term future where we're looking at most people subscribing to a service."
"We're gonna have to go over to Daley wire comm and subscribe for $9.99 a month you can get a subscription to daily wire you know what you get with that."
"If I can make my subscription base approach zero, my ratio goes up through infinity."
"Book of the Month goes through all these hundreds of thousands of books and they choose five for you every month and from there you get to decide which one you want, it's absolutely risk-free because you can skip a month if you want to."
"You're creating a subscription-based photography company... You're now making an additional five thousand dollars per month."
"So please feel free to go to sibling rivalry comm slash support you can become a stranger for $1 a cousin for $5 a month or a sibling for $10."
"Sure they're selling consoles but Game Pass is their real product."
"Services continue to increase with over 900 million paid subscriptions."
"It's nice to know that you guys feel the same as we do, trying to make the best we can and keep it subscription-free."
"Become a member at timcast.com to support our work directly."
"The payment model offers a lot of content access even for short subscriptions."
"When Apple started putting iCloud ads inside of the settings in the iPhone, you knew that they were pretty serious about subscription revenue and recurring revenue."
"After a few weeks, I'd attracted a few followers, all of whom were subscribed for ten dollars a month."
"Everything we do is to enhance or drive Prime subscriptions."
"Thank you very much man it's like a Netflix subscription huh."
"Subscription services are not a new thing in publishing, but Spotify just announced... You pay one monthly fee and then you're going to be listening to as many audiobooks as you want."
"I think Microsoft is, it's obviously a core plank of their strategy right now that they're interested in making Game Pass as irresistible and offering as possible."
"Let's say you and three other friends, maybe two of you are on PC and the other two are on Xbox, you could all just kind of get thrown into a bucket and somebody pays the 25 per month."
"All of our games are in our subscription service day one... full cross platform included."
"Disney Plus will launch an ad-supported subscription plan later this year, offering a price less than the regular ad-free version."
"According to Epic Games, this is how the Fortnite Crew bundle will work."
"Every single game on that showcase, including the third parties, is day one on Game Pass. That is a 15 a month subscription that is absolutely insane!"
"Every single subscription helps. It's free, you can always make a decision to unsubscribe later."
"Create a subscription service where 1,000 people pay $83 per month. Subscription services are gaining popularity, and there are multiple ways to reach the seven-figure promised land."
"I'm still receiving commissions... every month because people stay signed up to it."
"You can think of it kind of like the LinkedIn subscription or with dating apps; they have the premium version but you can still use the basic version and still have success with it."
"Subscription revenue will provide a nice consistent base of revenue that maybe can help offset some of the ups and downs of the advertising business."
"Viewers support creators directly through a subscription instead of supporting their advertisers."
"Game Pass is probably one of the better subscription models even better than PlayStation Plus."
"If you wanted to get the show live as we record it and ad-free you gotta go to Patreon.com/funny."
"You wanna turn customers into subscribers, so where's our Zora, where do we go next?"
"The only type of products you should be focusing on is subscription-based product, that's it."
"Some of these services that I would call kind of my competition even though nobody does exactly what we do but they you can only buy a year well you know what I'm going month by month"
"Ubisoft says gaming subscription success requires Gamers to be comfortable not owning games."
Subscription boxes: "You could put it together in a box and then people can sign up to get regular boxes of just whatever you've got growing in your garden at the time."
"Empower Global requires sellers to pay a $35 monthly subscription to maintain a presence on the site."
"...this is by far the most expensive movie at 30, the other one's been 20, and a subscription service is necessary to have that... smart call on disney's part to get more people in on a subscription base."
"Microsoft has also benefited from having more of a subscription-based offering."
"The access subscription model is basically going to offer a sense of price exclusivity to their customers."
"It's basically a patreon it's like five bucks a month we just do it on Facebook because it's a great way to organize if you want to support the channel that's a good way to do it."
"Svelt has built-in this whole store concept where you can subscribe to values when they get changed you can update them and they'll get updated everywhere in the app and you don't require an external library like view x does with vue.js."
"The best-selling products I've noticed that at the moment in the subscription box industry are arts, crafts, and hobbies."
"The subscription model involves paying a recurring fee to access and use specific software or services provided by the cloud vendor."
"I just wish they'd put the subscriptions with memberships I think that's kind of cheesy you know what they did but unfortunately that's the best way to have memberships on your website without the subscription model."
"We learned a lot from Costco and Amazon Prime and these great companies that have built these great subscription businesses."
"... so in the short term Netflix is definitely getting good results you know the password sharing Crackdown is working you know they're seeing good growth from that new ad-supported subscription."
"I personally hate these software as a service subscription models and much prefer a pay once own it forever license."
"The newspapers and the magazines that embrace the subscription-based business model are just doing much, much better."
"Initiate company's first subscription business improvement project and reduce overdue payment by 90%, revenue impact of $35 million."
"Everything is a subscription now, and it will be going forward."
"The productized model takes a traditional service and turns it into a digital product that your customers pay monthly for."
"Wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to go to the shop for milk and someone just brought it to your house on like a subscription basis?"
"The lifetime value of a prime subscriber stays on year after year is very high."
"After the three months, I was enrolling them into $199 per month software."
"Everyone loves Quip, they were named one of Time's best inventions and is the first subscription electric toothbrush accepted by the American Dental Association."
"They expect to see 25% subscription revenue growth by the year 2024 or FY25."
"For as little as one dollar a month, you can get access to ad-free content, sometimes even early."
"The revenue you'll make from subscribers is going to be at whatever like 10 to 20 times difference than from advertisers."
"After the first year, you're only paying a total of four hundred and eighty dollars to use the SoulCycle bike literally whenever you want."
"We are now starting an option for a quarterly rolling subscription."
"Subscription services, they are the future."
"What better way than to start an online business where people pay you every single month or every year."
"That's why I think this could well be the future of gaming because rather than having to fork out for a new graphics card every three years, you could just pay your monthly subscription."