
Brainstorming Quotes

There are 561 quotes

"We came up with some awesome ideas last night."
"We were like, 'Okay,' and we [__] around for a couple of days on ideas."
"The brain dump is just the idea of getting everything out of your head."
"Maybe over time, new, better ideas for relaunching Astro Boy were thought up."
"This is a kind of collective brainstorming effort around how to keep Donald Trump in power."
"It becomes this sort of like cauldron where ideas keep bubbling up because you're all like making each other say yes."
"I'm very confident if we apply enough brainpower on to it with enough time we'll solve those problems right"
"I wonder how the [] [] still come up with..."
"We did not reach any conclusions. We put many ideas on the table." - Senator Durbin
"That's a great idea Mike! We're not going to make predictions but we're going to come up with our own lousy ideas."
"Zero drafting is just a lot of idea development."
"Electronic brainstorming or collaboration works because it removes a lot of the social barriers that exist when you come together with a group of people."
"A bazillion ideas in 5 minutes and 44 seconds."
"Talking through different ideas can allow us to find an answer."
"Oh dude I just came up with a nice idea, that's right."
"There are no bad ideas in brainstorming. That was a bad idea in brainstorming."
"Throw all the ideas on and then edit later on."
"There's dozens more that I could throw out at you right now they just keep coming."
"Every idea that we have ends up on a post-it note in one form or another."
"I was in a zoom call... and we were like wouldn't this be great what other challenges can we do."
"Mind maps can be used in a lot of different ways... it's a great way to brainstorm ideas."
"Brainstorming what brawlers fall under this family, I am just loving it."
"Here's a free idea for Nintendo: maybe an f099 where you have 99 different people racing around."
"Let's focus yeah let's get Focus any suggestions could have played wolf peak"
"The important thing is that we have a discussion and get more ideas out there."
"Your plan isn't marked, your plan is there for you to get ideas down as quickly as possible."
"An open development of ideas... your opinions."
"We loved brainstorming these items, coming up with the two packs and things we maybe would never think to see."
"It's the most beautiful moments of life, trying to discuss your brain with a brainstorming about how you can do something without having anything to make something change."
"We are smushing okay we are smushing short ideas together formats are going to return."
"Putting time in at the beginning to just get ideas out and explore as many different possibilities as possible."
"Put your thinking cap on, it's brainstorming time!"
"It's so much fun, like whiteboard out this, know what we talked about."
"I've figured out that I'm made of creative ideas, I'm always brainstorming, always trying to come up with something creative, a new way to do something."
"It's a busy card sometimes when we're busy we miss the big picture god it's a great card for brainstorming though."
"The word that I'm thinking about is Blood Axe, how can I make this more Blood Axe?"
"Pogo Cast, Bazinga Cast, we'll figure something out."
"We need to really cook something up crazy, like reach deep into the bag here."
"It might be just a crazy theory... Brock and I had loads of fun thinking this one up."
"Whatever we say right now is what we think and theorizing and stuff. It's not canon, it's just our ideas and what we, it's just spitballing, yeah. We're just spitballing."
"Does anyone have any ideas? Because I have a whole plan."
"We need something, I don't know, I need more ideas."
"I've got an idea... just let me spitball this."
"Somebody just needs to sit in a room with a notepad and be like, 'Okay, think of things, things we've never seen before, and then we'll go do it.'"
"The original pitch for Saints Row spawned from a design exercise that Volition held where the entire studio gathered around and the staff would have to come up with and pitch new game ideas."
"You have ideas you have to run through the different ideas does this work does that work you know who else has this name."
"I've always found that the best way to brainstorm ideas is to simply create a list."
"We want everyone to get involved with this and shoot out ideas for what this strain should be called."
"Let's spitball it, but [expletive] it dude, we're gonna have a good time!"
"The main goal of what we are doing is trying to gather as absolutely many ideas and inspiration for all of the things that we do from whatever things we happen to stumble upon."
"Mind storming... the 20 idea method than any other single method of creative thinking ever discovered."
"Every day we would just brainstorm on what can we film, and it would be like, 'Well, what's something somebody's never seen?'"
"Use your extroverted intuition to brainstorm all the good things that can happen."
For example, I can go to Chat GPT and give it a prompt like, "I want to create a new YouTube channel on a new topic, help me brainstorm ideas for a niche."
"We need all the functioning independent brains we can find here at the same time, chucking stuff back and forth and learning and figuring stuff out."
"Let's start brainstorming what we want to get for Christmas."
"Sitting in his chair, Shiro racked his brain trying to figure out how to attract the attention of the inspectors from the committee."
"No ideas too stupid, everything's on the table."
"We can use chat GPT and ask it for a list of trademark-free sayings based around our idea."
"...I would love to help you come up with ideas and troubleshoot exactly solutions that will work for you in your home..."
"If you were put in charge of directing a brand new Nick Tunes unite game, who would you pick as the playable characters if you were specifically banned from choosing Jimmy Neutron, Danny Phantom, Tommy Turner, or SpongeBob SquarePants?"
"...whenever they were brainstorming and spitballing ideas for another movie after Jason goes to hell... somebody threw out space as a bad joke."
"It's about creating a safe space, throwing ideas, and realizing there's no wrong idea."
"Our original idea was this, our brief for it was, how do we create something that we could talk about to our mates in the pub, without them laughing about it?"
"Use ChatGPT to brainstorm ideas for various purposes like business names, slogans, or content."
"What game would you make, what anime would you make a game for?"
"...maybe at the very least this will give you some ideas you can incorporate into your project..."
"Chat GPT is a great way to come up with unique ideas."
"Send in your suggestions for Morning DY and The DY Show, and we'll try and cobble them into a nice, a nice, a nice base and then we'll bake that in the oven and make some funny bread!"
"This is bubblegum, and then we Kyler and I, I think all of us here in the room got to put our brains together."
"Yeah, we knew we were gonna have four people and they're going to have to do something, so what did Steven Spielberg say? He says that is a great idea for a movie."
"I love the blank piece of paper exercise because it's based on Neuroscience."
"It's mainly just a place to like just draw ideas um get my like creative juices flowing and just experiment."
"The collective ushered in a no holds bar barefisted Royal Rumble cage matchup ideas that battled it out on the open Forum."
"I have an idea and I want to hear your thoughts."
"Sit down and ask yourself, 'If I really had to solve this problem, what are 10 things I could do?'"
"You have to write down the ideas, then we're going to write down potential solutions."
"It's a Melting Pot of everyone's best ideas and you just throw every idea in."
"Greg was immediately enthusiastic and agreed to join. Together they brainstormed various escape methods."
"Let's get the brainstorming going on our Christmas list. I'm excited to see what they come up with."
"The best way to come up with a good idea... is to come up with a lot of ideas."
"Something that I've said here has just sparked something off in your brain and something extra that you would like to add to this piece of the conversation."
"We're going to have to think of something because at any moment that raffle could end and that could be it so that is when Janine came up with the genius idea of what we're going to be doing next."
"Good things take time. If nothing is striking your fancy right now, just meditate on these ideas, these prompts, these questions and see what happens."
"Let's just load up the comment section with all kinds of amazing brainstorming methods and make this page the most brilliant resource for writers to come up with new innovative ideas."
"Let this be playtime. Let your brainstorm session be fun and imaginative, not a method of torture."
"That's cat bane. Dude, that's good. It's gonna be cat bane."
"We gotta come up with a name for this project."
"We've just had a fantastic idea as to what to do with it."
"Sometimes our best ideas come around a campfire."
"I sat in this room watching hundreds of people come up with the most creative kind of zombie crap you can even imagine."
"I just had a brilliant idea. I wonder if Stride Stacks."
"...how's that translating to the page, can I sort of make that work, and then we modify what's on the page and we iterate what's going on in our mind, and again, start to sync up the idea with the image..."
"I like Omniverse brainstorm better."
"We love trying to like come up with what we would make from the randomizer."
"I wrote all the main Concepts about 70 of them on little linges of paper and I laid them all out on the floor in the living room and move them about to see where they went and see if I could find a diagram and I really couldn't."
"Thumbnail it a lot. Do rough sketches. Figure out what those problems are and present those questions as you develop them too."
"I spend like four or five days just on the idea itself, making sure my brain likes it enough to spend a month on it."
"He asked a group of imagineers such as Ken Anderson, Mark Davis, Claude Coates, Rolly Crump, and several others to start coming up with designs and ideas for him to brood over."
"It wasn't even called spaceballs, it was called Planet... but then they were in the office just brainstorming ideas until he shouted out balls."
"I really love using Milanote to work through my thought process and really figure out what I want to do."
"It provides that space to just brainstorm and mind map everything I want to do."
"Getting those balls and putting them on the table can sometimes make it easier to clear your mind and brainstorm different solutions."
"Yeah throw it in the chat what are your best ideas on the day if you guys throw them in the chat right now we can take a quick look right over right off the open."
"This energy is brainstorming and they're in their feelings because this energy definitely hates nothing about you."
"So bottomline, when you're coming up with value propositions, try and brainstorm ideas by segment."
"It really is a blank page and no bad ideas in brainstorming."
"What else do you think could be really interesting?"
"It's nothing to get worked up about or stressed about, kind of like brainstorm and see how you can approach this."
"They would constantly throw crazy ideas at each other, dismiss them, have another idea, follow that a little further, dismiss that, but then something comes out of left field."
"Jamboard can be a really great brainstorming tool."
"What would a boy band with us three be called?"
"I'm an idea lady, and I'm good to have in your spitballing meetings."
"The best way is to get in one room and just map out different bits."
"It's so mindless for me. I let my brain run, then and then just kind of I soak it all in. That seems to be what works for me."
"Old school impression, and Lauren would be like, 'What if Jon Hamm played Herbert Marshall?'"
"We still got to come up with a name."
"I love all these ideas, you've got to help me decide which one is the best option."
"Let's brainstorm together what kind of project could I do with this technique."
"What I wanted to do now was take a moment to kind of brainstorm an idea with you about what we're going to do next for this area."
"Write down lots of topics you are interested in and want to discuss. You don't always need to be writing punchlines or jokes."
"I just sat down and I was thinking and she's literally talking on the voice memo like this and I was thinking maybe something kind of like this Welcome to New York it's been waiting for you yeah."
"I use this to quickly dump ideas and tasks that are just in my head."
"Dude let's make these things so [__] like on like undercover that there's never like a wink at the end like hey like here's the commercial."
"What could we do to solve that problem?"
"...whatever it is we need your brains coming up with an entirely new economic system."
"Maybe we could think of a way to do this better."
"We were sampling ideas with our minds."
"We were just brain-storming on how we could get the mast dropped."
"You got it, you came up with burglar and snackaderm right on the spot and I got nothing for a group of bears, yeah."
"I really love how you start with nothing but prompts and snippets of ideas and end up with all these possibilities to explore."
"Let's just turn it into 40,000. What do you think about that idea?"
"Whenever the question was what happens next, what they would do is they would write down the first five ideas for the next thing in the plot on a board and then they would cross them all off and then they would come up with something."
"a way to like use cedia circum fat writers block is just literally like okay have it just like give you brain have it brainstorm in the first five minutes of the new session you know give me you know give me 20 ideas on how to start from here yeah"
"I mostly just wanted to get down my ideas of the objects, not necessarily the details of each item."
"How would you guys approach this? I think there's a lot of different angles you can attack this from."
"How to brainstorm a book idea from scratch: falling in love with these ideas and creating something extraordinary from them."
"Make a list of all the possible solutions you can think of. Make this true brainstorming. So do not get too hung up on finding the perfect solution. Just put down any idea that you have."
"All of that aside, I feel like we can throw out ideas as much as we want."
"It just gets my juices flowing and it gets my brain turning on different ideas."
"A lot of positive vibes coming from this person. This conversation will give a lot of new ideas to you or to them or to both of you."
"It starts in this big jumble of mess of all these ideas."
"Let's take a step back and think about how we could solve this problem in a different way."
"You are right, our opening cold open should be Jack the carjacking car stealing experimental fuel because it is very good, I love it."
"We could do something with that, like that was the thing, David."
"So, we could get it to be the first in the phone book or something. I don't know, anyway, we came up with that."
"The brain dump is really just a blank page with bullet points and I dump anything and everything that comes to my brain that I need to file away later."
"The whole point of these is to exhaust a bunch of ideas and get them down quick so that you can move on to the next one so that you can search actively search for the best idea."
"The cost of writing down a bad idea is basically zero."
"I'm just thinking about I mean, my brain is exploding with all the cool stuff I could do."
"Edward de Bono specifically suggests in his book 'Po: Beyond Yes and No' that you can try loosening up your assumptions by playing with deliberately crazy connections."
"Brainstorm, brainstorm. That's a win."
"Oh, you're right, Chris, I need to come up with something that's all about being a basilisk."
"It's these questions that start to bring up good answers, good design, good things to see."
"Stick with me here, caller. How about a Christmas tree stand?"
"Ideas are a dime a dozen. You can brainstorm them all the time."
"Let go of the perfectionism and just kind of brain dump whatever comes to you."
"I dig the idea, keep the ideas coming."
"It's a really good way to start your brainstorming process and to start thinking about the things that matter to you and the things that you want to put into your essay."
"BRAINSTORM... Any idea, big or small, dumb or super smart is valuable because you never know where it drives you and what actual value you end up with."
"That's where you come up with the most ideas."
"Also do you think this idea of three paint roulette has enough legs for us to visit it again later maybe each time we do a totally different model or a totally different faction or maybe every time we keep coming up with new custom chapters of space marines."
"Let's see what we got next. Oh, I have a Brain Blast!"
"So when we're sitting there one day and he comes in and says 'what about a blimp?'"
"I don't know if this is going to work whatsoever, but I've got two other ideas based around this."
"Immediately hit me with inspiration, had so many ideas going through my head."
"I just think it's stupid, there's an idea here somewhere, a good idea."
"I remember the day that Audrey pitched the Nightcar idea to me and Wilford."
"Ideas can come from anywhere, everything and anything can be turned into a video idea."
"But just going through this process should be triggering lots of ideas of how you can actually improve the service."
"Brain dump: emptying the things that are in your head onto the paper."
"Sometimes the hardest thing to do is just sit down and like come up with something."
"Oh, come on, that's a fair, do you have an idea?"
"I love it dude, it's just... it's like a think tank."
"Now, has anyone got any tips genuinely on how we're going to score a goal second half here? Honestly, has anyone got any ideas?"
"If you're just getting started out you've seen how we've literally just created eight video ideas off the back of browsing twitter for five minutes and stealing ideas from nest labs for five minutes."
"We just had a great idea, um, I think, what did you say Gwen?"
"Nothing's a bad idea, you know, Mr. Golden?"
"...there's a lot of times when you're sitting with your buddy and you guys just kind of start shooting the [ __ ] or writing down ideas or a business you didn't think you want it now you got that..."
"Even bad ideas need to go down on paper."
"But then I was like, 'Wait, why don't we do this? It's like the 25 days of Christmas, yeah, like the 20 days of weddings!'"
"...Paul came up with the name Sergeant Pepper while on the plane looking at sachets of salt and pepper."
"We should honestly do videos like this more often where we just present all of the complaints but none of the solutions."
"Oh what if I made like a big sculpture of a cake and did this to it or whatever."
"It becomes about collaboration and throwing ideas around, an interesting conversation."
"Create unique ideas. When you have to write down 10 content ideas a day, you end up with some interesting insights."
"We should think about the best and easiest idea to make it as convenient as possible when recording the video."
"I think it is an amazing time to sit with someone and brainstorm and it doesn't need to always be about problems that you are having in your life."
"...and there's some stuff that I'm doing that I kind of want to be talking through with someone and I kind of want to get your opinions and I just think it would be more fun to do it together."
"It just gets your brain in the creative mood."
"I think it's just helpful writing them down because then you can see other things that come to your mind."
"Brainstorming is really awful for that creative innovation process because what brainstorming is really good for is going here's many ideas let's as a group hone down the ideas to one what is terrible for is here's a blank space make ideas."
"I'm an ideas guy. I think of really cool interesting ideas a lot. A lot of my ideas come to me in the bathroom, bro."
"What about like 'Mariposa,' like 'butterfly' but in Spanish? What do you think?"
"I think I want to do sort of like a thing in the corner maybe like over here."
"We try to come up with some ideas, you know, and maybe wrong, most of them might be right, who knows?"
"To do well, remember to ask yourself: what's the specific topic and what's the task? Once you've understood the topic and the task, you need to come up with ideas and arguments for your essay."
"Maybe we can make something else, what would we make? I have a few ideas."
"I actually had this drawing and this character that I made I was like oh my god what if we put like a hundred arms on him and and they're just like no."
"That's the most important thing about brainstorming -- that you don't let any ideas die before they even get to see the light of day."