
Disease Control Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"The best thing for all those businesses is to continue as they're doing in Yorkshire to get the disease down and keep it under control."
"We of course often forget that when a virus becomes less harmful, it is because the immunity of the population is growing, is keeping the virus better and better under control."
"Every civilization has its own kind of pestilence and can control it only by reforming itself."
"It's really important to give the public accurate, credible information when you're trying to control a new disease spread."
"We are beating this disease and we will beat it together if everybody works on it together."
"Mass vaccination will greatly reduce the significance of this disease."
"The major thrust of how we're going to control... is early case recognition, isolation, and contact tracing. That's the fundamentals of public health."
"We have very good surveillance systems that are going to help us... we've got to jump on them with early diagnosis, isolation, and contact tracing."
"I think the fact that there are tests patients now being identified locally has to do with that increase testing capacity and the change in the definition for who can get tested."
"Containing this disease in Iran not only helps Iran, it helps the world."
"Their only way to conquer this disease is to conquer it everywhere."
"Localized outbreaks don't seem to be spreading."
"The measures we've already taken together with those I'm announcing today are already slowing the spread of the disease, but we will not hesitate to go further and faster."
"They've been doing a tremendous job at keeping the number of new cases at bay here."
"If we let it go out of control, the virus is going to have a very significant effect on the population's health."
"Could there be another massive plague outbreak? The answer is that it is very unlikely because we can treat it before it spreads."
"Humanity has begun conquering diseases around us or at least has the idea of how to ease the suffering associated with them."
"With the tools we have in place now plus vaccination, we could bring transmission so low."
"We're seeing evidence that this can actually be contained and controlled."
"Containment tracing, if you know who has it, you can contain it better."
"So does that mean that disease expression and suppression is up to you? Pretty much."
"Significantly harder to cure some lethality...going to slow them down as much as it does is going to be very beneficial."
"We will never get this virus under control without a vaccine."
"With your help, we will slow the spread of the disease."
"Genetically modified mosquitoes in theory, their widespread release could lead to the total extinction of certain species of mosquitoes, eliminating the vector for so many deadly diseases."
"Nobody should die from this anymore; everyone should get [__] vaccinated. We should get it under control."
"It's ironic but all these animals are being exterminated when in fact they would be able to kill the rats which is spreading the disease."
"Anything's possible and most importantly you kill off pathogens."
"I remain optimistic that this disease can be eliminated."
"The goal seems to be to stop the disease from spreading rather than to reduce the harm from the disease."
"CHWs act as valuable resources for contact tracing, contributing to disease reporting systems."
"There appeared to be very little that could stop it other than isolating the people who had the disease."
"We couldn't cure it organically. I said I'm going to try compost tea and a biological called trichoderma fungus that eats funguses. One application and we stopped that disease dead."
"Prevention, though, is really the key to reversing the increase in incidence as the vast majority of reported cases are never linked to a particular outbreak."
"Maintenance therapy basically helps keep the disease under control for a longer period of time and typically it's not as intense as the medications at the very beginning."
"There's a big body of evidence that shows that maintenance therapy improves what we call progression-free survival or the amount of time that disease is under control."
"Use of vaccination really helps uh prevent the spread of this disease."
"Controlling the vector controls the disease."
"It helps control the spread of the microorganism."
"If you can control that route, the disease can be brought under control."
"The plague inspired the first and most extreme form of public health policy to protect populations and contain the spread of this horrendous and terrible disease."
"Controlling contamination and therefore the spread of the disease would have a positive effect on the health care system's ability to treat patients."
"We believe that ultimately the most effective initiatives to control this problem in these communities will come from the affected people themselves."
"The complacent assumption that modern medical science and public health had the tools to protect society and to eradicate diseases one by one was once again punctured."
"To control disease conditions, public health practitioners seek to break any of the legs of the EPI triangle or to break the links in this chain of infection."
"Vaccinating large numbers of a population can prevent the spread of a disease."
"These devices have resulted in the rapid diminution of the incidence rate for dracunculus throughout the world."
"Isolation is the separation of an infected person. Quarantine is the detention of healthy persons exposed to contagious disease."
"Epigenetic control can be used in the treatment of disease."
"Public health authorities could then begin to take more effective measures against its transmission."
"The treatment for myeloma is primarily designed to control the disease so that it doesn't kill the patient by damaging their organs."
"Varroa management is all about controlling the vector of the viruses that wind up killing your hives."
"Epidemiology is the branch of medical science concerned with the incidence, distribution, and control of diseases."
"This used to be the disease all over my plants... now that the disease is dying off, the plants are starting to look really good."
"In rolling out these injections to control cholesterol, we could be looking at the future of how all disease will be treated."
"One needs to model the essential dynamics of the infectious disease process in order to gain insights into the drivers of the spread and inform the containment strategies."
"Fungicides offer systemic and preventative measures to control fungal infection in corn plants."
"Adherence is vital for controlling this virus."
"Controlling water is the key to controlling disease."
"What happens to me affects you, so if you can control diseases so that each person is infecting only 0.8 people or 0.7 other people, that will protect everybody."
"The overall principle in effective Disease Control is to keep the inoculum of pathogen at very low levels."
"The main method is to cut the chute or branch 12 inches below the infection zone."