
Social Injustice Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"Hermeneutical injustice is when someone gets denied the knowledge they need to understand and take control of their life because they are a member of a certain group."
"To the young black girl that was sexually assaulted by the officers and let down by her teachers... you're one of God's angels."
"No longer can be chalked up to simple incompetence. We have to understand that we're in the process of dealing with a system that's working against us."
"The racial disparity is associated with these practices are egregious, they're ugly, they're indefensible, they're inhumane."
"There's no history of America without taking into context the history of slavery and injustice."
"Joker imagines what happens when the people at the bottom of the financial ladder are deprived of the most basic human needs and dignities."
"We know that darker skin folks miss out on opportunities."
"Why aren't Americans receiving help like they are during this pandemic? Because you live in an evil oligarchy."
"It's messed up... it's not fair, it's not right."
"People innocent powerless people being targeted just for who they are."
"Humanity's potential is stifled, one class is oppressed and exploited while the other in luxury focuses its resources on keeping its power and powdering their noses instead of trying to make the world a better place."
"It's clearly attempted murder. In no universe does trespassing allow you to shoot someone. It was just an attempt to lynch a man in broad daylight."
"Nor has anyone been enslaved on the basis of their whiteness or been legally considered inhuman or prevented from voting or kept in ghettos due to their whiteness."
"Apartheid was one of the greatest evil inventions in the history of mankind."
"When you see something really wrong, you fight it."
"There is something wrong, there is something broken, and it does feel rigged."
"The whole system is designed to keep you down. Yeah, the whole system is a lie."
"It's sick, it's sick. Deciding in some states that you cannot bring water to people standing in line waiting to vote."
"The system wasn't helping, it was rigged against average Americans."
"The leavers talks about a specific social injustice issue that I feel like has gone completely undercovered."
"It's always the honest working taxpayers who get totally screwed."
"A poor man does not have right. A poor man is not funny. A poor man is a dead person working. Poverty is a reproach."
"They despise people protesting or even rioting over the horrific conditions because they are contributing to those conditions in literally every way they can."
"This inhumane crisis of evictions and demolitions is led by the religious extremist settler movement."
"A whole lot of people have real good reason to believe the system is rigged against them."
"They'll kill babies, they'll execute women, they take passports and tear them."
"Hundreds of thousands of colonists left to drift out here forever just to keep from damaging the board's bottom line. Disgraceful."
"The name of the game is to say that black people naturally have lower cognitive skills and that's something that they've been always saying about black players and black quarterbacks."
"Somebody's been hurting our people it's gone on far too long and we won't be silent or unseen anymore."
"You're in America, ours is an American story. It is the American story. We were plundered and pillaged unlike any other group."
"The US media just gave ample coverage to the abuse children found in New Mexico, certainly a tragedy, but again I would ask this, what about the countless Palestinian children being killed?"
"It's called a double standard and it's disgusting and it is destroying eviscerating justice in America."
"It's heartbreaking. You don't have a voice, you're not even registered. You're just like a floating nomad in this world because of Zionists."
"Black people couldn't vote, and wouldn't be accommodated at restaurants, parks, hotels, schools, or just about anywhere really that was used by white people."
"It is a traumatic thing to watch people of African descent, black people, Haitian people, treated in the way that we have seen."
"Lower income communities, communities of color are absolutely getting decimated based on a rigged system."
"Black women are underrepresented when it comes to the media and social outrage, even though statistically speaking, they are disproportionately affected."
"This shows such insane levels of disregard for your average human being."
"I'm tired of these people scamming, cheating, and trying to get through the system while the rest of the poor and middle-class people get nothing but the middle finger."
"The white man has a God complex, killing us in the streets, oppressing us. He thinks he can take our life when he wants."
"The real issue is not that the two groups fought as brutally as they did, that's to be expected with Warfare. It's the way that the government has treated the Native Americans in defeat that is truly just sad."
"Slavery is the ultimate example of self-bias, plantation owners seeing slaves as subhuman."
"Every time a farmer or shepherd is in trouble, they never deign to help us poor folk that live near the forest."
"No consequences, Popoff and his wife just get to live scot-free off the millions of dollars that scammed off of the helpless and the poor."
"Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe."
"What would you call a group of people who is expected to work, is viewed basically as property, isn't allowed to own land and isn't allowed to vote? What would you call a person who's in that position? Starts with an 's'... slave."
"The policymakers of the white society have caused the darkness. They create discrimination, they structured the slums, and they perpetuate unemployment, ignorance, and poverty."
"This system is stacked against you you just gotta understand that and move forward and try to find a way try to believe in something like reparations."
"The nobility does harm to the common people on a daily basis by denying them opportunities, tools, and even basic information about the way their world works."
"I can't believe how they were getting away with these terrorist hate crime acts, and the police were standing there."
"Ain't no reason why she should have got shot at all, ain't no way to slice that [ __ ] it ain't cool in any type of way."
"Understand when our brother Fred Hampton got killed in 1969, he got killed December 4th, 1969. Him getting murdered just assassinated, what they do not tell you."
"Racial sin dehumanizes people by taking away their fundamental god-given human dignity."
"God damn America for treating us citizens less than humans."
"Exploits the poor, reducing or weakening health programs, regimenting Mass education for an insecure Workforce."
"They don't care about the working people. They don't care about regular Americans. They care about enslaving you."
"In 2020, there was a terrible situation here when a black woman named Breonna Taylor was shot and killed by Louisville police officers."
"Mildred Pierce is one woman's struggle against a great social injustice."
"This system is uniquely designed to grind black people up into a dust into a pulp."
"This brother is spending more time in jail for burglary than that cop is going to spend for the murder of a young black man."
"It was an execution. You had a man begging for his life and he was shot five times for what? For his elbow coming up too high, for being confused, for being compliant. Why did he deserve to die?"
"Turning a blind eye to injustice is shameful."
"You are never ever getting what the rest of the world takes for granted ever."
"Despite the testimonies of Gizan Maxwell, despite the list that has been released and despite the testimonies of the victims in question, the rich will walk."
"This little girl was five years old when this happened. It's infuriating."
"Of all forms of inequality, it's injustice in health that's the most shocking and most inhumane." - Dr. Eony Jade Hilton
"I don't believe that a young Muslim boy being beaten up in the name of love jihad because he loves a Hindu girl is dharmic."
"We've been so screwed over, led astray, system rigged intentionally, like lied to and manipulated."
"We want all the pollution going to black folks... we want us to keep oppressing them." - Commentator
"George Floyd's life was taken from him unjustly, needlessly, senselessly in a disgusting way."
"Hierarchy is the bedrock of all injustice throughout human society."
"This person will live with this incident for the rest of their life. The humiliation and the physical brutality and the inhumanity of it all."
"No one has been disrespected like black people in this country."
"If you reduce race to a problem, there's never been a race problem in America. There been catastrophes visited upon black people."
"Blacks were kept down not by the application of law but by the failure to apply it when black southerners migrated in later decades to northern industrial cities."
"His life was brutally and mercilessly punched and kicked from him."
"Why am I being treated like this? It's really messed up."
"If you saw that in a movie where there was an officer kneeling on that guy's neck on the ground for nearly nine minutes, you would be like, that's not even realistic. And it happened, it actually happened."
"People just wake up and kill us whenever they feel like it, and that's not okay."
"The wealthy and powerful men who benefited from the chicken ranches services get away scot-free."
"The largest bias in the court system by a long shot is not against any particular gender or race but against the poor and good people but fundamentally usually the poor."
"A massive redistribution of wealth that is unjust and wrong."
"Honest, hardworking Americans are now being punished."
"Remember, she's a black woman in Alabama. They don't give a damn about us."
"Horsepower sells computers but torque wins races."
"What kind of monster would deny a child a meal because of their identity?"
"especially when considering marriage to rosalene and time when the Empire's taxes were already reduced the Nobles proposed cutting back on relief for the poor which included support for Orphans and widows in offense punishable by death"
"Dickens uses hyperbole not only for comedic effect but also to convey the severity of social injustices and the plight of the working class."
"Stop getting mad. Get mad at rich people. Get mad at all the politicians. They're all friends."
"Sorry to the people, innocent people, who are losing their lives, getting killed for stupid reasons. A very strange and mad leadership."
"Despite being a native Californian with deep local roots, she encountered severe social prejudice and discriminatory laws."
"If you can't scream, you can't protest, you are just subjected to the horrors that this society is doing onto you."
"Child slavery is when the child is used purely for someone else's gain."
"When we finally meet others who are the same as us, we realize that injustices we thought of as being unique to us are widespread."
"The origin of injustice is inequality in property."
"Putting a 'whites only' sign on the economic ladder for the past century... is the furthest thing from a meritocracy that I can think of."
"The stories people tell and are exposed to about social injustice, racism, and health inequity can influence the boundaries and scope of legitimate organized action against social injustice."
"The poor never get a fair deal; they never have and as long as men are natural men that have not been born again, the poor will never get a fair deal in this world."
"Racism is a system of denial, defamation, and destruction of a people's history, humanity, and right to freedom based exclusively or primarily on the specious, false concept of race."
"Driving while black, flying while black, shopping while black, walking while black... when police officers use racial profiling assuming illegal activity based solely on race, it's no longer annoying. It's criminal."
"The enslavement of the larger part of the people by a smaller part lies the chief cause of the miserable condition of the people."