
Right Action Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"This teaches you it's always just better to do the right thing, guys."
"Use your willpower upon yourself to think and do the right things."
"We have not been taught how to manage personal change, and isn't that shocking?"
"Morally, I feel like I'm a good person. I'll always try to do the right thing."
"I've no doubts whatsoever I did the right thing."
"You always have to do what you see is the right thing."
"He didn't know that moment was going to be captured for posterity's sake. He just knew that was the right thing to do."
"You always know it's the right thing when in the end there is peace."
"An uncanny ability to always do the right thing."
"We're morally obliged to do everything we can to try to do the right thing."
"Well, you know what Salvor Hardin used to say: never let your sense of morals keep you from doing what is right."
"...I'm proud of him for doing the right thing."
"There's no particular time to do what is right; this is a time to do what is right."
"I'm all about doing the right thing; we have to do the right thing."
"Many studies have looked at how clinical decision support at the point of the clinical encounter and at the time of clinical decision making can influence the physician to do more of the right thing and less of the wrong thing."
"The time is always right to do the right thing."
"She does it because it's the right thing to do."
"There can't be any other motive for doing what's right other than because it was the right thing to do."
"You have to actually know what is right and what is wrong, and you actually need to keep your emotions in check and do what is right in these situations."
"Thou canst pass thy life in an equitable flow of happiness if thou canst go by the right way and think and act in the right way."
"He makes gigantic strides in becoming his own person, doing what he thinks is right."
"Doing the right thing is better than doing the wrong thing."
"Furthermore, a man may act rightly without knowing that he is acting rightly."
"I really thought that people wanted to know the right thing to do."
"The focus of Karma Yoga is always what is the right action for me now, what is possible to do, and what I really think is the right thing to do in these circumstances."
"I believe that they'll do the right thing. They know this is the right thing."
"Good Jujitsu is all about discipline, discipline to do what's right even if it's hard."
"They respected one another and tried to do the right thing."
"Leadership is doing what I believe to be the right thing."
"You just gotta trust what you're doing is right."
"Let's make this better, let's do the right thing for the right reason."
"Leadership is truly as simple as attending to the little things and always doing what is right."
"Doing the right thing isn't always easy, but it is always right."
"You got to do what you think is right."
"If you think right, you'll do right."
"As a nurse, you should always be doing the thing that's the right thing to do in nursing."
"There's a big difference between doing things right and doing the right thing."
"Until this point in time, everything I've done in my life has been wrong. I can finally do something right for a change."
"He always does the right thing, and that's how he teaches me to be."
"If someone requires that you give them comfort, you just give them comfort, not because you're a spiritual person, but because that's what's right."
"With a valid goal, you have a chance of actually doing the right thing."
"I'm so very proud of Kingston... I know he will do the right thing."
"Just remember, Larry, it's never too late to do the right thing."
"It doesn't actually feel like I've done anything special... it just feels like the right thing to do."
"Playmakers make plays, we all did the right thing at all the right time."
"The future has a way of working out if you do the right thing in the moment."
"Doing the right thing in love will get you positive attention."
"You're doing something right right now by taking care of yourself."
"If you do anything out of sheer compassion, you will never be wrong."
"They really feel that your connection gives them a lot of courage, strength, taking a leap of faith, doing what's right."